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Focus Guardian bug: sweep completely missed


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while dueling ...

  1. Felling blow proc is up
  2. 4 stacks of singularity are up
  3. opponent is within 3 meters
  4. force sweep activates but does no damage


there is no message that force sweep missed, it simply does no damage. Sweep is now on cooldown but the felling blow and singularity buffs are still present.


Force sweep, being a force attack, should never miss another player unless they have defensive cooldown up.


My commando opponent took no damage. He also has no interesting buff/debuff icons.


I have the above recorded and I've watched it several times to confirm the description above.


This looks like a bug to me. Please comment.

Edited by funkiestj
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I seriously doubt it. The enemy didn't jump to a location later or -- he stayed well within range after the sweep for several seconds.


BTW, I'm asking a simple game mechanics question. I'm not sure why some folks have to turn it into a smash hate thread. The crux of the issue are the questions:

  1. Is there something I'm missing that would explain this not being a bug
  2. it is a known bug -- many other folks have seen it

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Yep it's a bug, been around for a while. There is another bug where if you are targetting someone and they force camo or enter stealth by some other means right as you hit smash, your smash animation does not go off, your smash does no damage, but it goes on cooldown.
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while dueling ...

  1. Felling blow proc is up
  2. 4 stacks of singularity are up
  3. opponent is within 3 meters
  4. force sweep activates but does no damage


there is no message that force sweep missed, it simply does no damage. Sweep is now on cooldown but the felling blow and singularity buffs are still present.


Force sweep, being a force attack, should never miss another player unless they have defensive cooldown up.


My commando opponent took no damage. He also has no interesting buff/debuff icons.


I have the above recorded and I've watched it several times to confirm the description above.


This looks like a bug to me. Please comment.


Error in server/client synch. Short way to explain this is that the distance between you and an enemy that you see on your screen (and that he sees on his) are estimates. They won't always match, but, more importantly, they don't really matter in terms of hit calculation. Only the distance the server thinks you are from the target is important.


It's not a bug, so much as a a side-effect of the tech being used (sixteen clients and a single server at differing distances and communication times from one another). Anyways, short of playing the game on a swtor install on the server, you'll see this periodically and it's not really avoidable unless you were to make the game, like, turn-based or something.

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It missed because you deserved it. Play a better class.


Comments like this make me want to go on a rampage in shopping mall. How the hell were him and I supposed to know how as*hurt you people would get over a single ability we had no prior knowledge of before leveling the class to 50? I would love to roll any other class and still wipe the floor with scrubs like you, but I don't have the time nor the patience to do so.

Edited by cs_Kimmo
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Hmm smash has a 4m range, you say he's at 3m. Procs not going off is a symptom of out-of-range-syndrome, caused by a large gap between the player and the target. IT'S NOT A GLITCH.


That's bioware's syncing system for you.


Thanks for the non-trolling answer (you and others).


My memory (not logged on now) and torhead both say force sweep range is 5 meters.


My original message was composed based on memory. On reviewing the video again, I see the opponent had stopped to cast (assault plastique) and I was 2.04m at the time of the sweep animation. Opponent then moves away but it takes a while before he is 5 meters.


I'm more inclined to believe the "he was in range, there is a bug" explanation.


Thanks again for your serious comment.

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Don't expect any sympathy from most players.


Especially if you're Rage/Focus.


I wasn't asking for sympathy, just for information / opinions on the sequence described. Luckily I got several serious replies.


I'll keep the good answers I've gotten in mind as I do more duels and review the video.

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Comments like this make me want to go on a rampage in shopping mall. How the hell were him and I supposed to know how as*hurt you people would get over a single ability we had no prior knowledge of before leveling the class to 50? I would love to roll any other class and still wipe the floor with scrubs like you, but I don't have the time nor the patience to do so.


Firstly, it is not hard to roll a new class. Secondly, there are 3 specs in your advanced class, 2 of which actually require some measure of skill to play; respecs are free. I absolutely hate people who play fotm, because they know that class/spec is op. Someone who has the nerve to complain about their op fotm class will get absolutely no sympathy from me. I take great pride in playing a relatively rare class, and the day everyone else starts playing my class is the day I stop.

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