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attn devs: the stun problem needs to be fixed


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keep your stun breaker for emergencies, don't pop it at the first sign of trouble. Unless the situation is match deciding (who's holding the ball at a 2-2 Huttball match for example), NEVER use your breaker on a mezz. Stuns are fine, it's up to you to decide when to break them and when to use them.


One question worth asking to yourself "While I'm being stunned and playing musical statues, where is the rest of my team to help reduce this inconvenience?" If your answer is "I don't know", something in the groups planning needs to change.


Because Resolve totally suxx now, im just ignoring it.

CC breaker saved my life 9 of 10 times without a full resolve.


When i break a CC with a full filled resolve, i can be stunned again anyhow.

Often im stunned and tell my screen "FILL MY FAKKING RESULF" but its only 3/4 on the first stun and im dead on the second.


No, not my turf, CC-breaker is a valuable tool but if i base it on resolve, its a deathtrain.


Im not doing bad by ignoring resolve at all.

It does not prevent chainstunning and im really questioning its legitimity.

Its a bad implemented mechanic, got a overhaul already and still suxx.

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They should scrap resolve entirely and add the immunity timers they had in Warhammer. One set for stuns, another for roots and knock backs.


Simple. Painfully simple.


But they never will.


Exactly, after all the are alot of the same Devs from War at least if you believe what folks say. I am against any changes to stunns and believe the ones changed to 10m should be put back to 30. These changes also affect PVE since they refused to have skills act different based on if it was pvp or pve. Immunity timers would make this game an awesome slug fest.

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Problem is roots and interrupts don't build resolve. If you got some resolve whenever you were interrupted or rooted- resolve would actually fill, and most importantly you wouldn't commonly spend the entire time your white bar is up rooted in place, trying to cast but being chain interrupted while you can do absolutely nothing.


If they put resolve on roots and interrupts- nobody would even complain about CC.

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1. Roots should contribute to resolve, if not, then pull/grapple should be allowed to take effect on full resolve.

Pulling some1 fill resolve but not the slow/root and I think its stupid.


Pulling some1 should not fill resolve because...you are NOT CCing, you are...pulling aka closing a gap. But Any slow/root SHOULD fill resolve because slow and roots are actualy CC.


Good Lord, no. Just no. But thanks for making idiotic points that dilute the potential for legitimate suggestions (tweaking cc breaker cd, max resolve bonus,etc.). Posts like these make me wonder if F2P really are forum-restricted.


When you are rooted, you cannot move but you can still act. If you are rooted somewhere you don't want to be (firepit), well it is your fault for being there.


When you are pulled somewhere, that is a controlling effect. If you whitebar the ball carrier so that he can't be pulled into the fire, that is you and your n00b team's own fault.


I'm sorry you were rooted by the marauder as you tried to "kite" using the s button. Perhaps if you had reacted like a decent player with your own cc, knockback, an attack, a slow, etc you would not be complaining.

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Problem is roots and interrupts don't build resolve. If you got some resolve whenever you were interrupted or rooted- resolve would actually fill, and most importantly you wouldn't commonly spend the entire time your white bar is up rooted in place, trying to cast but being chain interrupted while you can do absolutely nothing.


If they put resolve on roots and interrupts- nobody would even complain about CC.


On interrupts?! That would be more class specific imo - Resolve is the counter to CC's. I think Resolve needs to remain CC specific. Interrupts is for another topic/debate entirely.

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Problem is roots and interrupts don't build resolve. If you got some resolve whenever you were interrupted or rooted- resolve would actually fill, and most importantly you wouldn't commonly spend the entire time your white bar is up rooted in place, trying to cast but being chain interrupted while you can do absolutely nothing.


If they put resolve on roots and interrupts- nobody would even complain about CC.


Why does everyone want to take away strategy? You stay chain-interupting is bad, and I say it's good strategy.


I can picture you in a WZ and an intelligent player is saving his stuns, knockbacks and interupts for your casts, (That's what I do with my Mercenary on healers) and then complaining here because you couldn't do anything.


No, please don't take away the strategy of this game.

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If they put resolve on roots and interrupts- nobody would even complain about CC.


Except the Guardian/Sentinel who now has a gap closer that gives away resolve, and can't attack half the moving targets that he leaps to. Combat spec also broken.


Except the Gunslinger who can't keep melee off him anymore.


