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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official PvP Records 1.1


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I really dont think any records should be taken until this whole bolster situtation just calms down.. cause they are still tweaking but thats just my two cents


It wasn't even that bad initially, although I could see the concerns. But the new bug since yesterday is even worse.

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Better make my point by calling everyone an exploiter. :rolleyes:


I agree that records are kind of iffy with the bolster system as it is, though.


Since you seem to be living under a rock, here ya go. But I'm sure no one would even think of doing that on this server right? :rolleyes: Troll harder kiddo. You're heart wasnt in it this time.

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Since you seem to be living under a rock, here ya go. But I'm sure no one would even think of doing that on this server right? :rolleyes: Troll harder kiddo. You're heart wasnt in it this time.


Holy **** you can do this??


Records should be deleted till bolster is fixed then


No way to tell who is cheating and who isn't - actually it's not cheating just bioware being dumb, but it is an exploit

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I haven't been on this server much longer than f2p has been created.. but all i know is this guy who apparently is named neo known for possibly hardcore hacking is showing us his knowledge and area of finding such exploits and hacks so quickly and efficiently. Now, i'm not calling him a hacker, because quite frankly, ive never noticed anyone hacking so blatantly as eelum would say to call anyone a hacker. Sorry i'm blind. But you're not helping your situation any. Edited by OWENWILSON
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Since you seem to be living under a rock, here ya go. But I'm sure no one would even think of doing that on this server right? :rolleyes: Troll harder kiddo. You're heart wasnt in it this time.


I wasn't aware of such bug. I've been a bit lacking when it comes to reading the forums since I've been kinda glued to pvp since 2.0 dropped. As of right now I won't accept any records until this bolster thing is taken care of and will most likely wipe the current records once it is all squared away (hopefully). I know many of us have legit records but the unknown when it comes to who is and isn't is hard see therefore to make it easiest and fair for everyone we will all start from scratch.

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I wasn't aware of such bug. I've been a bit lacking when it comes to reading the forums since I've been kinda glued to pvp since 2.0 dropped. As of right now I won't accept any records until this bolster thing is taken care of and will most likely wipe the current records once it is all squared away (hopefully). I know many of us have legit records but the unknown when it comes to who is and isn't is hard see therefore to make it easiest and fair for everyone we will all start from scratch.


Sounds good to me (the fact that Bioware completely ignored bolster feedback on PTS and released this cluster grenade of smelly brown stuff on live notwithstanding).


Do you have any intention of adding an Undying record category? i.e. most damage taken without dying.


What else would dps' favorite focus target have to aspire to? :D

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Sounds good to me (the fact that Bioware completely ignored bolster feedback on PTS and released this cluster grenade of smelly brown stuff on live notwithstanding).


Do you have any intention of adding an Undying record category? i.e. most damage taken without dying.


What else would dps' favorite focus target have to aspire to? :D


I could put a section for amount of damage without dieing but I don't think we should have ratios. It becomes messy at that point =x.

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I haven't been on this server much longer than f2p has been created.. but all i know is this guy who apparently is named neo known for possibly hardcore hacking is showing us his knowledge and area of finding such exploits and hacks so quickly and efficiently. Now, i'm not calling him a hacker, because quite frankly, ive never noticed anyone hacking so blatantly as eelum would say to call anyone a hacker. Sorry i'm blind. But you're not helping your situation any.


Not trying to be a #@%&, but all Neo's understanding of the current state of bugs, hacks and exploits does say is that Neo is aware of what's going on, which I think is more helpful than hurtful. If he is using that knowledge negatively, that's another issue, but insinuating that his pointing it out on the forums (which I think is for the community's best interest at the moment) reflects negatively on him is somewhat uncalled for. Again, not trying to ruffle feathers, but thanks Neo for making sure others are aware, the information is useful.


Time to go invest in so crappy greens....

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Since you seem to be living under a rock, here ya go. But I'm sure no one would even think of doing that on this server right? :rolleyes: Troll harder kiddo. You're heart wasnt in it this time.


I'm aware of the exploit. What I was saying is that insinuating everyone who posted a record was exploiting was a crass way to point it out. You'll note that the post doesn't say anywhere that I think an exploit doesn't exist, or that the records shouldn't be put on hold.


Much love.

Edited by Zenithan
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So since you're wiping the slate clean, would you take a record from today i got? Since its after the bolster patch?


i think they are waiting til... the NEXT bolster patch lol. bc those exploits are happening during the current patch. biofail has said they are dropping a new patch next tuesday for it.. meh

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I haven't been on this server much longer than f2p has been created.. but all i know is this guy who apparently is named neo known for possibly hardcore hacking is showing us his knowledge and area of finding such exploits and hacks so quickly and efficiently. Now, i'm not calling him a hacker, because quite frankly, ive never noticed anyone hacking so blatantly as eelum would say to call anyone a hacker. Sorry i'm blind. But you're not helping your situation any.


Reading the forums works wonders, or so I hear. As well as my recent accusations of hacking, LOL. Gotta say I do miss laughing at those, just glad people finally came to their senses. Or at least some. :rak_03:


Sounds good to me (the fact that Bioware completely ignored bolster feedback on PTS and released this cluster grenade of smelly brown stuff on live notwithstanding).


Do you have any intention of adding an Undying record category? i.e. most damage taken without dying.


What else would dps' favorite focus target have to aspire to? :D


Whats even better is they claimed they fixed the bolster bug, and then it shows up on live in a new form.


Not trying to be a #@%&, but all Neo's understanding of the current state of bugs, hacks and exploits does say is that Neo is aware of what's going on, which I think is more helpful than hurtful. If he is using that knowledge negatively, that's another issue, but insinuating that his pointing it out on the forums (which I think is for the community's best interest at the moment) reflects negatively on him is somewhat uncalled for. Again, not trying to ruffle feathers, but thanks Neo for making sure others are aware, the information is useful.


Time to go invest in so crappy greens....


Basically this. I don't use exploits, and despite what people have claimed about me in the past I do not hack. Appreciate that you understand what I'm trying to do here Moco. ;)


you're right. my fault... i just find it ironic


Ironic how? :rolleyes: Because people falsely accused me of hacking. Tell me, how does a heal hack work? Do you even know the accusations that were made against me?

Edited by PoliteAssasin
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I wasn't aware of such bug. I've been a bit lacking when it comes to reading the forums since I've been kinda glued to pvp since 2.0 dropped. As of right now I won't accept any records until this bolster thing is taken care of and will most likely wipe the current records once it is all squared away (hopefully). I know many of us have legit records but the unknown when it comes to who is and isn't is hard see therefore to make it easiest and fair for everyone we will all start from scratch.


Let me quote what i said before. I appreciate the posts but until they fix the assortment of bugs I won't be accepting any new records. Sorry.

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