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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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So alot of people are resubbing which is fantastic. Since server transfers are being rumored of not coming out for a LONG time it is our responsibility to rebuild this server. I propose that as a server... yes im saying as a server.. we all get together on illum. This is on a Monday and will take place at 7 pm eastern standard time (6 pm central time). People need to get there guilds to come. The republic will commit to this. However it seems the sith are disorganized, prove me wrong. We've tried this in the past and it has fallen through because people think this is about guild superiority. Im saying right here and now that this isn't about being a better guild at pvp or being better organized and geared. Throw all of that of the window. For 1 hour I challenge the players of Jung Ma to show up and enjoy the game for what it is. Dont come because your guild is going; come because you care about the unity of this server. I will be there and if I am the only one who goes... at least I can say that I did something that helped this server. I believe that we can do this because despite the competition, trash talk, ranked warzone, comparing raid times; we generally enjoy having this game and the players in it. Im not someone for going all out on the forums but when someone needs to step up im willing. We have a real oppertunity here and we can make it happen.



My in game character is Suluu.

Im in the guild Pro if anyone needs to contact me

Edited by yooohoo
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So we're just coming out to steamroll each other? What's the plan?


I will be out of town but I wish your event the best. Post pictures. :)


People are invited to do whatever. We can Rp on the sides. Hang out, do friendly duels, or participate in an all out war. This isn't an event that people have to be a certain thing for. This is to have fun

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Ok i think infernal harvest is going to. Ricky said he would bring an ops group of troopers if possible. Pro will be there and maybe praxium and angel aetherii not sure on those 2 yet. Along with a bunch on random imperials that ive talked to that usually solo alot. Edited by yooohoo
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Ok so we have alot of guilds committing now and i wanted to remind people that this event isn't about whos guild is better and all of that BS. This event is to celebrate the server and the new population. I think this is especially appropriate in the holiday season. IF ANYONE plans on bringing drama don't bother coming. People are going to be all over the place gear wise which is why this will be fun for everyone.
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The Sky Wardens are in discussion about this as we have many new members that are interested in Open World events and would like to participate but have a few concerns that have been issues in the past. This is the message I sent in regards to what I think an Open World event should be. As of right now there doesn't seem to be any sort of structure that will prevent certain issues from arising so I have come up with a plan that will incorporate many aspects of the game and get everyone involved in this. Take a look and let me know what you think. If the Sky Wardens were to host an event this is what we would do.


So I mentioned it to aeren and clymene. aeren is interested clymene not so much. With that said I think we are going to run into some resistance on this one because there is no structure. Just do whatever and no one wants to waste time just standing around or getting ganked by douche bags. I created the signup and I dont have an issue going but if the sky wardens are going to have a larger presence it is going to require a little more structure with objectives or certain areas for certain things. We have concerns with lag and a lack of respect and professionalism.


As far as my thought on a world event on ilum....


I would use the open world pvp area as it is large enough to spread out. Helps the lag issue.

I would utilize the objectives already in place in the area to control ilum with smaller groups of players at each section. I would make it so neither faction can go all the way to the other factions base which would allow for rp or hanging out. I would set a strict rule against ganking lower level players. Its discouraging for our new members to get ganked and I have been called to tatooine multiple times which I dont mind but our members get frustrated with trying to level.

As far as PVP my thought on this and hear me out here would be to put a couple of groups of lowbies, a couple groups of fresh 50s and a group or two of the elite on the server. Separate them and do a competition. This does a couple of things.


A) No guild gets to stand out as the "best" and many players can get together with new people that they may not have played with before.

B) Everyone gets to participate if they want to.

C) Allows the elite to truly shine in a way that unfortunately many of us haven't been able to experience in ranked wzs.


The factions bases are great for RP. My thought here is something along the line of this...



"Man Aeren its rough out there"



"This battle is unforgiving and you look like you need a drink"



"I agree. I was just allowed a leave from duty for a short period so I will take you up on that offer"



"Relax friend and enjoy this"


It lets people participate in the PVP and take a break to enjoy the RP side of things and just hang out.


As you can see I have thought about this for some time and have come up with a great plan but at this point world pvp has failed too many times for people to be confident in this. I say lets give this one more shot. Think about these things and let me know if you would like some assistance setting this up. More than happy to help.



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Oh and as far as the "elite" thing my thought on that is to have 1 or maybe 2 people from each guild to represent not only their guild but their faction. If we get enough interested in participating we can bump it up to 3 or 4 from each guild and make multiple teams but lets mix it up a bit and work together.
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What about spawn/gate camping?


There are multiple guilds involved and i don't see that being an issue. Alpha company sky wardens and pro are all responsible enough to not do it. Plus there's no insintive because of the no valor reward from spawn camping. I dont see that being an issue.

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I still haven't seen any clear objectives posted yet. Is the intent for this event to take and hold the 3 Assault Areas on the map? If so, for what duration must they be secured? Are there any objectives at all, or is this just a show up and fight type scenario? Edited by Ricky_Torjan
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Several of the guilds are doing there own rp but it will most likely be a battle for the center. I created this event for the Jung Ma server. I dont really own nor can I control illum. There will be a massive battle at the time posted. If guilds want to cooperate and do rp or fight for objectives the leaders of those guilds need to get together to discuss this. I simply created this event in order to Kick Start the server into planning event's like this again. My goals for doing that have been met merely by the amount of feedback i have been getting. There is no winner for this particular event its simply show up and have fun. People are more then welcome to add to this as Sky Wardens have.



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I posted what I thought would make a good event above but haven't seen any comments questions or concerns regarding it. I have a bunch of guild members from the Sky Wardens that are interested and I will be there but lets try to nail this down over the day so we don't all just show up and stand around. If everyone likes my thoughts then we can incorporate that into the event but its not my event so as of now nothing has been set in stone. Edited by etcc
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