Except the Sorc who gets immediately leaped after using overload+electric bindings because target was whitebarred. (I am trying to jog my memory here, I think this might, might be the class you play...)


Except,...well, you get it.

Edited by LarryRow
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Why does everyone want to take away strategy? You stay chain-interupting is bad, and I say it's good strategy.


I can picture you in a WZ and an intelligent player is saving his stuns, knockbacks and interupts for your casts, (That's what I do with my Mercenary on healers) and then complaining here because you couldn't do anything.


No, please don't take away the strategy of this game.


Because what YOU call "strategy" is frustrating as **edit** to most people. It's a HORRIBLE mechanic that does NOT benefit the game, nor PvP. Learn a new strategy...players will adapt if Resolve is tweaked.

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They should scrap resolve entirely and add the immunity timers they had in Warhammer. One set for stuns, another for roots and knock backs.


Simple. Painfully simple.


But they never will.


this ... or they might remove all stuns and resolve from the game at least from pvp, its stupid idea put it in pvp


it was designed for pve ...


never seen any stun in normal pvp game ... imagine you guard turret /another stupid map very boring/ and 2 stealthers came, stunlock and they cap the turret without fighting ... is this pvp guys? or chess ??

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how to solve:

  • chat with the others and organize
  • don't charge alone
  • learn to wait to have the resolve bar filled before break stun


less QQ more PEW PEW ;)



and remember that this is a game, not WWIII




chess is a mastermind game, not a facerolling gamer vs gamer

Edited by ViridisDraco
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The simple Solution to this is to get rid of the CC break (which is completely useless) and add an internal Immunity that is 3 or 4 times the length of a stun every time your stun breaks.


Yes this method wouldn't allow you to break a stun, however you wouldn't be able to be stunned for the remainder of the fight allowing you to still kill the enemy. This would also force people to use stuns far more carefully.

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Except the Guardian/Sentinel who now has a gap closer that gives away resolve, and can't attack half the moving targets that he leaps to. Combat spec also broken.


Except the Gunslinger who can't keep melee off him anymore.


Except the Sorc who gets immediately leaped after using overload+electric bindings because target was whitebarred. (I am trying to jog my memory here, I think this might, might be the class you play...)


Except,...well, you get it.


Unlike you- I'm willing to take a nerf to roots to my class if it affects all classes equally and in turn reduces the CC-fest we currently have.


Or- we can go back to all talks about nerfing CC being entirely on nerfing only the CC that sorcs have- because that's so much better isn't it?


I've been saying roots need resolve since day 1- and yeah, I play a sorc- doesn't matter, maybe it would actually make people think a little bit before using their roots and leaps- like they have to for stuns.


Right now- using roots and interrupts is extreme easy mode since only some classes are hurt by interrupts (surprise surprise, it's the classes that are also the least taken in RWZ for DPS), they have such low CDs, and you can lock someone out through resolve.


A single anni marauder can keep a sorc from casting DI forever- I mean, literally, you could chain interrupt DI without it getting off once just with the interrupt ability a million times in a row.


Way too easy.


CC in this game is out of hand- but nobody wants to do anything about it that might hurt their own class- so yes, I'd rather put forth a suggestion that'll reduce CC, reduce being CCed while your white resolve is reduced to zero- and will affect multiple classes including the spec I myself play- than just say 'CC is flawed, please nerf every class but sorcs'.


I'm not interested in the solutions that idiots on this forum have been putting out that always amount to 'yes sorcs are greatly underperforming in RWZ except for the stun bubble- so nerf sorcs and only sorcs'- and no, I'm not just going to sit back and applaud as you ******* get one of the already most heavily nerfed ACs in the game yet another nerf- especially since BW's track record is nerfing sorcs (and ops, and mercs) when they don't need a nerf, while taking months of people complaining about how OP marauders are as the suggestion they should thrust smash to the most powerful ability in the game.

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The stun mechanics in this game are not what I consider a "fun" mechanic. Losing control of your toon does not make for a fun game in any way shape or form.


My crew can with a little coordination can keep a player completely stun locked while we kill him/her off.


Sadly this is the nature of these type games and either we adapt to these bad mechanics or quit.


I have no issues with slows/roots its straight stuns/knockdowns that have no place in a good team game in my opinion.

