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Why don't I like playing this game?


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When I log on, I que for a wz and play a few then log out. I never leave the fleet to quest or anything. And I really want to go out and explore but the loading screens are immersion breaking, and I think the planets are just way to big. You never see other players out there. I think maybe they should of made the planets smaller and left some room for later, make like part of the planet high lvl or something so we can come back to it I don't know.
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i find the planets smaller compared to swg but i do agree about the load times on the screens and it's even more of a pain when you are changing instances to join your group/ops ( that is if the ui doesn't bug out or client crashes )
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and you still have active sub so you can write on forums because you enjoy the game.You dislike some parts of the game because you play too much and you dont have a job.Therefore less complain on forums and find a job , dont finish the content in 1 month which finished by a normal person in 3 months Edited by kijthae
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The mayor reason players get bored at 50 and leave is because all they do is stand around on fleet.

Players who been playing a while hate fleet, that closed in boxed instance without soul and total lack

of immersion.Players should be on a huge open world so they feel they are in the star wars universe.'

Sadsly the bioware developers in charge fails to understand this.

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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i find the planets smaller compared to swg but i do agree about the load times on the screens and it's even more of a pain when you are changing instances to join your group/ops ( that is if the ui doesn't bug out or client crashes )


It's not the load times. Its the fact that there are so many loading screens at every corner. Would of been better if we could freely roam in space and travel planet to planet with 0 loading screens.

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The planets are not that big tbh, the main problem is the planets do get empty, once you pass each planet theres no reason for you to return, the game has far to much A to B to C. Ive always thought they should have added a level 50 area on every planet to bring places like Tatooine to life.


The other problem is BW made the fleet the centre of the galaxy and portals to flashpoints/ops, where as in SWG people would hang out in Mos Eisley, Restuss, Theed, Coronet when not doing anything.

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It's not the load times. Its the fact that there are so many loading screens at every corner. Would of been better if we could freely roam in space and travel planet to planet with 0 loading screens.


1 loading screen per planet isn't a lot. Cool story.

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1 loading screen to board ship, 1 more to get off ship. I don't like that one bit.


Right, it's like I said: one loading screen per planet/level. Not really that much. All other MMO's have the same for the most part.

Edited by Sindorin
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Right, it's like I said: one loading screen per planet/level. Not really that much. All other MMO's have the same for the most part.


Not really. In WoW, you can explore Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor without a loading screen. And that one screen you get when traversing from one continent to the other is not really a loading screen, takes only 3 seconds.


What I'm saying is, SWTOR should of been more seamless like WoW. Every single planet has a loading screen. That is the equivalent of every zone in WoW having a load screen at the borders lol.

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1 loading screen to board ship, 1 more to get off ship. I don't like that one bit.


Life sure is difficult; that 10 second wait is killer!


- you have the ability to go directly to your ship from a shuttle (saving you from having to visit the space-station while leaving a planet

- loading takes about 5 seconds (10 second wait to change planets since there are 2 loading screens)


Now if you're complaining about it not being realistic having loading screens pop up, I will have to remind you that your character is holding a lightsaber. :)

Edited by Brimmer
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Life sure is difficult; that 10 second wait is killer!


- you have the ability to go directly to your ship from a shuttle (saving you from having to visit the space-station while leaving a planet

- loading takes about 5 seconds (10 second wait to change planets since there are 2 loading screens)


Now if you're complaining about it not being realistic having loading screens pop up, I will have to remind you that your character is holding a lightsaber. :)


Its not the 10 second wait, its the fact that there is an immersion breaking loading screen there.

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The planets are not that big tbh, the main problem is the planets do get empty, once you pass each planet theres no reason for you to return, the game has far to much A to B to C. Ive always thought they should have added a level 50 area on every planet to bring places like Tatooine to life.


The other problem is BW made the fleet the centre of the galaxy and portals to flashpoints/ops, where as in SWG people would hang out in Mos Eisley, Restuss, Theed, Coronet when not doing anything.


