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We dont want warzones , we want open world PVP


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Instanced PvP is great while leveling, and I hope that they add more types of instances. But at 50, some sort of open world PvP with objectives that benefit your side as a whole would be great. This concept gives you something new to experience every day for all types of play styles.
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You're incorrect: this game has a very strong PVP element at endgame. Are you 50 yet? Are enough people yet, to populate the huge RVR zone? No, not yet. Learn what's there before claiming things you aren't informed on :).


Dude, haven't you read just about every post on the PvP forum? Nobody posting nerf/buff/change threads have a bloody clue. Haven't you noticed the dude who keeps spamming his PvP video commentary talking about DR on CC who doesn't look like he knows what resolve is.

Edited by Scelerant
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Open pvp = noob zerg fest


Warzones = fair and strategic pvp




This, with a small caveat:


Open World PvP works on dedicated RvR MMOs (that aren't named Warhammer). This is not a dedicated RVR MMO. Noone ever claimed this would be a dedicated RvR MMO. Why would anyone expect Open World PvP to be good here?


Complain about Warhammer? Sure. Complain about SWTOR? Nope.


Seriously, not to be snarky or trollish, but if you're crying about World PvP, you should buy an account over in Dark Age of Camelot.

Edited by Doki
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WoW ruined this genre forever.



boring combat in instanced battlefields.. if i wanted to do that i'd play battlefield 3.. which is actually crazy exciting combat.



Want to play an rpg for other reasons. Join a clan and take over cities, own territories.. Fight rvr or clan vs clan. Kill roamers looking for trouble..


take their stuff when they die..


sandbox type game where you can build things.. SWG style in a constantly dangerous environment.. with politics and power struggles..



but why build something for PVPers.. they can all just go play Battlefield..

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So go join a pvp server and don't join warzones = easy solution... what's the fuss? Don't call warzones bad or in need of ganking...



You a feckin *** tbh fella! Play on a PvP server and then you realise how bad the game is for PvP'ers who actually joined an open world PvP server to actually kill people!


Im level 28 and have seen 1 person so far. Its pethetic tbh!

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Game hasn't been out long at all. We don't all have that much time to level through so much to reach the zones so fast.I've played early access and i'm still on Taris lvl 22. Give it time.


I do agree with you to a point, but surely there are enough people that are being funelled into the same areas through regular questing that there should have been at least a sniff of PVP by now? I played from day 1 and am now lvl 26 on Tatooine and I don't get to play hardcore hours like many do. I expected some quest lines to cross and naturally create level balanced PVP zones, is that not what was indicated in the developer notes??

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I want competitive, challenging and tactical warzones.


Speak for yourself.


Have you ever played Shadowbane, or ever heard of it. That was tactics at it's best. Creating the right bane spec group so you could go and attack an enemies city. The Defenders inside their city waiting to push you away. The earlier banes in SB lasted days, while players logged in and out around their schedules to attack a city. That is truly what open world PvP is about; asset destruction.

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