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Let's chat, burnout vs. obsession, casual player style.....


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It IS possible to play and enjoy end game content without being a frothing at the mouth, die-hard player. We will never be the first to defeat a boss on HM or NiM but we will eventually do it. We don't mind if we drop 30k Cr on repairs, we don't raise a fuss when our healer playing from work on his laptop has to step away for ten minutes to do his job, it's no big deal if someone has to call it a night because their kid has the flu ...


I wanna be in YOUR guild:D

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I'm a casual player in a casual guild. Last night our 8 man group of casuals completed TFB SM with only minor timing issues on the Kephess fight (really looking forward to the HM version of that fight) that resulted in a few wipes and only a couple of wipes on the Terror at the end.


It IS possible to play and enjoy end game content without being a frothing at the mouth, die-hard player. We will never be the first to defeat a boss on HM or NiM but we will eventually do it. We don't mind if we drop 30k Cr on repairs, we don't raise a fuss when our healer playing from work on his laptop has to step away for ten minutes to do his job, it's no big deal if someone has to call it a night because their kid has the flu and needs attention.


The people you game with are the most important aspect of your enjoyment. If you find the right people, everything else comes in time.


I would be very interested and talking about your guild, you hit it on the head as to how I game and maturity level. I am 45, 4 kids and love this game but am a casual gamer. I will be on later today after work:)

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....you mean I should be using power mods instead of crit?


If that's that case, that's what I get for listening to advice on the forums lol. I was soundly trounced for indicating I have power mods installed in my Sorc healer. Was told everyone knows you use crit, not power.


Just from use it seemed to me I got better overall performance by using power instead.


I'm a casual player myself, but my understanding from reading all the tips during the loading screens is that Healers should try to balance Power, Crit, and Surge. Power makes your heals better, Crit improves your chances to make your heals all the much better (but is still based on the score generated by Power), and Surge factors in there somehow as well. :)


I actually take that rule of thumb for both my Healers and my DPS. Maybe it's not the best Min-Maxing powergaming way, but I seem to get by okay doing it.

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I'm a casual player in a casual guild. Last night our 8 man group of casuals completed TFB SM with only minor timing issues on the Kephess fight (really looking forward to the HM version of that fight) that resulted in a few wipes and only a couple of wipes on the Terror at the end.


It IS possible to play and enjoy end game content without being a frothing at the mouth, die-hard player. We will never be the first to defeat a boss on HM or NiM but we will eventually do it. We don't mind if we drop 30k Cr on repairs, we don't raise a fuss when our healer playing from work on his laptop has to step away for ten minutes to do his job, it's no big deal if someone has to call it a night because their kid has the flu and needs attention.


The people you game with are the most important aspect of your enjoyment. If you find the right people, everything else comes in time.


I agree with this completely. The time I played in WoW was not awesome because of the game. It was made awesome because of that magical combination of great guildies who are real people and don't get bent out of shape when you make choices that put your LIFE ahead of a game. The content is secondary. Sure, we had fun running raids and wiping and crafting and doing heroics and wiping some more...but all that stuff is in EVERY game...doesn't matter what it is. It was the people who made it fun.


Good friends can make something that would otherwise be tedious into a blast.


To the OP: I do understand completely where you are coming from. I was always specced wrong. But I don't bother with playing in groups now...just for myself xD....although, it WOULD be cool to be able to customize the ship some. That's probably the RPer in me lol

Edited by Kabjat
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I would be very interested and talking about your guild, you hit it on the head as to how I game and maturity level. I am 45, 4 kids and love this game but am a casual gamer. I will be on later today after work:)


Yeah...my husband and I are the same. We'd join a guild like that lol

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I have 4 level 50s and sometimes I log on and have a blast, and sometimes I can't even make myself turn the computer on. It comes and goes, the excitement has certainly diminished for me and I surely don't intend to do another story grind any time soon. It has to be burnout, because it's not boredom. I was never really obsessed but I definitely used to play a lot more than I do now.
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a good guild and or having others to log in and talk to makes these mmos a entirely different gaming experience. finding a good guild though can be rather more difficult. mine doesnt actively recruit in channel but rather asks players we group with who we think will make a good fit. we dont care what class, age nor how good you are but rather how nice and if you are teachable and willing to listen. we have cleared every op we have done but are in no hurry to race through the game. we have fun and play for fun.


i dont now why you think having power mods for a healer is bad or poorly speced. my sage healer is power focused on his mods too but has crit and surge already at the diminishing return threshold. alacrity is around 8-9%. heavy crit is more of a pvp build generally.


my advice is to find a nice group of like minded people to play with. using the group finder will be the easiest method of meeting such. good luck and have fun. you might want to post what server you are on for others to help. my guild is a republic side one.:(

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Well playing any game for like 20+ hours a week for an extended period of time (months, years) would make anyone get burnt out. The same is said for people in jobs. If you get tired of it, then its best to move on to something else, its not uncommon to do so.


To reduce burnout I would suggest to play a different class. Sometimes I don't even feel like playing and I just log in to chat with my guildies and I craft and buy/sell stuff on the GTN. My other friends like to do datacron hunting for fun with all their alts or take screen shots of places all over the planets. Up to you really. I also have the TV on and different music while I play, because honestly the music can be dreadfully boring.


Truthfully, if I stop playing this game and move on to other mmos, I would definitely miss the legacy system.

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