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SWTOR I think I Love You


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I played in beta, played hard. I played at launch, played very hard. Loved it, but by mid summer the server I was on really became a challenge and I began warring with guilds part duex. They became boring very quick (**** for community, everyone is their own guild, no RP servers, account names showing ALL THE TIME, and its really what flavor of DD you want to play), and then the news about EP7 hit, and I began to jones for some SWTOR. Anyone else have that?


Since returning I rerolled on a heavy population RP server, and LOVE IT! Great people, great community, but all driven by a great game. Playing through the Op, Trooper, and Sage lines right now. On my old server, group find never worked, there was nobody to group with, but now it is instant almost every time. WOW, so much fun.


I know SWTOR earned some of the bashing at launch, but at second glance this is just so much damn fun! Well done Bioware, (EA can still kiss my ***), but Bioware was right, the story have added a replay to the 1-50 akin to many of their great titles. There are a few things I would like to see (chat bubbles), but the F2P has been great, the gear and social items fun, and new people just playing. Tython had 145 people on it the other day. So awesome.


Well done. I really hope their efforts to right the ship pay off, and we have a stable game for years to come. They have my thanks and support.

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It's nice to know that some people enjoy it.


I don't anymore, but I don't hate you for doing so. I personally think it's a very low quality game with a very poor (or maybe just lazy/EA-ified) team behind it, but that's just me.


Enjoy yourself whilst it lasts. Which won't be long, I fear.

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I'm with you; I think this is a terrific game so far, and can't wait to see where it goes.


I hope that it has the support to reach its two year mark going strong, as I think it will be then that we see the brilliance of the game start to shine through.

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It's nice to know that some people enjoy it.


I don't anymore, but I don't hate you for doing so. I personally think it's a very low quality game with a very poor (or maybe just lazy/EA-ified) team behind it, but that's just me.


Enjoy yourself whilst it lasts. Which won't be long, I fear.


Even MMOs that are considered failures go on for years and years, and this one is far from a failure.

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Even MMOs that are considered failures go on for years and years, and this one is far from a failure.


While it is not a failure, having less than a million subs (much less, perhaps less than half) def make it NOT A SUCCESS. Somewhere in the middle

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I was in early access but left in Feb, i'm back and I love it more than ever.


However, the amount of bugs are starting to get to me, i usually don't care that much because most bugs aren't annoying enough but lately I feel the number of bugs are increasing not decreasing - starting to get under my skin.


Anyone feel the same way?

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Played from very early beta some would say alpha through till March when the vast majority of the PVP guild I joined with left after the sour taste left by Ilum I left also until Sept and now find myself at that point again where I'm twiddling my thumbs most nights or closing it to go play something else.


Only profession I really liked is Mando and we are utterly crap in PVP nor is there any OW PVP now which is probably having a bearing on my enjoyment of things. NO ranked guild is interested in even the best played commando's which is such a shame to see an entire profession or 2 shunned to the side of competitive pvp and to still see Ilum the PVP planet used as nothing more than a daily run for PVE'rs is sad.


Subbed till end of Feb as things stand doubt I will resub.

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Also a founder - played 2 toons to level 50 (and various other to 20's and 30's) and quit by early spring.


Came back day 1 of F2P. Didn't like the F2P model so I bought a 60 pass.


Been having fun.


Will probably buy another 60 day pass in Jan... but at the very least, I can come back and play any time for a measily $30 for a 60 day pass (F2P really sucks - why anyone would not pay for a sub, I don't know).


Cheers. :D

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This is refreshing...From someone who has been here from early access, I'm glad to know that other people are enjoying the game as much as myself.



Thanks! Any day that I can 'refresh' anyone for any reason, it's a win. I know the boards are all bashtastic, but I have been having so much fun I felt like I owed the team at SWTOR to call it out. The volume of players on the fleet and planets tells me other are doing the same thing. Just relax and enjoy the content.


still...they need some damn chat bubbles, but I am not going to burn the building down over that red stapler.

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