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Lock Out timer for Abandoning Early


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I'd like to point out that the people in here supporting rage quitting are 100% of the problem and their attitude proves why we need a lockout.



Maybe you should go back to your Wii. Its designed for those who play 'for fun' and don't think that winning is important.


Why should I WASTE 15 minutes of my time when the team I am with are clueless? I'd rather quit and avoid getting stuck in the cycle of having the same bad players over and over, which does/has happened.


If you learned to play and mastered your class better then maybe people would stick around longer.


Point in question -

Sunday, a under geared Sin was node guarding. I was aware of the lack of gear, because I looked. I don't think the rest of the team bothered. Then they moaned when the point was lost. However, no call was made.


I then regain the node, same person guarding and I told them they MUST call, and not when dead. During the speeder respawn, I saw an enemy heading toward that node, so I quickly made my way over there - however - despite being a lvl 50 Sin, clearly the player didn't understand the class or know how to use it.


Instead of mind zapping the enemy(only one), they went straight into battle and 3 hits was dead. Thankfully, I had JUST made it in time to defend. Again, the person didn't call or use their abilities to at least hold the enemy off.


And this is what annoys the hell out of me. Unfortunately, although the gear gap has been closed, you can do anything about the lack of awareness or understanding, or buy the player a brain.


When I set out for a warzone, I only ever play to win, that's just the way I am - a winner. If we do lose, and we played well, then I can just about accept it. But if we play like muppets then I am gone. There is a big difference to losing and playing well and losing thanks to stupid errors.


And if you want a lock out for quitters, I want a idiot alert button we can press so they can be removed from the game and have a 10 year cooldown!

Edited by DarthMaulUK
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Two groups:


  • The actual rage quitters
  • Those who get DC'd, etc


The ones who are Dc'd, etc don't deserve this.


Not really. There are 3 groups


1.first sign quitters

2.incapable of standing to much stupid quitters

3.Those who DC.


if you will put lockout for quitting


1.will afk or derp - you actually want them to go since they will act STUPID (or logout for other char)

2.alergic to stupid, will rage chat a bit, go mental about group 1, maybe still try to win. (or logout for other char)

3.will get DC and not needed punishment. (and log in other char)


edit:in my humble opinion.

Edited by Atramar
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Yes, forcing me to stay in a fresh que--->


(wherein my new teams current score is 135 to the opposing teams 390 in Alderaan --- or at frequent times when my newly que'd up map puts me at an immediate 0-4 huttball disadvantage, with 5 minutes remaining,)


<---would never push me to rage quit faster, I'm quite certain. Despite whatever penalty I may incur in the process.


Also, dont forget how awesome it would be if, while in one game, I spend time to communicate objectives via text to my team, while at my spawn point, for a few seconds too long apparently, then unexplicably get auto kicked, (due to a completely retarded afk detection/prevention system), only to incur this great lock out timer for added measure/insult.


I'd like to add that, I'm certain that my general attitude towards all that is EAware/SWTOR would significantely improve, in a positive manner, should something like this ever be implemented.

Edited by Variden
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On many occasions I've had people rage quit warzones in the first minute and be substituted with actually good players who help us get the win :)


Well, on occasion you get grouped with players that know left from right and west from east, opponent team is not uber geared premade with total of 6 smashers with 2 healers and nobody quits.

Edited by GrandMike
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There definitely needs to be a punishment for abandoning WZs. The last FIVE I have been thrust into (all in a freakin' row) were in progress games with a minute or less left with us losing horribly. The last one, in fact, I couldn't even win any comms in because as soon as I dropped into battle I was attacked by three stealthed spawn campers.


I do not think any lockout should apply if you abandon before the game has started (before the gate goes down), at least not until there's a way to choose which WZ you enter, because I would rather someone leave before the gate goes down than have them loaf around unhappy about the WZ they got put in by random.

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Got into a novare today. I said I'm gonna go try and solo west, 2 should head east and cap+call and the rest head south.


I go all the way to West, my team capped east as they were supposed to, then I kill the one guy sitting on West. The next thing I see is all the guys from south just ditched south before they even got killed and the guys from east ALSO came to west. Meanwhile, S and E was capped(by the enemy), and the node that I pretty much solocapped was the only thing we had.


That moment, I knew it would be a bad game, so I left. Someone else can join and play if they want to. I play to have a good game, not yell at a screen.

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Got into a novare today. I said I'm gonna go try and solo west, 2 should head east and cap+call and the rest head south.


I go all the way to West, my team capped east as they were supposed to, then I kill the one guy sitting on West. The next thing I see is all the guys from south just ditched south before they even got killed and the guys from east ALSO came to west. Meanwhile, S and E was capped(by the enemy), and the node that I pretty much solocapped was the only thing we had.


That moment, I knew it would be a bad game, so I left. Someone else can join and play if they want to. I play to have a good game, not yell at a screen.


So you had 3 not at south from the beginning. That usually works...

