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Commando Heals Need Small Tweak for Ops


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Wow so wrong on all accounts.


Most people plant their commandos in one spot and try to deal out heals like a sage. Then you will see people try to run around like an operative throwing out heals and running away. Ugh.


People just don't understand the class, because it is utility heavy.


When players suck at any calls, they blame the class instead of themselves. Sages are easier to heal with, but are not better IMO


I know how channeling works , )

I made examples with scoundrel, but I play sage as well how I mentioned it, here is a vid 5:18-6:50 what I made with my 2. sage (don't wanted to waist ranked coms on my mains till 1.5 so I rolled a 2. one : P)


ok its a shadow + a powertech but can you imagine, that commando/ merc would survive? no way man : D

Your AC needs upgrade and if you play it like a main I can't imagine way you argue (the reason could be that its not your main , ))

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I am going to keep this short. ^L2P


wow! The master of the class (in the forum lol)

What I should learn? Do you think, that this game is complicated? You don't even have to aim,,,.Do you think, that any one who lvl up an AC is not familiar with its rotations?

But any way, your replay is like a boss! No doubt : D

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wow! The master of the class (in the forum lol)

What I should learn? Do you think, that this game is complicated? You don't even have to aim,,,.Do you think, that any one who lvl up an AC is not familiar with its rotations?

But any way, your replay is like a boss! No doubt : D


well at least according to you I am at least a master of the class on the forum, where as you are horrible in game and on the forum. 1 point me, 0 for you.


And yes it is complicated, button smashing gets you no where. 2 points me, 0 for you.


Apparently lvl'ing up a AC did not teach you how to play the class, 3 points me, 0 you.

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well at least according to you I am at least a master of the class on the forum, where as you are horrible in game and on the forum. 1 point me, 0 for you.


And yes it is complicated, button smashing gets you no where. 2 points me, 0 for you.


Apparently lvl'ing up a AC did not teach you how to play the class, 3 points me, 0 you.


Look guys, schooch earned a bunch of point right here! Lets celebrate him a bit, but then we should jump back to our issue, coz 1.6.1 still didn't came out with any upgrade for the AC's healing tree.


By the way Schooch, this 3 : 0 was epic! I hope you frapsed it : D gg!

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I know how channeling works , )

I made examples with scoundrel, but I play sage as well how I mentioned it, here is a vid 5:18-6:50 what I made with my 2. sage (don't wanted to waist ranked coms on my mains till 1.5 so I rolled a 2. one : P)


ok its a shadow + a powertech but can you imagine, that commando/ merc would survive? no way man : D

Your AC needs upgrade and if you play it like a main I can't imagine way you argue (the reason could be that its not your main , ))


Nice vid. Well I can't speak for the people you fought, where they as geared as you? Did they know their class? There are many factors your vid doesn't show, but from my experience open world pvp I pawned tanks with my commando healer. Dps forget about it, I owned them all. I lost one match in open world pvp to a guardian tank when I lost control of my toon through a keybinding mishap. Long story short, my character got stuck on auto turn and I was doing figure eights all over the place lol.


My commando healer is my main, and I never found my heals lacking in any situation.

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I know how channeling works , )

I made examples with scoundrel, but I play sage as well how I mentioned it, here is a vid 5:18-6:50 what I made with my 2. sage (don't wanted to waist ranked coms on my mains till 1.5 so I rolled a 2. one : P)


ok its a shadow + a powertech but can you imagine, that commando/ merc would survive? no way man : D

Your AC needs upgrade and if you play it like a main I can't imagine way you argue (the reason could be that its not your main , ))


I watched a couple of your fights closely and noticed a couple of interesting tid bits. Your spec was a healer balance hybrid. At least in the vids. I never heard of anyone doing that spec before. Nice. You use a purple stim, hence it might be safe to assume your crew skill is biochem. You have sand people customize gear so probably one of your toons is a cybertech. I didn't notice a guild name so I won't comment on that.


