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The ball? Yea BW, you dropped it.


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I have held out hope for so long that this game would some how redeem itself, but I have finally started to lose hope.


I lurk quite a bit, and post very little. I watch the threads complaining about EAWare not giving a rat's *** about us as the community, and just tell myself " Oh they're just self entitled whiners." However, with 1.6 I am finally starting to see that this game is nothing more than a cash cow. The developers do not care what we want, they just spit out random bits of content to keep us hoping that MAYBE, just MAYBE, things will get better, and that we're staying subscribed to help the cause.


I'm seriously considering leaving. I love this game and where it could go, and I love you guys, but I just don't feel right giving my money to a company who cares nothing for their community, and everything for the all mighty dollar.

Edited by GlassToTheArson
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Cash cow or not I go into an MMO with very little hope for anything. I am a lot happier person in game due that. I don't care what anyone says about this patch I'm still having fun in this game and I will continue to play it until they shut the servers down on me. I have learned the hard way through other MMOs that having any type of expectation for them whatsoever is just plain retarded. Just take the game for what it is go with it and you will be a lot happier person. Edited by LordVilos
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Cash cow or not I go into an MMO with very little hope for anything. I am a lot happier person in game due that. I don't care what anyone says about this patch I'm still having fun in this game and I will continue to play it until they shut the servers down on me. I have learned the hard way through other MMOs that having any type of expectation for them whatsoever is just plain retarded. Just take the game for what it is go with it and you will be a lot happier person.



It comes down to one thing: Do you enjoy the game?

If you don't but continue to play it, then you have no one to blame but yourself.

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I have held out hope for so long that this game would some how redeem itself, but I have finally started to lose hope.


I lurk quite a bit, and post very little. I watch the threads complaining about EAWare not giving a rat's *** about us as the community, and just tell myself " Oh they're just self entitled whiners." However, with 1.6 I am finally starting to see that this game is nothing more than a cash cow. The developers do not care what we want, they just spit out random bits of content to keep us hoping that MAYBE, just MAYBE, things will get better, and that we're staying subscribed to help the cause.


I'm seriously considering leaving. I love this game and where it could go, and I love you guys, but I just don't feel right giving my money to a company who cares nothing for their community, and everything for the all mighty dollar.


They are relesing content in bits, yes. However, its more of a problem with thier release not having enough horizonatal progression at end game.


Its a design failure on thier part and expecting a lot of people to gear grind, roll alts, and gear grind. Thats what might happen in themepark MMOs. However, that successfully happens only in WoW.


So anyone who studied business knows the logic that businesses have to be different enough to be successful. Is swtor end game different enough to be successful? The answer is no.


So they are catching up to what they should have had by releasing major content like their secret space project, or makeb which has open world pvp (part of the horizontal progression that could exist in an MMO, but maybe even with makeb does not have that due to gear grinds that already exist or not offering rewards for long time participation in open world pvp instead of just rather making it an alternative to getting gear) 1 year later.


So instead of the secret space project or open world pvp... there needs to be more horizontal progression in the game. Is Makeb or the secret space project more horizontal progression? Probably not... so even then it would will be just more of what you feel is not enough.


It could mean you have played the game to point its not fun. Maybe take a break? There is new content coming every once in a while... and thats what themeparks do, they mostly expand on what they already have. More WZ,s, more vanity items, More Ops/FPs which are grinds.


The problem with a gear grind end game is that it also exists in a static world of limited choice. Why would someone want to see NPCs standing still on Coruscant that is day time all the time for 2nd time, 3rd time etc and no open world pvp what so ever? Sure its a core world, but at least there should be more life to that world. Or even worlds which are contested, the questing areas are seperate, and open world pvp barely happens... So playing alts has little reason to do with end game, or really the journey, but just the instances of story. Thats right, the reason to play alts comes down to instances of story and not what could be a lot fo other things.


So, this game needs more horizontal progression such as mini games like Pazaak, swoop racing, duel arenas, championship systems.


DO you know how easy it is to create duel arenas with championship system? Or how easy it is to put pazaak in swtor?


The question is why havent they put it into theire game yet? They expect people to RP championships, or maybe pretend to socialize with other imaginary situations in their static world on the fleet with... yes... their good customization system. One of the good things. However, the costs even though better, still a hindrance to customization. I have spent millions of credits on customization with just mods. That is lost money, and goes nowhere.


So this game needs a lot of things, but first they can start with the easy things such as mini games, duel arenas, and solo rank for pvp.

Edited by VegaPhone
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Okay all of you who think you are making a difference here with these very long threads are just retarded. No one is reading is very long paragraphs this in a position to make the changes you want. You really should just relax and play the game. If you enjoy the game play it, if you don't unsub and go play another MMO. Really is that simple. :D


On a side note completely related to to what I just said? I can think of 1,000,000 ways to waste my time in better ways better than making a really long threads on the site. Just saying...

Edited by LordVilos
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The rage is reaching critical mass.

I'm not sure which is funnier, the rage itself, or the schmucks who think raging will actually have some sort of effect in their favor.


Who are you to say that some one who is genuinely angry about the state of the game, is not entitled to their opinion?

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Who are you to say that some one who is genuinely angry about the state of the game, is not entitled to their opinion?


Hey, if you're entitled to your opinion, I'm entitled to mine. And the axe swings both ways. You're also entitled to my opinion about your opinion, just as much as I'm entitled to yours about mine. This is the way this little circle jerk works. Up until someone's mother gets insulted.


Opinions are like *** holes. Everyone has one, and we all suffer when they start to stink.

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How, exactly, was DA2 a catastrophe? I loved DA2. It wasn't a perfect 10 but it's easily 8.5. I can't wait for DA3.


What was your favorite part of DA2? The one singular town, the one singular dungeon, the one singular countryside, or the nonsensical storyline that doesn't even bother to have a proper [censored]ing ending?

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What was your favorite part of DA2? The one singular town, the one singular dungeon, the one singular countryside, or the nonsensical storyline that doesn't even bother to have a proper [censored]ing ending?


This basically. I was very excited for it, then they "Mass Effected" it instead of keeping with the engine they BUILT for Dragon Age. EAwares gimic is the use of the dialogue wheel.

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This basically. I was very excited for it, then they "Mass Effected" it instead of keeping with the engine they BUILT for Dragon Age. EAwares gimic is the use of the dialogue wheel.


Don't forget the part where everything you do comes back to **** you in the *** in some way. And the irrational cast of characters who had their heads so far up their ***, you could play the game as a mass murdering bastard, and still come off as the sanest person in Kirkwall.

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