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Kal or Vector? Spoilers?


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Been kinda let down at how Kal started taking a lot of damage by the time we hit Alderaan but now after using Vector, I sorta miss her. Anyway, I got him now and am looking for suggestions from experienced Operatives. Is there that big of a difference in their DPS? Kal is great for keeping aggro even if she is a bit squishy.


Posting here because the Agent message boards are kinda dead.



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Pretty much all tanking companions start to get squishy around level 30. Of course it helps to keep their gear updated, but they'll never be invincible wrecking machines until you've got them decked out in end game ops gear.


Getting Dr. Lokin as a healer is the best option though (unless you're a healer).

Edited by chuixupu
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Pretty much all tanking companions start to get squishy around level 30. Of course it helps to keep their gear updated, but they'll never be invincible wrecking machines until you've got them decked out in end game ops gear.


Getting Dr. Lokin as a healer is the best option though (unless you're a healer).


As sorcerer I think the tank companion's biggest problem is that they won't dodge aoe, and it's hard to interrupt skills and heal them in the same time, so it's not good to use them against Sorcerer like mobs.

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Pretty much all tanking companions start to get squishy around level 30. Of course it helps to keep their gear updated, but they'll never be invincible wrecking machines until you've got them decked out in end game ops gear.


Getting Dr. Lokin as a healer is the best option though (unless you're a healer).


I'd say this, by the time you are finishing up act one Tanking companions begin to scale very horribly.


As a healer you can make it work reasonably well as they survive well enough that you can keep them healed up and whittle down the opposition, but for pure dpsers like Sniper/Mara/Sent/GS tank's go down hard and fast.


A big reason for this is that while they tend to have abilities that ramp up the shield chance considerably, they lack any true mitigation benefits from going into "tank" stance, so they'll have the heavy armor but lack the additional boost stance yields.


Just to illustrate how drastic this difference can be,


On my rage (i.e. dps) specced 49 Juggernaut


No Stance-- 28.01%

Dps Stance-- 31.01%

Tank Stance-- 44.59%


That last number would be 50%ish were I tank specced.


So there is a drastic difference in this game with regards to how heavy armor impacts. Becaause of this, anyone without a tank stance up would be the equivalent of higher end medium armor other similar games.

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Good posts and I am still kind of up in the air. My Operative is a DPS Lethality spec. I sometimes have to drop heals on Kal. I'll keep testing I reckon. Thanks for the responses.


Yeah I on my sniper I used Kaliyo for a long time despite being sub-optimal (basically if you wait until you are hit then have the tank taunt them off you instead of having them go in first you buy some extra time for them) by keeping her better geared then I usually worry about doing with a companion and then just using range to obliterate mobs.


Even with that I found the down time/effectiveness was a lot better just switching to the healing companion by the time my sniper hit low 40's,


That said, a scoundrel/Operative with a hybrid spec can do quite well with a tank companion (basically just go 11 points into healing for the HoT then the rest into dps tree of choice).

Edited by paul_preib
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Yeah I on my sniper I used Kaliyo for a long time despite being sub-optimal (basically if you wait until you are hit then have the tank taunt them off you instead of having them go in first you buy some extra time for them) by keeping her better geared then I usually worry about doing with a companion and then just using range to obliterate mobs.


Even with that I found the down time/effectiveness was a lot better just switching to the healing companion by the time my sniper hit low 40's,


That said, a scoundrel/Operative with a hybrid spec can do quite well with a tank companion (basically just go 11 points into healing for the HoT then the rest into dps tree of choice).


That is a great idea. Sticking with Kal and I just went hybrid. Appreciate the advice.

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As a Sniper I have always found me able to complete stuff best with a fairly well geared Kaliyo. I keep my gear up to date with flashpoints for each level range and put as much stuff on Lokin as I can get (Don't have alot of money to twink em), but I find that his healing just wont keep up with a couple greys or gold. Kaliyo on the other hand, I can put her on a gold and just let her die and it gives me more than enough time to finish them off.


Sure she dies alot and I have to res her alot, but overall I find my results with Kaliyo much better than Lokin.


Vector is just about useless for a sniper.

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As a Sniper I have always found me able to complete stuff best with a fairly well geared Kaliyo. I keep my gear up to date with flashpoints for each level range and put as much stuff on Lokin as I can get (Don't have alot of money to twink em), but I find that his healing just wont keep up with a couple greys or gold. Kaliyo on the other hand, I can put her on a gold and just let her die and it gives me more than enough time to finish them off.


Sure she dies alot and I have to res her alot, but overall I find my results with Kaliyo much better than Lokin.


Vector is just about useless for a sniper.


My Lokin worked well.

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