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Focus Guardian bug: sweep completely missed


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Firstly, it is not hard to roll a new class.

What *is* hard in this game? Not leveling or playing any class for that matter. Hoever, it takes a minimum of 96 hours to level up a new alt, which to be honest, I cannot spare.

Secondly, there are 3 specs in your advanced class, 2 of which actually require some measure of skill to play; respecs are free.

Are you seriously implying people didn't do this before they were free? You don't win RWZs by queuing with 4 smashers, 2 randoms and 2 healers. But what would a scrub like you know about that.

On a sidenote, there are only two viable specs for a Guardian, Smash or Defence/Vigilance hybrid. No one plays full Vigilance or full Defense. If they do, there's a chance they don't have all their screws in place.

I absolutely hate people who play fotm, because they know that class/spec is op.

I don't play Sweep because it's op, I play it collect sweet tears from people like you.

Someone who has the nerve to complain about their op fotm class will get absolutely no sympathy from me. I take great pride in playing a relatively rare class, and the day everyone else starts playing my class is the day I stop.

Class balance should not emerge from bugs but from changes to the class mechanics.


I seriously hope you do not breed.

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Firstly, it is not hard to roll a new class. Secondly, there are 3 specs in your advanced class, 2 of which actually require some measure of skill to play; respecs are free. I absolutely hate people who play fotm, because they know that class/spec is op. Someone who has the nerve to complain about their op fotm class will get absolutely no sympathy from me. I take great pride in playing a relatively rare class, and the day everyone else starts playing my class is the day I stop.


Firstly people shouldnt have to roll a new class because you have a problem with it, CHILD. secondly 1 spec is tank, and only one is needed the second spec will get people telling you to" play focus nub". i absolutely hate people who think that you just rolled your class to be a fotm. Someone has the nerve to say that thier class may not be working properly,when its a flavor of the month? how dare they.you take great pride in your class no one wants. till it becomes fotm, then you will be crying that you have to drop you class and spec to stay such a unique and special flower.

shut the f*** up ,people like you make me sick you cry and whine about everything under the sun and you blame every loss on people having a fotm class.it cant possibly be your skill level and how you handle said fotm classes.


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while dueling ...

  1. Felling blow proc is up
  2. 4 stacks of singularity are up
  3. opponent is within 3 meters
  4. force sweep activates but does no damage


there is no message that force sweep missed, it simply does no damage. Sweep is now on cooldown but the felling blow and singularity buffs are still present.


Force sweep, being a force attack, should never miss another player unless they have defensive cooldown up.


My commando opponent took no damage. He also has no interesting buff/debuff icons.


I have the above recorded and I've watched it several times to confirm the description above.


This looks like a bug to me. Please comment.


I have not noticed this particular bug but out of all the ACs I'm playing (Guardian, Commando, Shadow, Sniper, Scoundrel, Juggernaut, Sentinel, Powertech, Sage), Guardian appears to be a particularly buggy one. In fact, I'd say, it's the AC I'm getting the most visual glitches and graphic bugs on. (Which has been Vigilance since day 1 of the pre-launch and not the FOTM lolsweep spec)


Sometimes when my character is trying to perform Force Sweep, he will jump in the air twice in a quick succession. Sometimes I can watch the Force Sweep shockwave animation reach people on the ground but they don't take damage for mysterious reasons.


Sometimes I perform the Blade Storm animation twice in a rapid succession, both waves appear to hit the target yet neither does any actual damage and the skill doesn't go on cooldown.


Sometimes I hit Master Strike, the animation starts, but the skill doesn't go on cooldown and doesn't actually do any damage. I cannot count how many of these "phantom" Master Strikes I've had over the course of these 12 months. These are issues that I've been having with Guardian skills from day 1 of the pre-launch. I'm so used to them by now that I barely notice these anymore.


Interestingly enough, I never get any of these bugs on my Jugg tank with Smash, Ravage or Force Scream. Neither am I having animation issues with Force Sweep or Master Strike on my Sentinel.


I have a very reliable ISP and high-speed internet that never suffers from any client-side lags, only from server lags sometimes. So it's defninitely not lag issue on the players' part. It appears to me that Guardian abilities in general seem to suffer from coding/lag/sync issues far more than Juggernaut/Sentinel/Marauder skills. It's just my observation, though.

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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that is called lag my friend. It's the same reason i can do a parse on the fleet dummy and miss 15-20% of my rail shots then go up to my friends ship do the same parse and get 100% landed. It's not just one ability for one class, all abilities on all classes will miss if there is any lag spikes. Edited by wetslampigduex
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What *is* hard in this game? Not leveling or playing any class for that matter. Hoever, it takes a minimum of 96 hours to level up a new alt, which to be honest, I cannot spare.


Are you seriously implying people didn't do this before they were free? You don't win RWZs by queuing with 4 smashers, 2 randoms and 2 healers. But what would a scrub like you know about that.

On a sidenote, there are only two viable specs for a Guardian, Smash or Defence/Vigilance hybrid. No one plays full Vigilance or full Defense. If they do, there's a chance they don't have all their screws in place.


I don't play Sweep because it's op, I play it collect sweet tears from people like you.


Class balance should not emerge from bugs but from changes to the class mechanics.


I seriously hope you do not breed.


This times 10000%


Ive played this spec from launch. I was 1 of only 2 or 3 on Kinrath that played rage.


It is only fotm now because they gimped our other 2 trees and everyone is running to it.


Also, I have a PT, Operative, Sorc, Mara, Sage and a Sin. My main is my jug and I have always played it the same way I do now.


The one thing I have learned is that all classes think another class has an ability they want and call it OP.


Nearly any WZ I play I am in the top three with whatever toon I play.

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How could this happen to me

I made my mistakes

I’ve got no where to run

The night goes on

As I’m fading away

I’m sick of this life

I just wanna scream

How could this happen to me

I agree with the OP, nerf operatives.


I LOLed. It might be better if trimmed down to a haiku.


that is called lag my friend. It's the same reason i can do a parse on the fleet dummy and miss 15-20% of my rail shots then go up to my friends ship do the same parse and get 100% landed. It's not just one ability for one class, all abilities on all classes will miss if there is any lag spikes.


How does lag cause you to miss 15-20% of your shots against a dummy? I don't know your class ... is lag causing you to execute an ability after a proc has timed out and therefore your chance of missing is higher? Presumably in your scenario above, neither you nor the dummy are moving out of range. I'm not disputing your scenario, I just don't understand how lag plays a factor in this scenario.


I don't play Sweep because it's op, I play it collect sweet tears from people like you.


Class balance should not emerge from bugs but from changes to the class mechanics.


I seriously hope you do not breed.


More LOLs. thanks.

Edited by funkiestj
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Are you seriously retarded enough to suggest that instead of changing the mechanics and damage numbers of Sweep etc they should just leave the bug as it is and call it "class balance"?


My bad. I was LOLing at your humorous quoted part. I should have explicitly said I agreed with the bold portion. Seeing as how my posts are for the most part serious rather than trolling, I naively thought this would be obvious. Of course not everyone else (e.g. you) remember anything about my character.


Yes, the people who think the bug should be left are either trolls (most likely) or idiots (less likely but possible).

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