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Companions are doom of this game


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On a more practical notion... companions are more reliable and intelligent in combat then some players you meet/group with at random opportunities. ;)

A friend of mine brought Lord Scourge into Lost Island.


During the LR-5 fight, Scourge got a grey reticle under his feet, then ran out, dropped it and force lept back in to the fight. Coincidence? Or evidence that companions can be better than some players ...



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Until the great "dumb down" in the WoW post launch years... DAoC was NOT solo friendly at all. You either grouped, duoed with a buffbot, or stabbed your eyes out with ice picks. Anyone that has forgotten this... there is a classic free server you can go play on and remind yourself about the ice picks to the eyes. ;)


Seprately, people expousing that companions have been around in MMOs for a long time... NO... not really. Pets, and minions, yes for one or two classes per faction.... but this is the first MMO to design the core of the game play around you and your companion, regardless of class or faction.



OK I guess I need to qualify this a bit. The game wasn't solo friendly by the standards of today, but it was when you compare it to the original Everquest which made soloing just about impossible once you hit level 6. But anyway in Daoc I was able to get away with the same basic play style that I had in City of Heroes. Which is to solo but if you get a group invite join if it it fit your schedule.



Probably half my levels / experience in DAOC was solo. (Camping areas during non peak hours when my guild or friends were away). That kind of grinding is more monotonous than what people want but it definitely is doable as far as leveling up.

Edited by Addaib
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A friend of mine brought Lord Scourge into Lost Island.


During the LR-5 fight, Scourge got a grey reticle under his feet, then ran out, dropped it and force lept back in to the fight. Coincidence? Or evidence that companions can be better than some players ...




This reminds me, wanted to ask this but ...

Sometimes when I have used a comp in an FP..I've noticed that the boss tends to engrage WAY fast compared to having an all PC group. Has anyone else experienced this ??

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A friend of mine brought Lord Scourge into Lost Island.


During the LR-5 fight, Scourge got a grey reticle under his feet, then ran out, dropped it and force lept back in to the fight. Coincidence? Or evidence that companions can be better than some players ...




No, Sith are just smarter than Jedi.

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A friend of mine brought Lord Scourge into Lost Island.


During the LR-5 fight, Scourge got a grey reticle under his feet, then ran out, dropped it and force lept back in to the fight. Coincidence? Or evidence that companions can be better than some players ...




Hehe.. pretty much.


Companion sees ground target and thinks... "hmmmm... time to move"


Average Player sees ground target and stands in it until it's time to take a dirt nap... all the while screaming to the healer "why you no heal?! WHY YOU NO HEAL!!?!!" :p

Edited by Andryah
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Do you ever wonder why so many people complaining that SWTOR is single-player game? Or at least not MMORPG at all? I can tell you why - because of companions! Yeah, that's it! You don't need buddies to level up. You don't need budies to do major part of the game. At all. Companions can do the same. You can have whatever role you want to help you make it through without any contact with other players. Crazy opinion?


You can do most of the content solo in WoW, Aion, GW2, Lineage2 (probably), DCUO, Rift... what's your point exactly? That because with the help of companions some classes can solo Heroic missions this game isnt multiplayer-friendly? You can also solo content intended for multiple players in other MMOs... Hunters, Death knights, paladins in WoW... Rangers in Aion kiting stuff to infinity... Frost mages in wow kiting stuff to infinity...


In the end even if the "group" content was harder - or didnt allow companions to be used, or whatever, some people would still choose to try soloing (some even enjoy doing that just to see if they can), or even worse they'd skip it entirely.


If players arent grouping (which i assure you is not the case afaik), its because the game isnt giving them enough reason to do so. Also, there will always be players that group up, regardless of whether there's a reward for doing so or not, just because they enjoy playing/questing/pvping together.


The companions have nothing to do with this - you can even think them as a part of each class. You can do a lot with them if you use and equip them properly, but you cant complete 100% of the game just with them. (see Operations, Warzones)

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