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Servers just crashed...


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have we gotten any responses from dev yet other than, "we're working on it" cuz they seem to be dropping one by one.


This only started happening a few minutes ago, give them time to work out, they're not magic or have the force.

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have we gotten any responses from dev yet other than, "we're working on it" cuz they seem to be dropping one by one.


Why would the Dev's answer questions? They write the code not manage the servers, two different departments. if the system admins don't know what's wrong yet "Working on it" seems to be a pretty good answer. Relax. Go outside, and get some fresh air.

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Why would the Dev's answer questions? They write the code not manage the servers, two different departments. if the system admins don't know what's wrong yet "Working on it" seems to be a pretty good answer. Relax. Go outside, and get some fresh air.



I don't think a single soul misunderstood what he meant

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Why would the Dev's answer questions? They write the code not manage the servers, two different departments. if the system admins don't know what's wrong yet "Working on it" seems to be a pretty good answer. Relax. Go outside, and get some fresh air.


no! fresh air is for healthy people who work during the day and don't eat everything they see that doesn't have a pulse. that is not me.

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no! fresh air is for healthy people who work during the day and don't eat everything they see that doesn't have a pulse. that is not me.


Hey now, I normally work during the day, and I only eat things with a pulse because they are most delicious!


All I want to do is get my sage to 50. She was my first character and I have 2 who have got to 50 before her lol.

Edited by Ambisextrous
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Are you complaining or letting us know? It's hard to tell in these forums.


If I didn't care, I wouldn't complain. Obviously, you don't care if this game has poor QA, which will cause it to lose subs and get the servers turned off permanently.

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If I didn't care, I wouldn't complain. Obviously, you don't care if this game has poor QA, which will cause it to lose subs and get the servers turned off permanently.


People will use anything to make that exclamation. Just saying, we've already heard that time and again, and the game seems to remain.

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If I didn't care, I wouldn't complain Obviously, you don't care if this game has poor QA, which will cause it to lose subs and get the servers turned off permanently.


My wife must really care about me alot.



and I mean A L O T ! ! !

Edited by thaawn
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Sorry all, my fault for swapping days off. This usually happens on Wednesdays (my normal day off).


And fair warning, I traded for Monday off next week so you should expect any or all of the following:


-Unexpected maintainace

-Emergency patch

-Server crash

-All of your companions MIA

-Every bug from the Beta and beyond suddenly resurfacing

-You'll log in to find yourself naked

-Your weapon will be three levels higher than you are and you will have to Force Leap/Dirty kick your way back to civilization

-You will infinitaly fall though the planet to your death or buried up to your waist in floor and unable to QT "While Moving"

-You will find yourself trapped on a foriegn ship with your Fleet Pass on perpetual cooldown

-All enemy NPC's will be attacking you from inside the walls, floor, cabinets, etc. and untargetable

-All of your mail will disappear

-If you manage to submit a ticket, it will fall into the CS Black Hole and, if you're lucky, it will two weeks later spit out a Gamma Ray Burst generic response e-mail that reads: "The issue has been forewarded to the appropriate department", and there it will sit in the 'In Box' ad infinitum.


If I have left anything out, (and I'm pretty sure I have) feel free to add to the list.


Again, I apologize in advance for any inconvienence this may cause you.

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Sorry all, my fault for swapping days off. This usually happens on Wednesdays (my normal day off).





Again, I apologize in advance for any inconvienence this may cause you.


LOL... I'm betting you are the wrong person to stand in line behind at the store too, eh? :)



Well, at least now we have a root cause..... and something to track to predict the next crash. :p

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LOL... I'm betting you are the wrong person to stand in line behind at the store too, eh? :)


Yeah, any line I get into, I'm stuck behind some old person who bought a single piece of fruit with a coupon and is returning it, making me wait while they complain....


And if you're on Harbinger, I hope you're not behind me in Queue, as it's sure to crash again just as I reach second in line :)

Edited by CieioDelRey
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People will use anything to make that exclamation. Just saying, we've already heard that time and again, and the game seems to remain.


City of Heroes players said the same thing. As I hinted at, if I didn't care, I wouldn't even know the servers were down.

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I keep telling them to drape the extension cords *overhead*, not jut run them across the floor where anyone can trip over them.


You know I actually played a small MMO at one point where the Owner/Lead programmer literally DID trip over the power cord and take the world offline for about 20 minutes. ;)

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OK I have defended Bioware from the beginning, but I am SICK of the Harbinger crashing, 3 or 4 times in the past month is unacceptable for paying subscribers. I think the game is the best game I've ever played, but I can't really say that unless I CAN play it. I pin this on EA. Stop being cheapskates and hire a larger dev team. They are overworked because of EA's greed, simple as that.
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