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Only 1 Viable Strategy for Ancient Hypergates? (Control Pylons)


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It seems to me the only way to win in Ancient Hypergates is to control both pylons and zerg back and forth to both sides from either the spawn areas or the 2 tunnels that go underneath mid (technically besides mid). Forgo the orbs and such. Stay and die at pylons to ensure you get all the points for having a node.


Its like Alderaan, but more fun.


And I say this as my team lost 725 to 12 in a match for never holding a node at explosion time.

Edited by itsmymillertime
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If one side is dominating the other they can sit on your face and say that they love you for all it matters.


Doesn't make it a viable strategy, just means they are rolling you and can do whatever they like because your side isn't good enough to stop them.


In a moderately balanced fight you force one cap while some of your team delays the other.


Then you fight in mid while some of your team again keeps harassing their node trying to steal it while mid is busy.

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I haven't played it enough to know entirely, but it seems to me that splitting your group is a risky endeavor to go for both pylons. Here are the things that SEEM to do ok so far.


Tank shadows/sins are great for orbs due to being invisible going one way, yet tanky to take damage and sprint back.


Scrappers/Concealments or dps assassin/shadows might be good for a ninja, but I do not like it being attempted early because now you have to defend 2 places. That's a problem against a competent enemy. What I did on my scrapper was wait until the timer was about to go showing no signs of me lurking there, then ninja cap; giving the other team no time to recap and defeating any orb gathering they have done. It helps if your team makes a frontal assault at that time to distract any guards.


That's it so far. Need to play it more to figure out positions of say; my sniper or what I find works and fails.

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It seems to me the only way to win in Ancient Hypergates is to control both pylons and zerg back and forth to both sides from either the spawn areas or the 2 tunnels that go underneath mid (technically besides mid). Forgo the orbs and such. Stay and die at pylons to ensure you get all the points for having a node.


Actually you have to control both pylons only one round.

If you done that - just keep your one pylon safe other rounds and you'll win.

Edited by Missandei
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One question I've been trying to figure out.... what sets off the timer for the explosions? Is it a set time every time or is it based off some specific objective?


But why? You have the exact time coundown each round. Just look at the WZ info tab. At the top of it youll see the timer. When it goes down to 0 - the pylons began to charge (the circles begin to fill clockwise and then pylons explode.

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One question I've been trying to figure out.... what sets off the timer for the explosions? Is it a set time every time or is it based off some specific objective?


It's a preset amount of time...2 minutes per round I believe.

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Im still questioning strats on this as well. I mean the map seems to cater towards sprinters and stealthies.



It is somewhat like CW where a stealthie guards the node, but I think controlling mid like HB is more along the lines where strats need to be fomulated.


Stealthie guards pylon, sage/sin runners, everyone else control mid?



Edited by L-RANDLE
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It's a preset amount of time...2 minutes per round I believe.


Ah gotcha, yeah only done it twice so far and was to worried about *** the point of everything was I didn't know there was a timer. Course think that's cause the defaulted the scoreboard behind where I put one of my q-bars so can't see it anyway and can't seem to move it in UI. :/ Guess time to rearrange the UI again.

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Im still questioning strats on this as well. I mean the map seems to cater towards sprinters and stealthies.



Its is somewhat like CW where a stealthie guards the node, but I think controlling mid like HB is more along the lines where strats need to be fomulated.


Stealthie guards pylon, sage/sin runners, everyone else control mid?



The key difference of the HG WZ is that each round you MUST control at least one pylon to get score.

If you dont control at least one pylon at the end of round youll LOSE all the earned points for that round.

So the key strategy is to prevent the other team to control the pylon at least in one round.

The gained score difference will give you enough handicap to win the WZ by controlling only one pylon in the remaining rounds. Even if you dont manage to bring alot of cubes or made a much kills.

Edited by Missandei
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Kills are far more plentiful and similar in value to orbs. People don't seem to understand that delaying your opponent's capture of a pylon just feeds them points. I think orbs could stand to be more relevant to the game play or else give negative objective points for every death so people understand they can't just go delay a capture like it has any relevance.
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Kills are far more plentiful and similar in value to orbs. People don't seem to understand that delaying your opponent's capture of a pylon just feeds them points. I think orbs could stand to be more relevant to the game play or else give negative objective points for every death so people understand they can't just go delay a capture like it has any relevance.


I agree, but more info on the point system needs to be in the audio so people understand the scoring system. Most people never go to the orbs cause they do not know what they mean in the warzone.

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Kills are far more plentiful and similar in value to orbs.


Just for information for anyone interested:


The kill score is depends of how many pylons you have in control. 2 pylons = 2 x score for kills.

basic kill score

3 Points for the first mini round

4 Points for the second mini round

5 Points for the third mini round

6 Points for the fourth mini round


1 orb = 2 x kill.

6 Points for the first mini round

8 Points for the second mini round

10 Points for the third mini round

12 Points for the fourth mini round


«Once you deposit the orb, it give a straight number of points. These points are added to the permanent score (i.e. you cannot lose them in the case of a double-cap).


NOTE: No points can be gained when you do not have at least one pylon. Kills will not count toward your score, and the Gree energy orbs need to be deposited at a friendly pylon anyway.»



Capturing the Pylon - 87 points.


The game ends when one of the sides get more than 600 points at the end of the round.


Considering the medals:

Picking the Gree orb gives you 1000 attacker points, and killing an enemy orb carrier gives you 500 defender points.

Edited by Missandei
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I agree, but more info on the point system needs to be in the audio so people understand the scoring system. Most people never go to the orbs cause they do not know what they mean in the warzone.


