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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So much for not charging subs for Makeb


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No it is crying and stoping feet because a statement that was made 6 months ago was changed because the state of the game changed. Everything that is part of an MMO world inside and out is subject to change.


Case in point SWG, one day everyone was ok with the game. SOE thinks NGE is better for us and drops it on all of us no matter how many of the players was mad. If you dont like it don't pay for it.


But truth be told EA/Bio can charge you for what ever they want to and can change what ever they want to when they want it is not our game we just pay or don't pay to play it


So sad. You think its about crying and stomping feet. I don't accept that from my grandchildren. I know people's word in this day an age has become passé. In mine it hasn't. I have not now...nor ever taken anything laying down. This about how things are down the right way. I prob will purchase Makeb, But not sight unseen with vague statements about what may or may not be contained within. EA/Bioware has shown on to many occasions that when it comes to content...it may be pulled at the very last minute.:o

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This is nothing about stomping feet or throwing of teddys, if its in such a state of change get rid of subscription all together and have everyone either prefered or f2p and just have 1 month blocks of pass's that when all are gotten together equal what a sub would cost because that is the only thing justifying keeping a sub right now.


And case in point is that even though the nge for how shambolic it was tapped ontop of the cu was free and hurt there game. And your right EA can charge what they want for what we want, ranked warzones, new warzones, more planets, operations etc and simply say all the subscription gives you is access to all warzones,flashpoints and operations without a cap because as it stands that all a sub gives you.


And it dont matter how many people to chime in that people are trying to ask this for free cos no one is, no one has said f2p players should get it free, if they have show me where they said it.


I wish SOE gave me the option to buy or pass on the NGE...

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I wish SOE gave me the option to buy or pass on the NGE...


me to cos i would have stayed pre cu but that has nothing todo with a content patch, your straying into the realm of a games company maintaining and keeping upto date 2 different clients and the seperate servers togo with them, in the case of swg it would have been 3 clients and 3 dif server sets.

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So sad. You think its about crying and stomping feet. I don't accept that from my grandchildren. I know people's word in this day an age has become passé. In mine it hasn't. I have not now...nor ever taken anything laying down. This about how things are down the right way. I prob will purchase Makeb, But not sight unseen with vague statements about what may or may not be contained within. EA/Bioware has shown on to many occasions that when it comes to content...it may be pulled at the very last minute.:o


But see they never said it would be free, Makeb was always labeled as "could be", "looking at options" or "Probley" and for some reason in this day and age people take that as"It will be", "Free" or "I should not have to pay" everything that people has linked as proof that EA/Bio said it would be free was from an interview that the guy asking questions was the only one to say Makeb and Free in the same line. I never expect anything for free, no matter what people say that can and most of the time does change.

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But see they never said it would be free, Makeb was always labeled as "could be", "looking at options" or "Probley" and for some reason in this day and age people take that as"It will be", "Free" or "I should not have to pay" everything that people has linked as proof that EA/Bio said it would be free was from an interview that the guy asking questions was the only one to say Makeb and Free in the same line. I never expect anything for free, no matter what people say that can and most of the time does change.


Again who is asking for free to players to get this for nothing ?

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Whether free for subscribers or not what, really tickles me is that they wont take their own cash shop currency for the expansion, really it just cracks me up how a company could make such a PR own goal, but then, I shouldn't be surprised....
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Case in point SWG, one day everyone was ok with the game. SOE thinks NGE is better for us and drops it on all of us no matter how many of the players was mad. If you dont like it don't pay for it.

Would you tell us what happened to SWG ? It's over.

Maybe we whine because we care. Maybe we think such a bad system will be the beginning of the end for this game, like NGE was probably the beginning of the end for SWG.


But hey, as you said, pay or don't. I choose to stop paying.

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Would you tell us what happened to SWG ? It's over.

Maybe we whine because we care. Maybe we think such a bad system will be the beginning of the end for this game, like NGE was probably the beginning of the end for SWG.


But hey, as you said, pay or don't. I choose to stop paying.


EXACTLY, people complain because they care, they are still within a point of emotional investment in an item and as a result are still a potential income stream. It always amused me when the "fanbois" tell people to clear off and stop whining when it reality they are hurting themselves if said people take their advice because if someone gives up they give up, they go and the game the fans profess to love loses financial support.


