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How did this "balance" get released in patches sage rant.


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Why oh why do warriors get a instant 7k hit a channeled auto facing move that you can only be interrupted with a stun and a 5k hitting finisher. As a sage with 19k health i get hit for 7k-5k then ravaged for around 5k if stun is on cd or ill give them some nice resolve either way they have the advantage then i have taken around 11k damage possibly more out of 19k health. Then i am 1-2 more hits from dying and all i have to mitigate all of this is a shield with a long de-buff and a instant cast heal that heals for roughly 4k where as if i play tk and set up a warrior has at least 2-3 cool downs to mitigate and 3 interrupts to stop me from doing any damage then can literally lock me out of combat. I would like to ask a developer do you all play melee? From hyper gates you can tell its a melees game in the mid. Are you looking into how abysmal sages are? a average sage vs average warrior is a very one sided fight yes i know there is exceptions but i would like to not too get killed in 4 gcd's.

Also on a side note buff merc's

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Sage players that don't mouseclick and can strafe/kite in this game are having a great time atm.




The last class a capable bubble-stunning Sage is QQing about atm are warriors. OP I think you need to get some drinks, loosen up, and learn how to moooove.

Edited by KettleBelll
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Sage players that don't mouseclick and can strafe/kite in this game are having a great time atm.




The last class a capable bubble-stunning Sage is QQing about atm are warriors. OP I think you need to get some drinks, loosen up, and learn how to moooove.


You obviously don't play a SORC/SAGE either. Yes Sorcs can kite well in full madness, but you are only doing damage with low damage, long duration dots. With the large amount of roots melee have and that roots have no diminishing returns DPS sorcs can't get away in a group setting. The bubble stun corruption/lightning hyrbid is OP and a broken mechanic, but sadly sorcs/sages don't have anything else going for them and it certainly isn't the DPS Sorcs/Sages causing this problem. Dealing low, sustained damage via AOE might look nice on the scoreboards, but it doesn't make up for the lack of single target damage the classes have or the lack of mitigation.

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