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What would you think of a TOR version of ''Caverns of Time'' ?


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Yeah WoW is crap...today. However there's a reason it got as popular as it did before going downhill. The fact that this game on a 3-400 million dollar budget couldn't even match it is pathetic. You're delusional if you think this game compares any way at all.


Don't even try to accuse me of being a WoW fanboy. I haven't played it in years. But that doesn't mean I'm going to lie just to make you Biodrones happy about your dyeing game.


1) You have a link from a credible source for that 300-400 million dollar budget?:rolleyes:


2) If full to heavy servers are a dying game. I guess we should call Websters and get them to re-define the term dying.:p

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You do realize Star Wars has its own version of time travel right. Time travel thats in the lore ... well if you wanna consider it apart of the lore.

Example? I've never seen time travel in Star Wars. One of the reasons people were so up in arms about the rumored live action show was that it would involve time travel.


In actuality, everything has time travel, including real life, we all move forward in time at the same pace as everything else (or everything moving at roughly the same speed in the space-time continuum. Obviously things closer to the speed of light move through time more slowly). But what is the example of time travel in Star Wars, not including cases of flow-walking or time dilation, where people moved back and forward through time like Doctor Who, Star Trek, The Time Machine, and so on?

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Yeah WoW is crap...today. However there's a reason it got as popular as it did before going downhill. The fact that this game on a 3-400 million dollar budget couldn't even match it is pathetic. You're delusional if you think this game compares any way at all.


Don't even try to accuse me of being a WoW fanboy. I haven't played it in years. But that doesn't mean I'm going to lie just to make you Biodrones happy about your dyeing game.


First, this game did not have a 3---400 million dollar budget. Second, Warcrap sucked on day one and has sucked everyday since. it was NEVER a good game. This game is not dying, either. No game has matched Warcrap because it came out at the right time. But that does not mean Wow was ever any good. So many MMOs have tried to copy it and have failed to match it's "success". WoW has hurt the entire genre.


TOR needs to stop copying Warcrap ideas and become it's own game if it is to reach it's full potential. As for Warcrap becoming so popular...If it didn't release in China it's success would have been much lower as it would never have reached the sub numbers it did at it's peak. All MMO developers need to stop trying to copy Wow, including Blozzard. No MMO will ever be so lucky in the future.

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First, this game did not have a 3---400 million dollar budget. Second, Warcrap sucked on day one and has sucked everyday since. it was NEVER a good game. This game is not dying, either. No game has matched Warcrap because it came out at the right time. But that does not mean Wow was ever any good. So many MMOs have tried to copy it and have failed to match it's "success". WoW has hurt the entire genre.


TOR needs to stop copying Warcrap ideas and become it's own game if it is to reach it's full potential. As for Warcrap becoming so popular...If it didn't release in China it's success would have been much lower as it would never have reached the sub numbers it did at it's peak. All MMO developers need to stop trying to copy Wow, including Blozzard. No MMO will ever be so lucky in the future.


yes, it's so bad except for the 10 million people who still play it. but hey, whatever floats your boat dude.


for me, i'll keep enjoying both.

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First, this game did not have a 3---400 million dollar budget. Second, Warcrap sucked on day one and has sucked everyday since. it was NEVER a good game. This game is not dying, either. No game has matched Warcrap because it came out at the right time. But that does not mean Wow was ever any good. So many MMOs have tried to copy it and have failed to match it's "success". WoW has hurt the entire genre.


TOR needs to stop copying Warcrap ideas and become it's own game if it is to reach it's full potential. As for Warcrap becoming so popular...If it didn't release in China it's success would have been much lower as it would never have reached the sub numbers it did at it's peak. All MMO developers need to stop trying to copy Wow, including Blozzard. No MMO will ever be so lucky in the future.

So much anger over a better game.

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So much anger over a better game.


Your opinion, not mine. Warcrap was never good. EA/BW needs to stop trying to copy it, as well as all other MMO developers. I tried wow and after three days could no longer stand it. I have played EQ2, Vanguard and SWG for much longer periods. I still play Vanguard. It's not anger. With so many MMOs over the years trying to copy Warcrap and coming nowhere near it's "success" developers should realize they need to make their own game and not try to be a wow copycat. Wow is not a better game. TOR is a lot more fun. Even Pirates of the Burning Sea is more fun.


You are entitled to your opinion, however. But wow is not better and I do not want any more wow ideas in TOR.

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Id rather see them create their own epic encounters similar to the great set pieces of Star Wars then directly copy it.

They went for this era for the freedom of the lore, while they game is not what they wanted it to be, I still feel they are better off building up this era then cashing in on others

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Your opinion, not mine. Warcrap was never good. EA/BW needs to stop trying to copy it, as well as all other MMO developers. I tried wow and after three days could no longer stand it. I have played EQ2, Vanguard and SWG for much longer periods. I still play Vanguard. It's not anger. With so many MMOs over the years trying to copy Warcrap and coming nowhere near it's "success" developers should realize they need to make their own game and not try to be a wow copycat. Wow is not a better game. TOR is a lot more fun. Even Pirates of the Burning Sea is more fun.


You are entitled to your opinion, however. But wow is not better and I do not want any more wow ideas in TOR.

With an attitude like that you would think you would be playing Tera and not any of the NA inspired MMOs. Or for that matter most MMOs.


