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What would you teach your padawan?


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You are a Jedi master. Servant of the Republic. A bastion of truth, and justice.


What would you teach your padawan? Like an epic quote, or teaching. It could be like my signature which is from Yoda. Except, this one is from you. There are no rules. GO!

Edited by EnsignSorrow
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Self-control and how to detact yourself from emotions.


I would encourge my padawan to accept all emotions then study them, understand them, accept them. control them.

In short i would encourge my padawan to be aware of themself.


One cannont understand anything if one cannont understand themself.

Edited by internaty
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Patience: To compose one's self until the right moment, to listen and trust in the Force to know when that moment has arrived.


Contemplation: To be thoughtful in all matters, to appreciate the value and repercussions of every act. Yet also not be bound by those insights to the extent that they fail to appreciate their instincts and the Force.


Conviction: If one is to do something, anything, then do it sincerely with your full effort. No half measures, do not cheat yourself or deprive others of your expertise and wisdom.


Detachment: Life is to be cherished and nurtured, but it is finite. Understand that all living things will one day return to the Force and that this is a natural and wonderful thing in and of itself for it is limitless.


Self Control: Beings have emotions, they're a part of us and should be understood and mastered, not the opposite. By that same token; poor is the being whose body cannot match the calibre of their mind and visa versa. Seek to keep yourself in balance, healthy and poised.


Humility: Do not expect failure, but be prepared for it. Learn from your shortcomings as you would from your success and you'll find that you haven't really lost at all, but become enlightened.


Versatility: Whether you prefer one route or another, be mindful of them all.


Self Reliance: Know yourself, Trust yourself. The Force may be with you but it is not a crutch.


Calm: Relax; learn to tend to yourself with the same compassion that you offer to others.

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Never take a life when it could be avoided. The person you may destroy could have a family who loves him and whom he loves. He could have friends. He could have hopes, dreams, memories. And one blow could crush it all. If an act of destruction appeals to you, you are not meant to be a Jedi. Saving time by slaughtering someone instead of capturing him is unforgivable. The easy path is one of the many steps on the path to darkness.
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You are a Jedi master. Servant of the Republic. A bastion of truth, and justice.


What would you teach your padawan? Like an epic quote, or teaching. It could be like my signature which is from Yoda. Except, this one is from you. There are no rules. GO!


When you jerk off, lock your door. - This is what I would tell my padawan as he get settle in my ship. :D

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"What is important is that you always do the right thing. Not when the Jedi order teaches you, not what the master's here teach you, but what you know is right. In the end all the fools in this order know is their code, and you will have to rise above that eventually. Your emotions are a part of who you are, and nomatter what anybody tells you never throw them away.


Become knowledgeable about the world, learn how people think and feel. Find somebody to love and something to protect.


Also learn Makashi, it's the best saber style. Maybe Djem So. The other's are garbage"

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Beside the Jedi Code , i will teach him to confront his fears:

"I must not fear.

Fear is the mind-killer.

Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.

I will face my fear.

I will permit it to pass over me and through me.

And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.

Where the fear has gone there will be nothing......Only I will remain."

( Dune- Litany Against Fear )

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Beside the Jedi Code , i will teach him to confront his fears:

"I must not fear.

Fear is the mind-killer.

Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.

I will face my fear.

I will permit it to pass over me and through me.

And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.

Where the fear has gone there will be nothing......Only I will remain."

( Dune- Litany Against Fear )


Fear can save your life more than once. Fear is strenght.

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