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So you had 3 not at south from the beginning. That usually works...


works, if that 5 is interrupting and if stealtehr ninja does his job. 2 at your spawn is to prevent 1 vs 1 and make it 2vs1, 1 goes enemy bunker to interrupt cap if possible, 1 vs 1 kill defender, and then cap, and THEN 5 of our team moves to defending position.


5 in mid is not to take it (unless enemy leave or are weak and stupid) but to distract.

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works, if that 5 is interrupting and if stealtehr ninja does his job. 2 at your spawn is to prevent 1 vs 1 and make it 2vs1, 1 goes enemy bunker to interrupt cap if possible, 1 vs 1 kill defender, and then cap, and THEN 5 of our team moves to defending position.


5 in mid is not to take it (unless enemy leave or are weak and stupid) but to distract.


So what happens if the other team sends 2 to their sides node? they still have a 6 on 5 at mid and you still need 2 nodes to damage.


Or, they could be 7 going against 5 there and I am not sure how 5 holds up very long if the 7 are competent, but say they do and you wind up with both side nodes. I am willing to bet the other team is quicker to get to their side to take that node back than you team is to get from their base clear across the map to help defend. Again; if the other team is competent.


Basically; what you are telling me is you are gambling on your PUG team being better than the other team either by being good or the other team being really bad, and then when you find out that is not the case, you quit.

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So what happens if the other team sends 2 to their sides node? they still have a 6 on 5 at mid and you still need 2 nodes to damage.


Or, they could be 7 going against 5 there and I am not sure how 5 holds up very long if the 7 are competent, but say they do and you wind up with both side nodes. I am willing to bet the other team is quicker to get to their side to take that node back than you team is to get from their base clear across the map to help defend. Again; if the other team is competent.


Basically; what you are telling me is you are gambling on your PUG team being better than the other team either by being good or the other team being really bad, and then when you find out that is not the case, you quit.

Pug is gamble the second you hit 'que'. other team will usualy panic and go to their close nod for support, or try your node (where you already have 2 people).

If enemy sends 2 to their side node, I go back to mid and attack healers from behind (so dirty).

I would quit if after we have enemy side node we lost all of ours by scenario provided few posts before, my team goes 3 groups - 2 going mid, 2 going our side, 3 hit 'leave wz' button. while I got beated by 3 on our only node (which in 4 secs is no longer ours) and there is no progress on any of enemys 3 node for next 30 seconds (or my 2 deaths)

Edited by Atramar
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I supported this idea, never quit matches either.


Then I started noticing how often I would be alone or with 1 other person working on objs while teammates are busy emote dancing for the enemy with their expertise-less CS slave girl outfits; or admiring how their new pink saber blade looks while soloing by the red spawn.

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Pug is gamble the second you hit 'que'. other team will usualy panic and go to their close nod for support, or try your node (where you already have 2 people).

If enemy sends 2 to their side node, I go back to mid and attack healers from behind (so dirty).

I would quit if after we have enemy side node we lost all of ours by scenario provided few posts before, my team goes 3 groups - 2 going mid, 2 going our side, 3 hit 'leave wz' button. while I got beated by 3 on our only node (which in 4 secs is no longer ours) and there is no progress on any of enemys 3 node for next 30 seconds (or my 2 deaths)


Why take an extra gamble when you know the gamble you already take by PUGing? I think I would just take my side and south and be damned happy if it works out; knowing how PUGs work.

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As I said in another post just as this one, I will leave every time there is premade, I just dont have fun without a chance. And nothing will stop me for leaving, not 1 hour penalty, not 2 hours.


Some people dont like certain Warzones and they leave, let them leave, not like they can chose wich warzone they want to play, question is, why do you want to force people to play with you?

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I supported this idea, never quit matches either.


Then I started noticing how often I would be alone or with 1 other person working on objs while teammates are busy emote dancing for the enemy with their expertise-less CS slave girl outfits; or admiring how their new pink saber blade looks while soloing by the red spawn.


Yeah, it becomes defeating when you see the quitters and people just go sit at the single controlled node. You wind up with 3 options:

1. Soldier on by yourself getting smacked down repeatedly

2. Quit

3. Join the squatters.


Personally; I just go join the squatters. Wait for some medal ticks if I can and if at very least, take my loss for the daily.

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Why take an extra gamble when you know the gamble you already take by PUGing? I think I would just take my side and south and be damned happy if it works out; knowing how PUGs work.


I'm doing pvp with my sin, and I use advantage I can give to my team from my stealth, plus, it usually pays off and since I'm pugging 95% of the time and I like to win, I use every card I have in my deck.

Some times it can mean 3 capping enemy.

We can discuss NC on other topic, but if I have 2 people who want to quit cause we did not take mid in 15 seconds assault, I preffer them to quit then afk guard our side node...

don't you agree ?

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I'm doing pvp with my sin, and I use advantage I can give to my team from my stealth, plus, it usually pays off and since I'm pugging 95% of the time and I like to win, I use every card I have in my deck.

Some times it can mean 3 capping enemy.

We can discuss NC on other topic, but if I have 2 people who want to quit cause we did not take mid in 15 seconds assault, I preffer them to quit then afk guard our side node...

don't you agree ?



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