And you are angry over WoW. Otherwise you would look at the idea that the OP proposed and realize its not actually terrible.

Edited by wrmrstacrdwower
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With an attitude like that you would think you would be playing Tera and not any of the NA inspired MMOs. Or for that matter most MMOs.


And you are angry over WoW. Otherwise you would look at the idea that the OP proposed and realize its not actually terrible.


No, I am not angry. I am stating my opinion that this game does not need to copy wow any further. Just as you have your opinion I have mine. The OPs idea I feel is a bad one. Now stop trolling me. :rolleyes:

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No, I am not angry. I am stating my opinion that this game does not need to copy wow any further. Just as you have your opinion I have mine. The OPs idea I feel is a bad one. Now stop trolling me. :rolleyes:


He's not trolling at all, cool it bud.


To the OP: I like the idea, but I think we should start by being allowed to reset our class stories and replay it.

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No, I am not angry. I am stating my opinion that this game does not need to copy wow any further. Just as you have your opinion I have mine. The OPs idea I feel is a bad one. Now stop trolling me. :rolleyes:

Make me :p


Angry ex-wower is angry. And there's nothing you can do about it. :rak_03:


But for reals in response. You stated that SWTOR didn't need more WoWification. Now while its understandable that the design itself may come from WoW or that is how the OP chose to reference the system that htey would like to see implemented, its not WoWifying the game (I'm using your own logic here) by implementing a similar system in SWTOR.


The lore itself has time travel in it. So the idea of a system in place where events from Star Wars lore could be implemented in the game or have player involvement is actually kinda cool.


This isn't Kotor 3 and its not a single player game. And more to the point it actually needs worthwhile content to do other then stories. Because for a 200 Million dollar price tag"stories" isn't enough to warrant investment in an MMO. It actually needs content.

Edited by wrmrstacrdwower
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I wouldn't call it bashing a game that isn't as polished as another. I know its hard for you hipster SWTOR fans to understand since SWTOR is all niche enough for you.


A lot of terms of endearment I would use for WoW...Polished is not one of them. I am way to Old to be a Hipster...think more like Hippy.:D

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I consider being able to charge from a mount and not teleport polish. Maybe thats just me though.


If your having rubber band Issue's, First I would recommend you up-grade your Computer. You will find the most modern MMO's don't preform well on a Commodore 64.






Just a few helpful links to get you started. Oh and no need to thank me.:D

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well, if it allows for interesting situations then certainly it would add to the game.


It does not add a timeline conflict of time travel. I always thought movies with time travel just ruined previous plots if they were from a previous context.


For example the recent Star trek movie, and the effects of a blackhole, and it does add a certain mystery that makes it more engaging on the viewer, but in the star trek movie specifically they dont introduce any hints of how time travel can affect them, just that it had an effect... and this is the new timeline. Since someone from the past can prepare someone for the future to make sure it does not affect the past... but it was never presented as that... and I think it was intentional to make star trek change and then to allow for everything to feel 'different' and more mysterious.


But the point is, it takes away from the future, and in SW there is a lot of lore, and it is considered canon... so maybe... time travelers of the future change the past... and swtor and BW devs can have their own 'future' for SW. It makes things less predictable, and they can write it how certain elements are fundamentally true with certain destinies playing out etc etc. So, in a way time travel can work... but, without over complicating the lore and situation, it would be better to have a simulation.


The simulation is like a mind trap essentially as in the EV.

Edited by VegaPhone
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Only if it's a Training Simulation or Force Flow-walking, which can't significantly change the past (they could introduce the Aing-Tii world as a hub for it). Being able to play Flashpoints or soloing quests set during the Great War, the Jedi Civil War (KOTOR), the Manadalorian War, the Exar Kun War, or all the way back in the first war between the Republic and the Sith Empire would be cool - especially if it helped flesh out some of those conflicts and made them seem more large-scale than they did in the EU.
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Make me :p


Angry ex-wower is angry. And there's nothing you can do about it. :rak_03:


But for reals in response. You stated that SWTOR didn't need more WoWification. Now while its understandable that the design itself may come from WoW or that is how the OP chose to reference the system that htey would like to see implemented, its not WoWifying the game (I'm using your own logic here) by implementing a similar system in SWTOR.


The lore itself has time travel in it. So the idea of a system in place where events from Star Wars lore could be implemented in the game or have player involvement is actually kinda cool.


This isn't Kotor 3 and its not a single player game. And more to the point it actually needs worthwhile content to do other then stories. Because for a 200 Million dollar price tag"stories" isn't enough to warrant investment in an MMO. It actually needs content.



Weren't these forums, and the game for that matter PG13?

Edited by cs_Kimmo
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I love SWTOR and strongly dislike WoW, but this is exactly the attitude that is going to kill the game. SWTOR needs to take lessons from games where players are getting better gaming experiences, to do that they need their feedback. Stop being so dismissive because you think WoW and SWTOR fanboys have to be at war


I'm sure you meant constructive feedback. But if you did just a bit of checking, you would see that the individual I was responding to... does not do. I humbly accept your apology.

Edited by Taorus
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I dont like the whole 'lets time travel' idea of what was caverns of time., dont get me wrong it was fun. It would not work for this game however. The only thing that would work in any way would be looking forward in time with the force, it would be cool to jump to the 1000-900 bby era though.
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