I would like to see this as well. I agree everything said here.


SWG had multiple starports and such, perhaps rather than working on new planets they can expand on old ones and create new starports in level 50 areas.

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The loading screens are more than 10 seconds.


I'm American. I have the attention span of a fruitfly high on meth with ADHD. 40 seconds of loading screen 2 times while going from one planet to another is too much. I have hit the reset button and gone on to other things/games many times while planet hopping.


And don't say it's my box, because no other game presents itself to me with such long loading times. MMO or otherwise. Hell. EVEN STEAM LOADS FASTER. :eek:

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The mayor reason players get bored at 50 and leave is because all they do is stand around on fleet.

Players who been playing a while hate fleet, that closed in boxed instance without soul and total lack

of immersion.Players should be on a huge open world so they feel they are in the star wars universe.'

Sadsly the bioware developers in charge fails to understand this.


This is the same for any mmo not just SWTOR. I got fedup of playing WoW because all I was doing was standing around Dalaran or Stormwind etc.


At least this game has got a story focused focused leveling which makes it more fun there, whilst WoW has no fun experience leveling whatsoever.

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When I log on, I que for a wz and play a few then log out. I never leave the fleet to quest or anything. And I really want to go out and explore but the loading screens are immersion breaking, and I think the planets are just way to big. You never see other players out there. I think maybe they should of made the planets smaller and left some room for later, make like part of the planet high lvl or something so we can come back to it I don't know.


no no no no planets need to be larger not smaller!!!! and if all you are doing is staying on the fleet then yea this game would be boring and not worth paying for but not to leave because of load screens and loosing immersion?? i just dont get that at all, every game has load screens. either get off the fleet and go explore and do quests or unsub and find a new game.


now for me i dont like playing this game because the class stories are boring, the side quests are boring, the planets are too small so there isnt much exploration, the planets are too linear, there isnt much you can do to make your toon look different from others. and the worst part of it is that its more like a single player game instead of an MMO


the things i do like about this game is my companion, and its pretty... but thats about it, im about to unsub because i dont see why anyone is having to pay a monthly sub to play this game.

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Not really. In WoW, you can explore Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor without a loading screen. And that one screen you get when traversing from one continent to the other is not really a loading screen, takes only 3 seconds.


What I'm saying is, SWTOR should of been more seamless like WoW. Every single planet has a loading screen. That is the equivalent of every zone in WoW having a load screen at the borders lol.


ummm the loading screen for going to continent to continent is more than 3 seconds in wow... they do the hole indiana jones map thingy. and i still dont understand your whole immersion complaint ... its like a person saying they hate books because them having to turn the page is breaking their immersion into the story... or people hating tv because commercials break their immersion into their stories B^P

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no no no no planets need to be larger not smaller!!!! and if all you are doing is staying on the fleet then yea this game would be boring and not worth paying for but not to leave because of load screens and loosing immersion?? i just dont get that at all, every game has load screens. either get off the fleet and go explore and do quests or unsub and find a new game.


now for me i dont like playing this game because the class stories are boring, the side quests are boring, the planets are too small so there isnt much exploration, the planets are too linear, there isnt much you can do to make your toon look different from others. and the worst part of it is that its more like a single player game instead of an MMO


the things i do like about this game is my companion, and its pretty... but thats about it, im about to unsub because i dont see why anyone is having to pay a monthly sub to play this game.


The planets arent small at all.... but ok. To each is own i would never pay for WoW either so.

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I would design the game differently if the plan was to have a large enough crowd spread out equally on the planets.


First I would have horizontal scaling in content. So all quests can be done by any level, but there are lvls to show that content is completed, and lvls unlock points for specializations. I would also make sure since it has horizontal scaling to make character customization unique and engaging but also want players to create more than one character so have some real consequence. For example in the story being different and having an alignment system which affects NPCs among other possibilities.


I would still have story quests that gave abilities specifically depending on that development.


I would also put quests which where challenging and puzzles and would also give certain abilties and rewards.


