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level difference


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Hello everyone


My wife also started to Play SWTOR and she has a Ivl 5 Consular and I have a lvl 26 Guardian. Can I help her with that or do you suggest to create a new Char till she level up to mine?


thanks alot.

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Both options are viable, but be aware that a higher level character will siphon all the experience to him from killing enemies. If you play with your level 26 guardian with her level 5 consular, she will still get the full experience from completing the missions, but most of the experience she would have gained from killing enemies will be "absorbed" by you (and since they're grey to you, they won't give you any experience either). So she'll level a little slower (but combat will be much faster with you around so it kinda balances out).


what you can do also with your level 26 is that as you run around lower level area, you can gather materials and craft low level item for her too, since you're ahead of her.


on the other hand she may feel the pressure to speed through the story to catch up with your level 26, which is (in my view) a bad thing. If it's her first playthrough of the game she should definitely enjoy the story at her leisure and not feel "rushed".


Discuss the pros and cons with her and see what she thinks!

Edited by Oggthebase
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It's nice to see married couples playing this game together. I've been playing since Beta and my wife finally got into it a few months ago. I created new toons to level with hers and it's been fun showing her what to do (when she decides to listen :rolleyes:) and help craft gear for her toon.


Now with one 50 under her belt (Assassin) and another on the way she's fast becoming a pro at the game. It's also better to create a new toon so she can get all the experience points she needs to level quickly. That initial exploration and kills you gain from 1-10 are invaluable points. They make sure you level at a quick rate. Hope she enjoys the game as much as my wife and you both get to have a lot of fun!

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and it's been fun showing her what to do (when she decides to listen :rolleyes:)


I know, right! I created a new character to help my wife level up, since all my other characters are level 30 or above, and you just can't tell them what to do. She never turns on the sound and won't read the dialog - expects me to catch her up after each event in game - ain't love grand.... :D

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When I help anyone with a lower level, I just remember that when I play. Don't overkill all the mobs, don't let your companion do anything, etc. I simply let the lower level char control the fight and just help out when needed.
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I know, right! I created a new character to help my wife level up, since all my other characters are level 30 or above, and you just can't tell them what to do. She never turns on the sound and won't read the dialog - expects me to catch her up after each event in game - ain't love grand.... :D


This would annoy the hell out of me. Your wife is lucky to have someone so patient.

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I heard that couples that play together.... kill each other much sooner! :)


But seriously, one thing you can do with higher/lower sets (I do this with my brother) is to take them through heroics of FPs so they can get equipment they need. The lower char wont get all the xp, but they will get drops, rewards and the final XP for completion, so its not bad. And it helps them outfit their toons.

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My little brother and I play a lot together, but the level difference is high (I'm level 50, he's level 25)\


Here's what I did to help him


- not grouped together

- make him attack the enemy (until life bar is grey)

- hit it just enough to damage

- give him the last hit


We checked and the XP gain is just like him soloing


For class quests (story areas) we had to team up so there's not much we can do aside from kill things as fast as we can (we dont skip cutscenes) so we can get to the next class quest faster

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