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Cyrillic in the chat (Russian Topic)


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No, you will never use Russian in general chat... Right. :)


Thanks you did not swear here at least.


This is my old friend found me, we didnt talk to him in a while. And its none of your business. I already apologized for off topic. Thank you kind, sir, for noticing that.

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This is my old friend found me, we didnt talk to him in a while. And its none of your business. I already apologized for off topic. Thank you kind, sir, for noticing that.


If it was none of any of our business then it should have been in PM.

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I dont see any reason why its not allowed for me to say a few russian words in this thread to my old friend. This words wasnt offensive, it wasnt rude, and didnt touch any of you. I just replyed to a friend who wrote to me. And if my posts in russian offend you ( especially im talking to some arrogant russians over here) its your own problem, get over it., because it wasnt a spam or insulting. Ok.
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I agree! We only need cyrillic support for the chat. Why do we have to communicate in a foreign language with our compatriots? No localization, no RU sound (our voice actors are crap, fact), no RU servers needed. Just ru_RU locale.


Russian servers and speak your own language to your hearts content.


Your playing on English servers speak english - easy!

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I dont see any reason why its not allowed for me to say a few russian words in this thre ad to my old friend. This words wasnt offensive, it wasnt rude, and didnt touch any of you.


How we are supposed to know that, most of us cannot read or understand that? For all I know another insult is made to Americans, which has already occurred in this thread. I already read about Americans being narrow minded and most of the world hating them. I am Dutch I do not hate Americans and I don’t think a whole nation of people to all be narrow minded.


Give them their own server + Cyrillic, but no Cyrillic on EU English servers. Most people roll on an English server, even a large portion of the German and French players. English is the general lingo almost all understand or eventually will learn.


It is considered very rude and impolite to communicate in a language someone else is not able to follow. Ever notice when an argument rises between people, who each have a different native language, 1/2 way through the argument they start talking in their own language? The animosity of your language allows you to be rude and spew out filth. It is not a civil gesture or a lovely intent meant to share your cultural identity.


People that are not able to read Cyrillic would not be able to defend against racism and other filth. In other games such as SC2 people writing Cyrillic are unloved by the rest of the EU player base. In fact several of the more popular custom games state now on their loading screen that if you are unable to speak English you should not bother to play the game of the creator. A very bad development that simply comes from the inability to communicate with one another.


Those are not positive/healthy developments in a game environment. We're all equal and speaking the same tongue functions as the great equalizer. Those not capable of expressing themself in English should have an option for a different server as long as it profitable. No one has the be perfect at English, look at me I write English as if I were writing in my own language, but I think I more than able to get my point across. I am Dutch and I adept, English is not my native language, but I do not feel discriminated and take pride in the fact I am able to communicate with my neighbours.

Apart from their own server and option for


Cyrillic chat within the guild or private chats could be an option, but never a public option. Neither should there be Dutch, German or French be spoken/ written on an English server, this is common courtesy. If you wish to have a mature, polite community speaking the same language is essential everything else is cause for misunderstandings and opens chat the ‘hidden’ racial slurs.

Edited by Stonewall_Jack
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Different keyboard layout? That's your choice, countries don't sell keyboards that are only in their own layout. Honestly, when someone tells me "It's a YU keyboard!" when I'm shopping for one, I tell them to stop messing with me and show me one with a normal layout. Besides, even if you have a different keyboard layout, you can't tell me you're not used to it enough to write in Latin.

No idea what you are talking about here. Anyway, spelling Russian with english alphabet is like walking backwards... it can be done, but nobody would do it other than as a joke or if there is no other option. Which kind of invalidates the fear that the introduction of cyrillics would provoke Russian in general chats - those who'd do that would still use transliteration gibbirish.

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Erm, I speak Serbian and I have no problem writing in Latin. Hell, I only really use Cyrillic for one thing anymore and that's my signature. I'll sometimes use it for writing a letter or something too, but I usually use Latin for that as well. When typing, I only ever use Cyrillic if I'm forced to, for some homework and such.


Different keyboard layout? That's your choice, countries don't sell keyboards that are only in their own layout. Honestly, when someone tells me "It's a YU keyboard!" when I'm shopping for one, I tell them to stop messing with me and show me one with a normal layout. Besides, even if you have a different keyboard layout, you can't tell me you're not used to it enough to write in Latin.


Well, maybe in serbia it's normal to use latin alphabet instead of primary cyrillic, I don't know.

In russia it's not usual, we use transliteration only if we forced to do that (i.e. - swtor :))

Saying about keyboard layout - we have keyboards with two layouts, cyrillic and english, and the letters on keys are not matched at all. For example: let's get word "Привет" (sorry for using cyrillic on the forum, it's just for example. Word translated as "hello" :))

If I need to transliterate it, it would be "Privet". And letter "P" (substitution for "П") is located on absolutely other key, than "П". ALL other letters of this word also located on other keys. If I not switch layout from cyrillic to qwerty and type this word in russian - it would be "Ghbdtn".

Well, of course, I can transliterate russian words to english, but it's not so comfortable and quick as if I can type them using my own alphabet.

I'm not saying about some letters wich translated to two- or even three-letter combinations, such as zh, ch, sh, sch and so on, instead of using one letter.

