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2 skills bug


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thanks for answer:) but force camuflage speed bonus doesnt seem to work even in combat:/ 30% should be noticable:/


maybe it's because you're in ataru form(combat spec) which gives you 15% speed bonus already and they don't stack so you couldn't feel the 15%+ difference, i can feel the increased speed though (Watchman spec).

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if you are talking about carnage tree, that 30% is for PREDATION (extra 30% to predation making it total 80%)


actually, I've read again, sorry, I've misunderstood.


yeah, as posted above, you only see that 30% if in combat since it does not add up to defensive form of ataru nor sprint (and speed diff on range 10-20% is barely noticable in 4 sec)

Edited by Atramar
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^I think he means in the tool tip for Force Camo (increases movement speed by 30%).


I never really bothered looking into it, and the tool tips don't mention it anywhere, but I believe force camo is treated as any other stealth, meaning all classes with stealth have reduced movement speed while in stealth ( think it's -50%). Then you add your +30% movement speed to that for a net of -20% (or 80% of your non stealth speed) or something to that effect.

Edited by Ridickilis
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