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The simple Solution to this is to get rid of the CC break (which is completely useless) and add an internal Immunity that is 3 or 4 times the length of a stun every time your stun breaks.


This is basically every node-ninja-ing stealth-capper's wet dream.




My crew can with a little coordination can keep a player completely stun locked while we kill him/her off.


My question is: What was the "stunlocked" person's crew doing while this was happening?

Edited by LarryRow
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I've been saying roots need resolve since day 1- and yeah, I play a sorc- doesn't matter, maybe it would actually make people think a little bit before using their roots and leaps- like they have to for stuns.


Knights/Warriors are simply unplayable if their leap does not reliably root. Each AC has two trees that are built around it. I'm sorry to have to do this, but:




Right now- using roots and interrupts is extreme easy mode since only some classes are hurt by interrupts (surprise surprise, it's the classes that are also the least taken in RWZ for DPS), they have such low CDs, and you can lock someone out through resolve.


A single anni marauder can keep a sorc from casting DI forever- I mean, literally, you could chain interrupt DI without it getting off once just with the interrupt ability a million times in a row.


Then knock him back and kite? Then get a peel from your teammate? Then stun him? Mez him? Then cast a different spell while his interrupt is on CD?


Way too easy.




CC in this game is out of hand- but nobody wants to do anything about it that might hurt their own class


^ Your last worthwhile point before the, um, strong feelings started. I'm not worried about hurting my own class (esp. since I don't just play one class...). I'm more worried about ruining the metagame of objective-based play. Controlling effects and movement impairment are extremely important for capping objectives in a competitive match, where straight up wiping out the other team isn't usually possible. They also prevents huttball from becoming more class-dependent than it already is (imagine how broken certain ACs would be in huttball if they were white-barred all the time and protected from roots).

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Knights/Warriors are simply unplayable if their leap does not reliably root. Each AC has two trees that are built around it. I'm sorry to have to do this, but:



Then knock him back and kite? Then get a peel from your teammate? Then stun him? Mez him? Then cast a different spell while his interrupt is on CD?



KB, stun, mez- all on resolve. As you said- unplayable when unreliable. Furthermore- mez has a cast time and if I've attacked him once, he has affliction and thus mez will just fill resolve.


I think you'll find, if you get resolve from root- warriors wouldn't suddenly become the worst class in the game, unplayable as you say- I think you'd find that the good players would do fine, actually, flourish.


Remember- this is a change that would affect many classes. Snipers and sorcs considerably.


It's not like it's a nerf to roots themselves- it's just asking for when resolve is full, you can actually control your character- I don't think that should be such a ridiculous expectation. Instead we get a white bar that constantly goes from full to nothing due to root, root, root.


Roots are almost as deadly as stuns to many classes, and are worse than KBs or mezzes most of the time- I know I'd much rather get a KB against me than a root. They are too powerful to be allowed to be used so freely- a carnage mara can, alone, root you for 9 seconds. Two with coordination could do so for about 24 seconds straight. 24 seconds where you can't move, aren't able to get off the casts you need, and even after, before or in between you can be subject to several other CCs.


Nobody enjoys losing control of their character- but people enjoy it even less when they're under a mechanic that mistakenly is letting them believe because they've lost control of their character for so long already- they're now immune... then, you get to enjoy that bar go down to nothing while you cannot control your character.



I guarantee you people would stop complaining about CC if roots and interrupts were added to it- instead people are trying to go after abilities that already add resolve and already don't work through a white bar.


- roots and interrupts give small resolve

- CC break reduced 30 seconds across the board

- perhaps some classes without additional CC breaks get another on an ability

- CC break returned on respawn


Or- people can keep whining for the sorcs to get nerfed- how does that affect your vaunted unplayability or the balance of pvp matches when a class taken now for that one ability is reduced to where it was before- perhaps getting one RWZ slot as second healer, or maybe just take a second operative.


Ah right- it doesn't effect you- but roots on your leap does- so you'll fight to the death against that change- but gladly accept something that'll nerf another class to not being necessary or perhaps even wanted on RWZ teams anymore. As I said- you're willing to take a nerf to any class but your own.

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Not sure i agree with roots and such being added to resolve. Seems to be they should either do away with resolve and go with immunity timers or once your resolve fills it stays full for a longer peroid of time 30 secs to 60 secs maybe. I have had fights where I land get stunlocked and die respawn land resolve is empty and get stunlocked and die again. Roots and KBs dont bother me near as much as the stunlocks and focus firing without ever being able to do anything.
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Why does everyone want to take away strategy? You stay chain-interupting is bad, and I say it's good strategy.


