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The Republic: SWTOR is "Out of Control"


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There are some valid points raised. I personally think it's better if BW focuses on delivering Makeb instead of spending time on a holiday event.


This year was really hard on everyone BioWare Austin. I think we as the fans should acknowledge that and give them some time to show us, that they are committed to making this game what the fans of the game want it to be.


Let's remember that SWTOR is their first MMO and they need to learn. Yes I know that they have some MMO veterans on the team. Everyone makes mistakes, it doesn't mean they can't learn from it, and avoid these mistakes in the future.


With or without the holiday or anniversary event I see that the server population isn't dropping. Which is a good sign. SWTOR currently doesn't need a event to hold the attention of the player.


I personally will wait for ROTHC, I have hopes for the update/expansion and I think it could give us a clearer picture of the future of this game.


That's a really nice set of points.


Sometimes the forums here can be really negative. However one way to look at it is that it would be scarier of no one was posting! I.e. the people who post do so as they are passionate about getting a great game. And with an MMO, it's hard to please everyone as different people want amazing WZ, amazing open world PvP, an amazing endgame and finally, amazing KOTOR style story and immersion (I'm one of these). And of course they're mad about the bugs and lack of QoL updates.


However, I'm sure BW know all if this and that now the F2P infrastructure is in place their teams can work on refining this, improving the game systems and servers etc and of course, working on Makeb.


Onwards and upwards BW and have a happy Xmas!

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And, yes, the pricing for Cartel Market items is insane,


^This. I like the cartel market for some things here and there but the prices could use a drastic (talking 50-90%) reduction, easily. Think about it, you're buying a level 31 prototype set which does not include bracers and belt while being nothing but reskins for around the neighborhood of 10-15 dollars?


What would that kind of stuff cost in other successful F2P models? a tenth of that? 20%?

Edited by Rezakh
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Without seeing the revenue numbers from the cartel market we can only guess. As always demand will shape the price. If they see that the items aren't selling as much they will lower the price. If they see that the items are selling like hot cakes they will not lower the price.


I think they are still trying to find out the sweet spot for players. I personally agree that the prices should be lowered. I would say around 30% - 50%, 90% is a bit much.

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What's really funny is the amount of misinformation and projection (based on mind projection fallacy) that I see on this board daily. From the game, to now Christmas, people just blurt out assumptions like they are giving out candy.


"polling numbers: “80% of all Americans are Christians, and 95% of all Americans who have a religion are Christian,” he reports. Even with the rise of “nones” — people with no religious affiliation — nine out of ten Americans answer “Yes” when asked if they believe in God."


Huh? what's that to do with the price of fish. The survey is American only (unlike the people on this board), the comment wasn't implying anything about religion other than stating several Christmas traditions started as pagan traditions for winter Solstice (which is factually correct) and lastly what does it matter to the point.


Namely SWtoR is the only major western MMO not to have a Christmas /Hannukah /Winter Solstice/ Holiday season event. Literally the only one.

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After watching the show a second time i cant go against anything they say.

The cartel shop is just at this points mindless greed.Like they say who is in charge of these loony toon prices ?

They just dont get it, i mean we all get it but they dont understand the basic of them pushing players away with doing these things.

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Then do something for the holiday no-one is saying it has to be santa hats and choirs on fleet. Eve is celebrating by having a massive fleet battle. Christmas? no. Fun holiday evert? yes.


Doesn't have to be immersion breaking - not that in a lot of ways ToR worries about that given christmas light speeders and Jedi in Sith armour but still.

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Im a huge fan of TOR but tbh these guys were right on this one expecially the 18 dollar speeder. And they hit the nail on the head when they said it was even a cool mount. Ill have to see what happens from here out but if there going to keep this up i might have to reconsider playing this game due to there pricing and how subscribers are getting charged insane amounts for vanity items that should be in game via quests.


That's the thing though, these guys (especially 2 of them) are huge SWTOR fans, those 2 didn't say a word against SWTOR for the first 9 months (only Taugrim did - although by "against" I mean he just pointed out what WAS wrong).


But now even they have started to tell it like it is.


Certainly they are bang on with the Cashshop being too expensive (far too expensive) and the whole Life Day at the Cashshop/$18.00 Santa mount being not only a disaster, but frankly insulting to loyal customers.

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Lol @ christmas whining.


Every other MMO is having a -winter event- its not CHRISTMAS.


rift? Fae Yule.

GW2? Wintersday

TSW? Okay, yea thats christmas but its a modern MMO based in present day.



Bioware took it one step too far making people have to pay to enjoy the festivities of whatever winter solstice event they choose to celebrate. Not only does no other MMO charge you to get your christmas items (some do have ADDITIONAL ones), but they all have actual festive events.