You basically initiate the fights where you win, which give you an automatic advantage due that your opponents have their tinket on cool down, or their guard down so that they can't break free of your mind snap which you throw on as a counter measure to dot them to death. Also at times when you control the fight, your companion is on demand only. lol :p You devil you. Yes I was impressed how you dispatched the assasin + powertech duo. Accept I don't understand why your vid is heavily edited during that fight. I would have loved to have seen the raw footage.


It's a good display, but I wish you would have posted some fights where you are dueling the opposition instead of jumping on them.


Here is what I would have done.


I am going to assume you will initiate the fight so I won't be prepared to battle you on an even field. No matter.


I am riding my speeder on Belsavis, and all of a sudden I get my gears blown from under me with projectile. I land on my face and am down 20% health. Damn, I just got this paint job fixed. :eek:


I get up throw kolto on myself and back up to see how hit me. I spot you. By this time you are now hitting me with telek throw or projectile whatever (one with the pepbbles).


Down to 40% health. ****!::(


I quickly shield myself. Ha! bet that powerteck wished he had that. Oh wait he did he just didn't use it.:rolleyes:


I am about to use bacta infusion when I get hit by your mindtrap! *****##%^#&!:mad:


Now you got a mad commando on your hands.


your mindtrap last for about 3 seconds while I am getting dot to hell by your weaken mind and mind crush.


So here is what I do. I throw on Bacta infusion for an instant heal.


Then I cleanse your debffs with field aid. Throw another kolto on myself. And break LOS. for a sec


Because I know you dps like a champ I knock you out with my concussive round. BOMB lights out! At least for a second.


But long enough to heal myself back to 100% . Now its on ******! :p


Your armor bubble is going to give you tons of shield and absortion, but no matter I begin hitting you with my hammer shot.


You will use projectile and throw on me again plus Hot yourself with rejuvenate. But I keep pumping out a steady stream of dps on you until your bubble wears off.


Because I know you used your trinket to escapse my concussion round. I throw freeze grenade to hold you down again. I throw I use plasma grenade and charged bolts to hit you down to 60% health. ;)


You will throw your dots on me again, I will just cleanse your dots. No prob. Throw on trama prob to debuff your main dps projectile.


And I will keep on hammer shot. Basically at this point the fight will appear to be at a stalemate. Oh but is it?


Once your force is below 30% and even noble sacrifce renders your buff useless. I will finish you off with my AOEs. and done. Your dead.


This is just a theoritical fight. So relax. We don't play on the same server so we will never get to pvp against one another. But I we both know I can beat you. :D


How do I know this? I have learned to duel a fair even fight against some of the best players out there, and I am the best comando healer on the Begeren Colony.


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I watched a couple of your fights closely and noticed a couple of interesting tid bits. Your spec was a healer balance hybrid. At least in the vids. I never heard of anyone doing that spec before. Nice. You use a purple stim, hence it might be safe to assume your crew skill is biochem. You have sand people customize gear so probably one of your toons is a cybertech. I didn't notice a guild name so I won't comment on that.


You basically initiate the fights where you win, which give you an automatic advantage due that your opponents have their tinket on cool down, or their guard down so that they can't break free of your mind snap which you throw on as a counter measure to dot them to death. Also at times when you control the fight, your companion is on demand only. lol :p You devil you. Yes I was impressed how you dispatched the assasin + powertech duo. Accept I don't understand why your vid is heavily edited during that fight. I would have loved to have seen the raw footage.


It's a good display, but I wish you would have posted some fights where you are dueling the opposition instead of jumping on them.


Here is what I would have done.


I am going to assume you will initiate the fight so I won't be prepared to battle you on an even field. No matter.


I am riding my speeder on Belsavis, and all of a sudden I get my gears blown from under me with projectile. I land on my face and am down 20% health. Damn, I just got this paint job fixed. :eek:


I get up throw kolto on myself and back up to see how hit me. I spot you. By this time you are now hitting me with telek throw or projectile whatever (one with the pepbbles).