I can picture you in a WZ and an intelligent player is saving his stuns, knockbacks and interupts for your casts, (That's what I do with my Mercenary on healers) and then complaining here because you couldn't do anything.


No, please don't take away the strategy of this game.

Because what YOU call "strategy" is frustrating as **edit** to most people. It's a HORRIBLE mechanic that does NOT benefit the game, nor PvP. Learn a new strategy...players will adapt if Resolve is tweaked.


I guess I don't get frustrated when I don't win. But that's what the forum is now adays, people who can't take not winning, then comes the raging.


I find it fun and full of strategy and you find it frustrating and irritating. I guess in your perfect world players just run at each other, hit their button rotation and then there is a winner, no adapting to your oponent or messing with his casts, just zergin each other.


For the time being, I'll be happy with what I've got now.

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KB, stun, mez- all on resolve. As you said- unplayable when unreliable.

Not the only solutions I offered.


I think you'll find, if you get resolve from root- warriors wouldn't suddenly become the worst class in the game, unplayable as you say- I think you'd find that the good players would do fine, actually, flourish.


Maybe in a perfect internet fantasy land, but with client/server issues, it has to be this way. You'd know this if you'd ever leaped to someone and had the attack "miss" and found yourself landing well outside of melee range.


Let's think about all the Knight specs that rely on roots:

They had to add a 1 second root to Zealous leap because otherwise it was a useless skill. Sweep always missed.

Vigilance (maybe the weakest Knight spec) relies on Leap (root 3 sec) -> Master Strike -> try to proc Master Strike cooldown finish -> repeat

Combat is built almost entirely around being able to root your target. It's the trade-off for being unterrupted/shut down so easily


It's not like it's a nerf to roots themselves- it's just asking for when resolve is full, you can actually control your character


You can do everything except move....


Roots are almost as deadly as stuns to many classes, and are worse than KBs or mezzes most of the time- I know I'd much rather get a KB against me than a root.


It's pretty simple really. At range, roots are deadly for melee. In melee, roots are deadly for ranged. Aka balanced.



Nobody enjoys losing control of their character- but people enjoy it even less when they're under a mechanic that mistakenly is letting them believe because they've lost control of their character for so long already- they're now immune... then, you get to enjoy that bar go down to nothing while you cannot control your character.


This makes it sound like you think we should change a mechanic because people have l2p issues. Pressing the W button while rooted holding the huttball and scratching your head while the enemy team beats on you is not grounds for a mechanics change.


- roots and interrupts give small resolve

- CC break reduced 30 seconds across the board

- perhaps some classes without additional CC breaks get another on an ability

- CC break returned on respawn


CC breaker cooldown reduction is worth discusing; 30 seconds is overkill. I would like to see more classes get abilities that remove movement impairment like dodge, specced camo, and force speed does. You should never be rewarded for dying.


Ah right- it doesn't effect you- but roots on your leap does- so you'll fight to the death against that change- but gladly accept something that'll nerf another class to not being necessary or perhaps even wanted on RWZ teams anymore. As I said- you're willing to take a nerf to any class but your own.


You make assumptions based on my signature and avatar, but oh how little you know.

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I guess I don't get frustrated when I don't win. But that's what the forum is now adays, people who can't take not winning, then comes the raging.


I find it fun and full of strategy and you find it frustrating and irritating. I guess in your perfect world players just run at each other, hit their button rotation and then there is a winner, no adapting to your oponent or messing with his casts, just zergin each other.


For the time being, I'll be happy with what I've got now.


The only accurate part of your reply is that I, and many others, find the number of CC's in this game frustrating. Your other comments are nonsense.


I maintain that the current overabundance of CC's in SWTOR is a major deterrent to PvP. Yes, it can help with "strategy", but strategy will remain even if Resolve/CC's are changed. For the betterment of PvP, it NEEDS to change.

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Doesnt matter if we do or not its never going to happen in anyone's lifetime simply because it is incredibly dumb.


You think it's a dumb that a 3 second root/CC add to Resolve, yet you're ok with a petty 5 meter knockback adding to it?! Roots most obviously SHOULD add to Resolve. Ignoring them is DUMB!

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