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Everything posted by Ambisextrous

  1. This, so much this! My favorite is always the people who swear their black hole gear is better than the recruit gear!
  2. Your only option is to stop playing online games.
  3. I have to second this. Jedi are by far the more boring side of this story. No emotions, passion.. etc. Jedi are like the kids in college who do nothing but study and work. The Sith are the ones at the bar partying and living the college experience properly. lol Congrats SWTOR for surviving your first year and here is to many more years to come!
  4. Hey now, I normally work during the day, and I only eat things with a pulse because they are most delicious! All I want to do is get my sage to 50. She was my first character and I have 2 who have got to 50 before her lol.
  5. This ^ Fatman was just as populated as The Bastion was before this round of mergers, and Bastion was an active server.
  6. Honestly there is no way they are going to fix it. Am I happy that the name I used is now someone's shadow instead of my sage? Not at all, but for me it's not about having to change my name it's about the lack of notice or explanation. Oh sorry they gave us 24 hour notice, but didn't explain anything in a whole lot of detail until after the patch.
  7. Going into Interface Editor and Loading "SPLAT" is hardly something that I associate with being moved. I do it more when I create new characters, or after certain patches. That 15 seconds to reconfigure my ui really was not something constant like a server new name. I'm talking about people who have had server name changes. So if I went from being on Fatman to Prophecy of the Five that's a very obvious change. But I made a post 9 months ago about what server I'd be on to my friends on FB and that post is just as relevant to me today as it was 9 months ago, there is nothing that really means anything for those who have not changed servers.
  8. I get that but unless they use new names it is meaningless. Why? Because gamers are stubborn, obsessed, and protective of such things. A level playing field would have been to give the servers new names, because then the destination servers actually seem like new servers. I understand that the hardware was changed and the software was modified, but it does not change the fact that you are using old names of servers that (at least in my case) were thriving. This is where the problem lies. I'm not dumb I know the process they went through, but the fact is my server name did not change. It's not the actual logistics of it that I'm not getting. I am quite capable of comprehending that yes, everyone has been moved to a new server, which is amazing and great. Yes what they did went very smoothly as far as down time. But the fact that they chose to use the names of thriving servers makes it difficult for those who were on those servers to recognize it as "new", because nothing for us has really changed. There is nothing physical that we can look at and say that's right I've been moved. It isn't that we're ignorant it is that we're human and most people in this situation would feel the same way.
  9. So them changing a computer and giving it the name of an active server means the world has been altered? I'm sorry but just because BW changed some hardware does not mean my server moved. It means my server was upgraded to accommodate refugees from other servers. You are more than entitled to your opinion but in my opinion BW was trying to calm the water because they realize just how idiotic it was to keep the name of servers that were active. If they renamed my server to Generic PVP Server X then I wouldn't have issue with it. But they didn't. They kept the same name of thriving servers and just put a bunch of people there. Look at it this way, when asked by friends which server you are on you tell them, because this is your "home". Now a bunch of people are on a new home, they are going to give a different name. However for those of us who are still at "home" nothing has changed. We still give the same information. That post I made last year about which server I call home is still relevant, therefore I have not moved.
  10. And the point I'm making is that if you keep the same names, in the eyes of pretty much everyone, it's the old server.
  11. New servers with old names are still old servers though. They replaced a server in wow with better hardware and oddly enough IT WAS STILL THE SAME SERVER /shock
  12. I suppose that it's unacceptable that some people don't check forums and log into the game every single day. Some people actually leave their houses for school, work or both, and god forbid there be something that comes up that keeps you away for a few days! It is not like they just found out on Monday so why leave us in the dark?
  13. I was also forced to move on one of my characters from another server, so yes I am aware of how it works. I should also point out that my server was a destination server last round and it was quite populated! Even with that I would have had no issue giving up the name of that character because someone else had it who was on my destination server. I actually feel really bad knowing that someone may have been forced into a name change because of that character since I know how I feel having my character forced into a name change. The fact that they gave absolutely no indication of their intentions however is where my real issue is. Had they made a post in advance saying hey we're doing mergers and should name conflicts arise the person with the name the longest will have priority. OR, like I said in my last post move everyone to new servers with new names and make the same advanced notice about possible name changes, this could have been avoided. A little communication goes a long way.
  14. I am also one of the pissed off who has been forced to have a name change. If you wanted to force name changes on people on the original servers maybe you should have moved everyone to a new server instead of pissing off a large number of people. I spend an extreme amount of time finding names I like only to be forced to change because someone transferred to my server. That is the worst idea I've ever heard. What benefit do I get out of these people coming to my server? I didn't have any issues with my server. Queue times were acceptable, getting groups for heroics was not a problem. Now I get latency, more idiots flooding general and PVP. I lose the uniqueness of a legacy, I lose my character's name. Where is my perk to being on a destination server because the free name change just isn't doing it for me. You need to do something for the people who are being forced to find a new identity. Not only that you also need to do something about the crappy @ Server tag attached to duplicated guilds because that too is moronic. You would think with all the MMOs that have come out and failed that you would take a few notes to maintain subscriptions. Gamers are protective of their names. We build an identity around that name, and people who were on destination servers have been royally screwed. This is one more reason why I am now seriously considering going to play with pandas because even that is less ridiculous than what you have done. As for people who are saying those of us are QQing about fairness: say you have been on a server since launch and have used the same name since launch then suddenly without notice you are being forced to change your name. You would be pissed off too. It's not about being fair, it's about being honest. When ever I have been transferred to a new server I've just assumed that if there was someone on that server with my name that I would change mine. I was okay with that because I was moving and the perk to me was that I got off a dead-end server. This is one way they could have done it. OR if they didn't want the issues at all they should have renamed the servers, announced (in advance) that in the case of conflicting name changes that the person with the name the longest would get priority, then everyone is happy and they wouldn't lose subscriptions due to something that was so easily avoided.
  15. Welcome to all the CoH players coming! It's always a tough loss when a game you love closes. My bf loved CoH and was quite disappointed to see it was being shut down!
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