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Battlemaster Exchange Program


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Casual gamer here. Hit 50 on my Shadow Last week, immediately bought Recruit gear and started hitting the WZ's hard. Was able to obtain, my BM LS, focus, gloves, and boots using my WZ Comms. 1.6 hit and I find out BM isn't even available anymore and now WH is available for essentially the same amount of Comms.


I'm not actively on the forums or visiting the site so I didn't know this was coming down the pipe. Is there anything I can do? Or am I just to grind it out?

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Casual gamer here. Hit 50 on my Shadow Last week, immediately bought Recruit gear and started hitting the WZ's hard. Was able to obtain, my BM LS, focus, gloves, and boots using my WZ Comms. 1.6 hit and I find out BM isn't even available anymore and now WH is available for essentially the same amount of Comms.


I'm not actively on the forums or visiting the site so I didn't know this was coming down the pipe. Is there anything I can do? Or am I just to grind it out?


You have become a lucky owner of a rare gear that is not obtainable in a game anymore!

Edited by Missandei
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Was able to obtain, my BM LS, focus, gloves, and boots using my WZ Comms. 1.6 hit and I find out BM isn't even available anymore and now WH is available for essentially the same amount of Comms.


If you hit the warzones as hard as some people can. you would have had the whole set in a couple days. Of course not everyone can do that, but as easy as it is to get WH now I don't see why don't you just grind out that gear? You seem enthusiastic about PvP'n.

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If you hit the warzones as hard as some people can. you would have had the whole set in a couple days. Of course not everyone can do that, but as easy as it is to get WH now I don't see why don't you just grind out that gear? You seem enthusiastic about PvP'n.


This is very true, but as mentioned i'm pretty casual, so it's rare that i get a good chunk of time to really grind it out. But i do really enjoy the PvP so i guess it's not really a grind. Just wanted to make sure there was no in game exchange option.

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