Yeah it does.


At this point I think it's also the issue that channeling orbs in a closet-sized zergfest is unhealthy. I say this since for first few days grabbing orbs was popular, now pretty rare.


I'm wondering if this'll evolve to more action at the sides, partially to improve runner chances.

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Yeah it does.


At this point I think it's also the issue that channeling orbs in a closet-sized zergfest is unhealthy. I say this since for first few days grabbing orbs was popular, now pretty rare.


I'm wondering if this'll evolve to more action at the sides, partially to improve runner chances.


Well, I think if they added a requirement to channel orbs at phylons, the WZ would be more fluid.Then defense at pylons would matter more.


I just can't see how not controlling mid, in the current build, is one and only strat... Trying to control both pylons is not easy without losing mid...


It's the ago old question of whether trench warfare(hold mid and one) or pincer(hold both pylons and conceed mid) is better..... right now I think the 0-5-3 strat might be the way to go....

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Well, I think if they added a requirement to channel orbs at phylons, the WZ would be more fluid.Then defense at pylons would matter more.


I just can't see how not controlling mid, in the current build, is one and only strat... Trying to control both pylons is not easy without losing mid...


It's the ago old question of whether trench warfare(hold mid and one) or pincer(hold both pylons and conceed mid) is better..... right now I think the 0-5-3 strat might be the way to go....


Pylon channel, interesting and I think'd make more sense.


0-5-3 or something close to it was the starting formula for wins so far that I've been in on. Losses were what you'd expect, outskilled TDM-wise and unable to hold a pylon so they'd ignore mid until near the big boom and just rack up the body count.

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Stealthie guards pylon, sage/sin runners, everyone else control mid?


Sounds likely for ranked. But in PuG groups, stealing pylon > orb gathering. Or at least that seems to be more effective, since the gain vs risk is pretty large. That also means you don't want to leave just one defending your node, ever!

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Sounds likely for ranked. But in PuG groups, stealing pylon > orb gathering. Or at least that seems to be more effective, since the gain vs risk is pretty large. That also means you don't want to leave just one defending your node, ever!


This, most of the time we win as a PUG is when someone steals a pylon in the last 20 seconds.

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You cannot have just 1 person guard the pylons. I know I can solo cap in the duration of 1 cc on my shadow. And if they break Mind Maze (the stealth mez), I can just throw lift and cap. Both cc's last longer than the 6 seconds it takes to cap. Even if the guard is in stealth, you can wander around and see them pretty easily. Even with good stealth level and skill points, stealth seems to be easily seen through.
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From the start, everyone floods into the same side. Most head to mid to try and secure, and however many are needed will go and kill the enemies so you can take the 1 pylon. There is no real distribution such as 2-6 or 3-5 because it is based on how many enemies try to stop you.


The other team will get off to a slightly faster start since they will cap their pylon first. But after the initial fight for your pylon, you have your whole team together and they are split up.


Now you move to and control mid. If they dont go fight you there, just stand there and get orbs. Dont even bother going to the other side of the map. You already have it locked up by controlling mid. Just make sure you don't feed them points via fail rambo methodology.


The only time I would say to go for both pylons is at the very end of a round. You try and take it to block them from gaining points, but you won't be able to hold both pylons long without everyone dieing and giving up points (and pylons). So only do this at the last second and only when you are behind. If it fails, you are doomed.


One game we won on the 2nd round, and both rounds we only controlled 1 pylon. So the risk of getting both seems way too high.

Edited by DarthBloodloss
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Gonna be honest I haven't pvp with my 50s since 1.6 mostly lvling via pvp alts(currently doing a sin lvl 31) and I aalways tell ppl to go left and let me solo their node simply put I m constantly putting pressure on enemy node if it 1 guard only I am gonna get their pylon by either beating him 1v1 or I force the guard to use his cc breaker then I lure him next to the pylon while kitting him till his resolve drops pop combat stealth mind maze and the cap is assured unless help arrives in time, aditionaly u can get behind the guard while facing the pylon and cast whirlwind and start capping if he breaks it pop combat stealth mind maze the node is mine, ofc in 50s with voice comm it won t work that easy but in pre 50 it rocks
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Gonna be honest I haven't pvp with my 50s since 1.6 mostly lvling via pvp alts(currently doing a sin lvl 31) and I aalways tell ppl to go left and let me solo their node simply put I m constantly putting pressure on enemy node if it 1 guard only I am gonna get their pylon by either beating him 1v1 or I force the guard to use his cc breaker then I lure him next to the pylon while kitting him till his resolve drops pop combat stealth mind maze and the cap is assured unless help arrives in time, aditionaly u can get behind the guard while facing the pylon and cast whirlwind and start capping if he breaks it pop combat stealth mind maze the node is mine, ofc in 50s with voice comm it won t work that easy but in pre 50 it rocks


Try this on your sin next time if it is 1 guard. Mind Maze, start capping, if they break CC just use lift (or whatever the assassin equivalent is) and then cap. Mind Maze doesn't fill the bar and lift will still be useable and is 8 seconds. If they dont break the initial CC, you cap. If they do, you reCC with lift, which is usable in combat (and can be speced for instant cast in the shared tree) then cap. then you can kill their defender, or restealth to defend with your vanish if they are getting more people there.

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harassing the opposing node is a losing tactic in this wz. you are giving the enemy free kills = free points.


the best strategy to win is to fully control one side and win the fighting in mid. controlling 2 nodes is unnecessary, and given the distance between them it is most definitely going to lead to you being over-rotated at some point and you would likely lose both pylons.

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