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Spinning kick issue from switching specs


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I am usually running a 31/0/10 Kinetic build when running PvP and PvE Scenarios. Last week, I decided to give a different approach with PVP and went with a 5/31/3 just for the hell of it too see how it goes. (I'll probably be trying out a 23/0/18 build later on but that's besides the point.).


My question comes from when i switched to the 5/31/3 build. I was unable to use my spinning kick anymore. What would change from the use of spinning kick before with the Kinetic build compared to a spinning kick that an infiltration build uses? Is there any reason for me not being able to use it anymore with the infiltration build or is it just bugged?

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Wow, we need more guys like you in the merc forums x)


In my experience, it's not just here. The forums for the Republic classes tend to be a lot more helpful and a lot less troll-filled. It's one of the reasons why I only really spend time in the forums for the Republic mirrors. Most of it I think stems from people going to the Empire to be "bad guys" and that personality being much more likely to delight in antagonization of people looking for help rather than simply helping them.

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