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Suggestion to Combat Gold Sellers' Spam


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First of, Gold Seller's spamming has gotten pretty bad in the past couple days. At least on Jung Ma, I see a new character spamming it about once every 2 hours or so. That's once every 2 hours that I have to break from my enjoyment to "Report Spam" and "/ignore" a new character. My Ignore list is getting quite long. And I'm obviously not the only one affected.


Ok, now I understand manning probably isn't enough to have CSR's in-game all the time to ban these guys immediately, and even if, everyone still would get to see it at least once, but telling everyone to just Report them and Ignore them is pretty shoddy customer service.


So how to deal with it: 3 points that would help immensly:


1 - When a player reports a spammer, that spammer should be auto-ignored. Even better, add that spammer (and any other characters on the spammer's account) to the ignore list of ALL of your characters on your account. It's really annoying to have to re-ignore someone on each of you characters.


2 - Spammers are getting banned, sure. But as soon as one account gets banned a new one is opened. So stop using bans. Use a one-way mute that their client can't detect. Sometimes referred to as a Hellban. Their character doesn't know they've been silenced. Their client sees their chats and whispers as going out (even if ignored), but everyone else doesn't. The spammers are none the wiser, and don't know they need to go create another account right away, and your paying customers don't have to put up with their crap. The Hellban would be applied to all characters on the spammer's account.


3 - Some sort of auto-mute/auto-Hellban feature. Say 20 or 30% of the people in one area all Report Spam a person. Place a temporary Hellban on that account, maybe 24 hours (who knows how long it takes you guys to investigate the spam reports, maybe shorter). If it looks to be a real spammer, the CSR investigating turns it into a permanent Hellban. If not, lift it.


Seriously, something needs to be done. It's quite aggravating to have to deal with this every time I long on, and I know many others are just as annoyed with the non-response of "Continue to report them". Ideally all 3 of the above would be implemented, but at the very least #1 should be (especially the part about applying the ignore to your whole account). #2 I understand could take a while if the backend hasn't been built for that yet, but would seriously cut down on how quickly these accounts are created. And #3 is probably a pipe dream on my part, but sure would be nice.

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How about we get a reason response too instead of the CUT & PASTE crap you always give us. We know what the freaking rules say that is why we are here. The in game help is worthless no one ever responds. Also why have a live chat tab when it is never used???????????????? Edited by Mindphaze
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Flat out you need to restrict free players a hell of alot more. They should not be able to use general chat at all and we all desperately need a way to turn off whispers for people not on our friends/guild list.


thats just stupid. how are they supposed to learn how to play the game without asking questions.


you cant restrict F2Pers too much otherwise they wont even want to become preferred/vip

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Flat out you need to restrict free players a hell of alot more. They should not be able to use general chat at all and we all desperately need a way to turn off whispers for people not on our friends/guild list.

Are you serious? You can't be right?

ignoring this...


OP you have a great idea there.


It's much more effective than banning accounts and its quite possible that they will use hellwhatevered accounts for months before even actually noticing that it's not working.


I support this, please bioware look into this idea, I too suffer from these spammers on a daily basis.

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What they need to do, once reported, be muted for 24 hours automatically. That is what Cryptic does with their games. In addition, they need to work on a spam filter so that we do not need to be bothered by these spammers. Edited by Mdgshorty
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