Down to 40% health. ****!::(


I quickly shield myself. Ha! bet that powerteck wished he had that. Oh wait he did he just didn't use it.:rolleyes:


I am about to use bacta infusion when I get hit by your mindtrap! *****##%^#&!:mad:


Now you got a mad commando on your hands.


your mindtrap last for about 3 seconds while I am getting dot to hell by your weaken mind and mind crush.


So here is what I do. I throw on Bacta infusion for an instant heal.


Then I cleanse your debffs with field aid. Throw another kolto on myself. And break LOS. for a sec


Because I know you dps like a champ I knock you out with my concussive round. BOMB lights out! At least for a second.


But long enough to heal myself back to 100% . Now its on ******! :p


Your armor bubble is going to give you tons of shield and absortion, but no matter I begin hitting you with my hammer shot.


You will use projectile and throw on me again plus Hot yourself with rejuvenate. But I keep pumping out a steady stream of dps on you until your bubble wears off.


Because I know you used your trinket to escapse my concussion round. I throw freeze grenade to hold you down again. I throw I use plasma grenade and charged bolts to hit you down to 60% health. ;)


You will throw your dots on me again, I will just cleanse your dots. No prob. Throw on trama prob to debuff your main dps projectile.


And I will keep on hammer shot. Basically at this point the fight will appear to be at a stalemate. Oh but is it?


Once your force is below 30% and even noble sacrifce renders your buff useless. I will finish you off with my AOEs. and done. Your dead.


This is just a theoritical fight. So relax. We don't play on the same server so we will never get to pvp against one another. But I we both know I can beat you. :D


How do I know this? I have learned to duel a fair even fight against some of the best players out there, and I am the best comando healer on the Begeren Colony.



I rolled the fight in my mind as well, how you subscribed... interesting, but I'm not sure, that commando could handle a situation like that , ) (Now I will bring my commando to get end gear and take a closer look , ) I'm curious how it works out : ))


By the way, the footage what I made in Belsavis was a one night adventure, I turned my companion off, from the reason, that I was on my main quest line and in pve I use him just in some situations (I like to have his aoe knock back on if I have to flee, but I don't want him to disturb my stuns with it, so I turn him off just if needed) Till the fights where random for me as well I forgot to torn him active sometimes : D


My gear is not "Sand ppl" one, its the social gear from Balmora (soc II+) It looks cool and cost 5k : )

Yes I have biochem... , )

I had approximately 5 fights in this 4 hour of adventuring in belsavis, when the imp guy was pve and he had 40-60% hp... I stand front of him, I was waiting till he finish the fight, then buffs up his char, and just then I attacked , ) There where situations where I even helped them to finish the fight (pve) and when I saw, that they are weekly geared, I just walked away , ) I still have the footage from this situations, if you like to I can upload them , )

The part where I fight vs the assassin and the power t. is 100% raw footage, I just used some zoom-in, out to show the lvl's, AC's of the opponents.

By the way, did you saw, that I was on 5% hp when we started the fight with the powertech? , ) So sage can heal up even from there, even if he is under fire (I'm not sure about commando.. )

You mentioned, that I run out of force.. its nearly impossible , ) In that build my TK has no cool-down and it recharge my force BUT how I saw it with my commando, if he lose cells, and he used RC (2 minutes cool-down) then the game is over for him... And he eat cells incredibly fast till heals or main attacks. (ok if you can reach super charge(in 1 minute random pvp you can't), you can keep some, but not for long and field triage helps a bit as well, but its not enough to keep your cells up IMO) + if commando starts to channel its heal skills under his shield (2 min cool-down) a sage just sprint behind an object, 2 channeled healing skills and he is on max, till that time commando's shield goes of and sage sprint back to fight .