I would make the game a lot fo about customization and rewards being unique with unique abilties as well.


Also I would put a lot of the content near each other but organize it in a way to also include open world pve and open world pvp as well. I think a good way to have this is for example have open world pvp in the center and have certain pve and other quests in the middle, but also have a majority of quests and story in nearby or outer parts of these areas.


Also have player housing. An engine designed for large scale pvp. Guild mechanics as well.


Also include active blocking, and active dodging. This can make puzzles interesting as well, and for combat. Also maybe add some aim the saber/gun abilities for active targeting or blocking or swinging with certain abilities.


Have open world raids and some instanced ones.


And of course get rid of the fleet, and add day/night cycles.


Have FFA servers. Have player bounties. Have one server that has isnta-death and full loot.


Have mini games. Have gambling. Have blood and decapitation.

Edited by VegaPhone
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just like to say i love playing this game, i have been here since day one.

I only have 2 lvl 50 and some low lvl toons i have a good guild i have alot of friends who play, there are thing i think could be better and need to improve i dont even PVP, i role play only when people roleplay, i do ops every week a flashpoint every day but loading acreens and times to enter places never been a problem never cared, I find most people in the game are friendly and happy I no reason not to like the game.


Its fun its Star Wars live the dream

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I remember the first time I alt-tabbed because I wanted to check something and the game came back with another loading screen. I just laughed. Pro tip, if you haven't switched to full-screen windowed mode, I highly advise it to get rid of at least one of them.


10-15 seconds of a load screen isn't bad. But getting them one after the other after the other is really annoying. I haven't seen anything like it since EverQuest back in what? Late 90s, Early 2000s? Is the Hero Engine really that bad that it can't handle seamless zone transitions which were *mostly" technologically retired back in 2004?


Granted the impact of the delay is artificially inflated by the "feeling" of constant loading. Load planet. Load ship. Load new planet. Pray to god there isn't a space station and you can go straight there. Load planet again if not. They have tried to help mitigate it by having direct path shuttles, but it really is just kind of bad game design. Making each planet it's own segregated area with load connections between each was a derp decision this late in the MMO market. One of many that has sadly turned people off to SWTOR.


Can we deal with it? Sure, its 10 seconds. My ADD isn't that bad. But should we have to deal with it in a 2011 designed game? Probably not.


And don't get me started on planets. I want to find whoever designed Corellia and punch them repeatedly. "Hey guys, people will have pretty fast speeders by now, how do we design the planet to slow them down? Hmmm... I KNOW!! WALLS EVERYWHERE!!! WALLS!!! BEAUTIFUL, LOVELY WALLS!!! IT WILL BE AMAZING!!!!"


/rant -.-

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if your loading screens are more than 10-15 seconds then you need to look at your setup because i have never had issues i know some people say use a ssd i dont and i still have load screens 10-15 seconds but then again the loading screens is just another complaint for the whiners
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no no no no planets need to be larger not smaller!!!! and if all you are doing is staying on the fleet then yea this game would be boring and not worth paying for but not to leave because of load screens and loosing immersion?? i just dont get that at all, every game has load screens. either get off the fleet and go explore and do quests or unsub and find a new game.


now for me i dont like playing this game because the class stories are boring, the side quests are boring, the planets are too small so there isnt much exploration, the planets are too linear, there isnt much you can do to make your toon look different from others. and the worst part of it is that its more like a single player game instead of an MMO


the things i do like about this game is my companion, and its pretty... but thats about it, im about to unsub because i dont see why anyone is having to pay a monthly sub to play this game.


Not just load screens, but the game doesnt run smooth like WoW. This is another deal breaker for me. And I have a high end pc.

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Not just load screens, but the game doesnt run smooth like WoW. This is another deal breaker for me. And I have a high end pc.


ive noticed that certain toons had more lag than others.. my BH has nice smooth gameplay with no lag but my sith gets all kinds of lag and the gameplay isnt smooth at all.

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