You can kiss bioware's butt all you want, but the facts are facts. More people like than dislike holiday events. A few whiny kids on the forums arent the voice of the hundreds of thousands of subs. Yet even with all of the things out there, podcasts, blogs, articles, videos, reviews, a lot from reputable and popular gaming sites pointing all of this out.....Bioware and its fanatics (I say fanatics, because I love bioware, thus I am a fanboy, but I can realize when they're wrong) apparently give no %^#^s.

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In episode 117 of The Republic, Gary Gannon says that SWTOR is "out of control." Referring to the pay-to-win space gear and the reskinned $18 Christmas speeder.


The Republic 117: Out of Control


Interestingly enough, according to this article on Massively, SWTOR is the only AAA western MMO that isn't having a Christmas event.


So what do you think? Are the GamebreakerTV guys off the mark? Do you feel the same way they do?



Please note: I am not in anyway affiliated with either GamebreakerTV or Massively. I just wanted to bring this info to the community's attention.


massively = small minded kid bloggers


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Preface: I am a huge fan of Gary Gannon. He wanted to turn Gamebreaker into the "CNN" of video game news, and the production values of his shows are tremendous.


Concerning this issue and THAT episode:

1. Always thought Holiday Events in MMOs suck. I could care less.

2. Bioware could sell virtual poop in the Cartel market for all I care. You want to spend our money on ****, good on you, good on them.

3. Other than the fact that you can get a few Blackhole comms now, stuff for the Space Game is hardly "pay to win." Besides, if you're an addict to this little side game, you're going to need the space package for those brutally hard new missions. (I will say this, however, I am not entirely pleased with the effect the space upgrades have had on crafters. I know crafting for credits is difficult as is.)

4. Gary Gannon is really the one "Out of Control." He has veered into irresponsible journalist territory; he is now that dude who never plays SWTOR, yet spouts off emotional opinions about everything in the game. He hasn't booted up the game in months and yet he's going to give us all his informed opinion on the direction the game is going? I'm really tired of the internet hacks in this position who continue to pound SWTOR in ignorance, and will probably continue to do so because they know they'll get a rise out of people -- negative or positive.


But to get back to my preface, I really enjoy Gary for the most part. He is a charming, witty dude. I am actually more disappointed with Larry and Justin -- they play the game and allow the show to become a SWTOR troll session.


Sorry for the wall of text...

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Bioware is haveing War on Xmas just like Fox News!


Lol,think you got that a little wrong,fox accusing the liberals of war on xmas ;)


Great vid,will be watching any future ones,these guys are spot on.Found the comments on longevity from 26 mins onwards to make perfect sense.

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After watching the show a second time i cant go against anything they say.

The cartel shop is just at this points mindless greed.Like they say who is in charge of these loony toon prices ?

They just dont get it, i mean we all get it but they dont understand the basic of them pushing players away with doing these things.


I hope someone higher up at Bioware EA has watched it, because it IS very difficult to disagree with anything they are saying.


And it can only help the game long-term for Bioware EA to realise this.

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Not pushing religion, just saying not much we do today has anything to do with Christ or Christmas, even in SWTOR. I'm actually agreeing with you.


Aside from the speeder with lights, which of the items have any relation specifically to Christmas? Just gotta say there were no lights for Christ which is what Christmas is for.


1. Orb? Nope, it's just an orb. Not specific to Christmas. Orb = snowball? Does it snow in Bethlehem? LOL


2. Holo-tree? Looks more like an Oak than an evergreen to me. Not a Christmas Tree. Some holidays use oak branches, not evergreens. Neither really have anything to do with Christ.


3. Tinsel Bomb? Confetti and the like is used to celebrate many holidays and other things, including New Year's Eve. So, again, not specific to Christmas. Tinsel is fake icicles... really? lol Yeah, I think... (not sarcastic... I THINK that is what is meant to be.)


4. Robes? They are dark red. There's no white in them at all. And no Santa hat anywhere. Again, not specific to Christmas, since red isn't only a Christmas color. Santa, Santa hats, red robes... nothing related to Christ at all. I don't think he would wear a red coat with white fur trim! LOL


5. Fireworks? Those are more of a 4th of July item than a Christmas item. Agreed! But some people like to blow stuff up on every holiday. So why not?


Granted, there was no Life Day event, but to say this is all Christmas stuff is just inaccurate. And you could argue that the lights on the speeder are just colored lightbulbs that have no specific connection to Christmas. There are no Christmas trees, no Santa gear, no elves, no crosses, no wreaths or poinsettas, and no reindeer. So, I ask again, which of these items bares any specific relation to Christmas? Gault isn't a reindeer but he does have horns...

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