For example, word "zaschischayuschihsya" :) it's hard to read in translit, and it has 21 letters instead of 13 original.

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And if my posts in russian offend you ( especially im talking to some arrogant russians over here)


I guess I am one of those arrogant Russians. No, your posts did not offend me, honestly. I think it's not THAT easy to offend me. :)


I've just pointed out on a slight contradiction between your (ok, I am too lazy to check the thread was it actually you or someone else who wanted Cyrillic support and was asking for it for guild and party chat ONLY) words and your actions.


Apart from that, everything is fine. There are much worse threads on these forums. And to say honestly, I understand your point of view and why people want Cyrillic in chat. As I said before, for me it'd work better without, but I will not start any forum wars if it's suddenly in the game. :)

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1) Im Russian


2) I dont care what language using other's.

If i don't understand Italy\Spain\Polish\Portugal\German language and etc, i dont blame people in this.

I am Just trying to speak english with them, and if they understand-> OK.


Peaple can't speak with me with english? I dont care about that.

Just Try to learn their communication.


About Thread-> We need Russian symbols in private and Clan\Guild\Alliance chat. For easy communicate with our peaple.


And dont need Rus.symbols in all chat, trade chat and other's



p.s. Sorry for my bad English. :)

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1) Im Russian


2) I dont care what language using other's.

If i don't understand Italy\Spain\Polish\Portugal\German language and etc, i dont blame people in this.

I am Just trying to speak english with them, and if they understand-> OK.


Peaple can't speak with me with english? I dont care about that.

Just Try to learn their communication.


About Thread-> We need Russian symbols in private and Clan\Guild\Alliance chat. For easy communicate with our peaple.


And dont need Rus.symbols in all chat, trade chat and other's



p.s. Sorry for my bad English. :)


I would agree giving the option for private and guild chat should be a possibility, to ease communication.

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How we are supposed to know that, most of us cannot read or understand that? For all I know another insult is made to Americans, which has already occurred in this thread. I already read about Americans being narrow minded and most of the world hating them. I am Dutch I do not hate Americans and I don’t think a whole nation of people to all be narrow minded.


Give them their own server + Cyrillic, but no Cyrillic on EU English servers. Most people roll on an English server, even a large portion of the German and French players. English is the general lingo almost all understand or eventually will learn.


It is considered very rude and impolite to communicate in a language someone else is not able to follow. Ever notice when an argument rises between people who each have a different native language 1/2 way through the argument they start talking in their own language. It is because the animosity of your language that you can now spew out filth. It is not a civil gesture or a lovely intent meant to share your cultural identity.


People that are not able to read Cyrillic would not be able to defend against racism and other filth. In other games such as SC2 people writing Cyrillic are unloved by the rest of the EU player base in fact several of the more popular games state now on their loading screen that if you are unable to speak English you should not bother to play the game of the creator.


Those are not positive developments in a game environment. We're all equal and speaking the same tongue functions as the great equalizer. Those not capable of expressing themself in English should have an option for a different server as long as it profitable. No one has the be perfect at English, look at me I write English as if I were writing in my own language, but I think I more than able to get my point across. I am Dutch and I adept, English is not my native language, but I do not feel discriminated and take pride in the fact I am able to communicate with my neighbours.

Apart from their own server and option for Cyrillic chat within the guild or private chats could be an option, but never a public option. Neither should there be Dutch, German or French be spoken/ written on an English server, this is common courtesy.


If you wish to have a mature, polite community speaking the same language is essential everything else is cause for misunderstandings and opens chat the ‘hidden’ racial slurs.


I might add something from my Aion experience(before u ask - i understand russian) - when there is a considerable amount of people in general chat talking in russian(cyrilic) about how the stupid amercians/burzhuis(capitalists) on this servers are and so on.It would have been ok if was one or two times but it was occurring really frequently and that is very sad to see that these people can cultivate their childish ignorance and hate without anyone being able to stop it.


In my opinion russian players deserve their own servers, where they can communicate between themselves on a language that fits for them, but as long as they stay(or any other nationalities) on english/french/german/ any other servers they should use the language of this server.dixi.


p.s. i also support the idea of allowing cyrilic fonts in private chats, but i really doubt it is possible without allowing it to be used in all chats.

Edited by alexmis
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i might add something from my aion experience(before u ask - i understand russian) - when there is a considerable amount of people in general chat talking in russian(cyrilic) about how the stupid amercians/burzhuis(capitalists) on this servers are and so on



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I might add something from my Aion experience(before u ask - i understand russian) - when there is a considerable amount of people in general chat talking in russian(cyrilic) about how the stupid amercians/burzhuis(capitalists) on this servers are and so on.It would have been ok if was one or two times but it was occurring really frequently and that is very sad to see that these people can cultivate their childish ignorance and hate without anyone being able to stop it.


I was playing Aion too, and exuse me, but i didnt see any of this. Stop lying over russians or just maybe you should level up your russian skill.

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People that are not able to read Cyrillic would not be able to defend against racism and other filth.

You do realise how xenophobic your whole post is, right?


Banning people from using their native language because you fear that someone may secretly insult you is just sooo ignorant. And that is the enlightened european culture you'd like us to learn, huh?..

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