So IMO (but its just my personal point of view after 3 weeks of commando game play)

The AC needs:

- better cell management

- some kind of sprint ability (all class has it, sprint, jump, increased movement speed, just commando lacking in it)

- kolto bomb should be a bit more powerful and a 31 skill pint ability, bakta infusion should replace kolto, like a 11 skill point ability

- super charge cells and field medic should replace trauma probe and front line medic in the skill tree and super charge cells should be a passive skill what pop up and last not 10 but 15 sec


Its a fix for AC's heal tree in my eyes , )

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Another potential tweak to make it more useful in large groups while still being balanced would be to have Kolto bomb affect an unlimited number of targets but have a maximum amount of pre-crit healing that it can provide (a la Healing Rain in WoW).


While the concept is sound, I DO NOT WANT Bioware to try this. I just don't believe they could implement something this complex and get it right.

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well at least according to you I am at least a master of the class on the forum, where as you are horrible in game and on the forum. 1 point me, 0 for you.


And yes it is complicated, button smashing gets you no where. 2 points me, 0 for you.


Apparently lvl'ing up a AC did not teach you how to play the class, 3 points me, 0 you.


so full of himself , typical narcistic behaviour , we all know commando is underpowered , it doesn't mean u can be good with it , but u will almost never outheal a same skilled sage/operative . , I never seen a commando healing for over 800K , but i seen ops and sages doing it

Edited by Neg-k
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so full of himself , typical narcistic behaviour , we all know commando is underpowered , it doesn't mean u can be good with it , but u will almost never outheal a same skilled sage/operative . , I never seen a commando healing for over 800K , but i seen ops and sages doing it


You do realize that the reason sages or Ops can hit those numbers is because they are self healing themselves more often than commandos.


When you are not self-healing yourself as often you are directly healing your teammates. A sage takes on serious damage that they must stand in their AOE just to stay alive. That alone adds 20% more healing than a commando of the same calibre. So keep in mind when you see a sage hit 800K, a percentage of that is in mentaining their force regeneration rate through Noble Sacrifice. And when you see a commando hit 500K plus, most of that went to keeping his teammates alive, more so then himself.


No matter how you slice it, no healing class out heals the other. The skill of the gamer dictates the quality of the healer.

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You do realize that the reason sages or Ops can hit those numbers is because they are self healing themselves more often than commandos.


When you are not self-healing yourself as often you are directly healing your teammates. A sage takes on serious damage that they must stand in their AOE just to stay alive. That alone adds 20% more healing than a commando of the same calibre. So keep in mind when you see a sage hit 800K, a percentage of that is in mentaining their force regeneration rate through Noble Sacrifice. And when you see a commando hit 500K plus, most of that went to keeping his teammates alive, more so then himself.


No matter how you slice it, no healing class out heals the other. The skill of the gamer dictates the quality of the healer.


This just shows that the scoreboard doesn't tell the entire story. You must also consider that every bubble a Sage puts on a teammate also counts as healing and if they get lucky, it may even be their 5k heal. So being conservative, I'd say the bubbles Sages put on teammates/themselves are probably at a minimum of 10% of their total healing done.


Commando/Mercenary healers, unlike the other two, are strictly reactive "raw" healers -- the number you see on the scoreboard is exactly how much healing they did. There is very little inflation because of bubbles (Sages) or rolling HoTs (Scoundrels) which may be overhealing. On that note, Commando/Mercenary also has the least overhealing because of their lack of heals over time (their one HoT is reactive and only ticks when damage is being taken).


It would be interesting to see if Commando/Mercenary is within the performance range of the other healers, though. I think they're probably the hardest of the healers to master, so I wonder if that's why it seems that they underperform.

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so full of himself , typical narcistic behaviour , we all know commando is underpowered , it doesn't mean u can be good with it , but u will almost never outheal a same skilled sage/operative . , I never seen a commando healing for over 800K , but i seen ops and sages doing it



http://s1244.beta.photobucket.com/user/Thecourier92/media/2b337d20.jpg.html 835K healling, I still had some BM gear at the time too. I am not saying I am the best in the game at CM, but I hate when people who have no clue how to play the class say it is trash.

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