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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official PvP Records 1.1


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Illegal Test Kitchen

Highest Heals ever for a Powertech :D




I think I like the pyro PT pvp changes so far. And not just that swtor finally counts PT self heals on the scoreboard. I think the skill cap has been raised which is good for the spec. The new root-breaks are amazing. Kolto overload doesn't hold up as well under focus-fire as I thought it would. I thought it was undying rage under a different name, but that's not really the case. Vs. one opponent you're very durable but vs. 3 you're just as dead.

Edited by Syberduh
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You don't need a thread to tell you if your stats counted. While I could understand the old lowbies not being taken under consideration in this thread, the new brackets are somewhat different and more even with bolster. Edited by PoliteAssasin
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I wish the new lowbie counted. Check out this screen. Done just an hour earlier. Sorry for image quality. First time uploading an image to imgur and not sure how to get the full zoom to go onto it.




You don't need a thread to tell you if your stats counted. While I could understand the old lowbies not being taken under consideration in this thread, the new brackets are somewhat different and more even with bolster.


The new brackets don't make the situation any different and let me explain. I originally did not include lowbie pvp because of the clear cut advantage higher level players have. They have a larger assortment of skills that are needed to PvP. The new bracket is 10-29, 30-54, and 55. 30-54 is still a huge gap. If they made it 10-29, 30-49, 50-54, and 55. Then I might of accepted 50-54, and 55 however they didn't so we fall under the same constrictions as the old system. Hope that clarifies my reasoning.

Edited by xContex
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The new brackets don't make the situation any different and let me explain. I originally did not include lowbie pvp because of the clear cut advantage higher level players have. They have a larger assortment of skills that are needed to PvP. The new bracket is 10-29, 30-54, and 55. 30-54 is still a huge gap. If they made it 10-29, 30-49, 50-54, and 55. Then I might of accepted 50-54, and 55 however they didn't so we fall under the same constrictions as the old system. Hope that clarifies my reasoning.


The brackets are divided now, and old 50s have lost out on skills as well. That being said, its compensated for with the new bolster. A lowbie will have more health and adequate expertise to account for his lack of skills. It balances out.



I don't think any records should be taken into consideration until bolster is fixed. Somebody who's naked with 2000+ expertise and mainstat hitting somebody in WH with around 1600 is going to be inflated.


WH gear will give you maximum expertise. I have 1846 and I still have pieces of PVE armoring, my pvp boosts are already max. Naked bolster isn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be. I even tried it on my sentinel since my gear is on my marauder, my stats were somewhat the same. 27 crit instead of 30. 77 surge instead of 79. It essentially boosts a player to near mod ripped WH status. If you're losing to someone who's naked, thats your fault not bolster. It's simply an equalizer in its current state. Even so, Bioware is addressing the naked bolster. Thing is, lowbies in leveling greens will still be boosted up at the same rate they are now. Nothing is really changing. It's all about skill now. The people who used gear as a crutch are now the ones whining about losing to streakers or lowbies in warzones. Perhaps you should consult your own guildees who tried stripping in warzones, ask them how that worked out for them. :rolleyes:

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WH gear will give you maximum expertise. I have 1846 and I still have pieces of PVE armoring, my pvp boosts are already max. Naked bolster isn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be. I even tried it on my sentinel since my gear is on my marauder, my stats were somewhat the same.


You know, I'm not sure it follows any set pattern ATM. On Ardevall, no matter what combo I use I can't seem to get above 1600-1700 expertise, be it naked, WH, or in PVE gear. On Premroda, if I go in with my PVP gear I get around 1750'ish expertise, and over 2000 when naked with 9k crits constantly. On my Shadow I've found that full PVE gear yields the best stats but I have no PVP gear for that toon so I can only compare naked to PVE gear.

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As a reminder to everyone please use this format to make my life easier. Thanks!



Screenshot Link:

Record Broken (Ex. DPS #2):

Value(Ex: 1532.52 DPS):

Type of Match (Ranked or Unranked):

Edited by xContex
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*thanks Terentek! sorry about your capture not working.


another submission~ 2.0




Highest heals in a single warzone.





And another lol




Highest protection



Edited by Trixdope
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I don't see why we wouldn't take pvp records right now, it's broken and stuff but it IS accessible by all players, I don't go into WZ's naked, and neither does Baku. Pretty sure most people don't, not worth the hassle. Plus I FINALLY got the revans mask so why would I want to take it off :D And everyone knows how long it takes Bioware to fix a single problem....
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