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Hard Mode Main Story


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Please Bioware. I LOVE Jedi Knight main story. My main is Guardian, I leveled a sentinel too and I still don't have enought of it. I want to play it again but it's a lot of time and quest for only a few class quests.


Please, give us the oportunity to repeat our main story with our lvl 50 chars. It would be awesome.

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Do it like Armored Core 4 did back in the day, where aspects of the story actually change to explain the higher difficulty. Maybe when you get back to your ship in the Smuggler story Skavak is not already on it, but manning the guns and firing at you. Or perhaps the big bad of whichever story isn't so foolish as to under-estimate you, and brings reinforcements in to the encounter.


Maybe forces that are there to help you don't show up or are waylaid, or instead of encountering the enemies you normally do breaking in to an imperial area you instead find yourself facing off with a whole troop of sith in training. Maybe the droids in this particular area have built in reinforcement modules that make them immune to CCs, forcing you to get creative with handling hate.


Cool, little changes that up the anti for our heroes and make the story feel more tense or overwhelming.

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Awesome idea, maybe make more credits drop and have higher credit rewards for each mission completed. Then that way it would be worth while to do it over and over! Having fun ,making credits,spending credits sounds like a win win scenario to me. I would still do daily missions but then go and work on HM story for a while them maybe run hmfp ect.ect. I think this would really help to ease the daily grind feast feel the game has now! And im speaking only for pve aspect of the game not pvp or ops! Edited by evilonemark
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