People complaining here may not be what Bioware want to hear but its a hell of a lot better to hear it than nothing and for the income stream to nosedive with no warning, its also gives a company an opportunity to sift through the crap and pick out the gems because they are in there. Criticism is not a bad thing even though nobody wants to hear it and people are often not strong enough to listen and really hear it.

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personally i dont care weather i have to pay or not. fact is plans change if im not mistaken makeeb was going to be free before game went F2P which inevitably altered plans as they didnt expect the need to go f2p so soon. like 5.99 is alot of money for wot u get. but hey ur choice play or dont play dont affect the rest of us
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personally i dont care weather i have to pay or not. fact is plans change if im not mistaken makeeb was going to be free before game went F2P which inevitably altered plans as they didnt expect the need to go f2p so soon. like 5.99 is alot of money for wot u get. but hey ur choice play or dont play dont affect the rest of us




Kinda will if there's no one BUYING......***..this game didn't go f2p because of the 2 million subs it currently has...oh wait.

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personally i dont care weather i have to pay or not. fact is plans change if im not mistaken makeeb was going to be free before game went F2P which inevitably altered plans as they didnt expect the need to go f2p so soon. like 5.99 is alot of money for wot u get. but hey ur choice play or dont play dont affect the rest of us


First, once again for the cheap seats...not about $9.99. Lasty you must have forgot all the ghost servers.

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Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies. Is all we ever hear from you bioware. 5 lvl cap increase and 1 planet is your definition of paid expansion bioware? Really?



When the "free" stament was issues there was no indication of a level cap increase. Am I correct that they are raising the level cap? If so, every game charges for that type of expansion. I've paid up to $40.00 for Wow expansions. This one is small, so ten dollars seems appropriate if they are raising the level cap.

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When the "free" stament was issues there was no indication of a level cap increase. Am I correct that they are raising the level cap? If so, every game charges for that type of expansion. I've paid up to $40.00 for Wow expansions. This one is small, so ten dollars seems appropriate if they are raising the level cap.


They have always stated that makeb would come with a level increase.

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When the "free" stament was issues there was no indication of a level cap increase. Am I correct that they are raising the level cap? If so, every game charges for that type of expansion. I've paid up to $40.00 for Wow expansions. This one is small, so ten dollars seems appropriate if they are raising the level cap.

They said the lvl cap would be raised. They even said each class would have a new skill. Someone may find the source for it, I suppose it was when they made the "coming this year" trailer.

If I remember correclty, we didn't know if the lvl would be raised by 5 or 10.

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When the "free" stament was issues there was no indication of a level cap increase. Am I correct that they are raising the level cap? If so, every game charges for that type of expansion. I've paid up to $40.00 for Wow expansions. This one is small, so ten dollars seems appropriate if they are raising the level cap.


And it's not about the $9.99.

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You can say if you don't want it don't pay for it all day long. Realistically though, you either buy it or become obsolete for end game because of the lvl cap and new abilities in comparison to those who have it.


I couldn't care less about Makeb but I will have to buy it anyway if I want to continue to PVP. That's what I don't like.


I still can't believe though that out of all the iconic planets not in the game they choose one that has no real significance. I'm sure we all wanted Makeb much more than Dantooine, Mustafar, Dagobah, Naboo or Kashyyyk....

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Hey spending 10 bucks for something later that would cost 20 imo would be welcomed by all the subscribers in swtor. And for F2P to actually be forced to spend 20 bucks to experience the 5 new levels and the new planet is even better. But of course I would be even more thrilled if they eliminated the credit farmers and lame whispers from people wanting you to buy from them...
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Sorry to all you drones that think it is about "$10". It isn't, it is the prinicple behind Bioware calling this a content patch barely 6 months ago, and now after Hickman slimes his way on board, it's suddenly a pay-for expansion, even to subscribers.


The $10 is nothing. Today alone, I spent $30 to Funcom for TSW and $20 to SOE for two Legends characters for DCUO. That's $50.


But I will not spend $10 to EA for this blatant BS, nor $15/mo any longer to them for a sub. I tried. In the end, they can keep it.

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actually, this was speculated that it would be an expansion we would have to pay for. and its only 10 bucks.


Actually it wasnt. It never has been until Hickman decided to slap the word "Expansion" in front instead of Content Update that JAMES OHLEN called it. Btw this was datamined at launch as a content update as well and its 1.4. Look it up.

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