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Are the players getting better?


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Two times know have I been in fantastic ops groups with pugs.

First I ended up in a TFB SM group with pugs. Thinking that we're never going to defeat TFB. But with only a few wipes he was dead :)

But tonight something impossible happened. i was doing EC SM with a pug group, and we finished it without a wipe! :D I don't think I died one single time with that group. :)

Not bragging just asking after this, do anyone else think that the players in SWTOR is getting better, or was I just extremely lucky with these groups?

Anyway Jedi Sentinel Jadele bows in deep respect to those 14 players I did vthese runs of TFB and EC with.

You made me belive that the impossible is possible with a pug group :)

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I would not be surprised at all if the quality of players is going up. I happen to know a great many excellent end game heroic mode raiders who have bailed out of another well known game recently and come here. There are more coming every day.


Their loss our gain I say.

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Could be the gear creep. Or people could actually be getting better(not unsurprising given SM EC has been out for quite some time).


I think this is the reason too. Anyway it was a real pleasure to play an ops without having to die 10 times.

Good old days from EV/KP with crappy gear i don't miss you.

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Two times know have I been in fantastic ops groups with pugs.

First I ended up in a TFB SM group with pugs. Thinking that we're never going to defeat TFB. But with only a few wipes he was dead :)

But tonight something impossible happened. i was doing EC SM with a pug group, and we finished it without a wipe! :D I don't think I died one single time with that group. :)

Not bragging just asking after this, do anyone else think that the players in SWTOR is getting better, or was I just extremely lucky with these groups?

Anyway Jedi Sentinel Jadele bows in deep respect to those 14 players I did vthese runs of TFB and EC with.

You made me belive that the impossible is possible with a pug group :)


More like you ran with a bunch of people who have already run those OP's more than ten times. Our guild hasn't even done HM KP and haven't even stepped inside EC story mode yet. I try to pug on occasion when I get the chance but trying to wait for Guild members that only log on late at night for maybe 1 or 2 hours just isn't enough time to do anything. Then when we do have enough I'm usually locked out and have to bring an ALT. Most of our Guildies have 1 or 2 toons per faction. Though myself have 7 lvl 50's just waiting on new species that doesn't sound the same over and over again.

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More like you ran with a bunch of people who have already run those OP's more than ten times. Our guild hasn't even done HM KP and haven't even stepped inside EC story mode yet. I try to pug on occasion when I get the chance but trying to wait for Guild members that only log on late at night for maybe 1 or 2 hours just isn't enough time to do anything. Then when we do have enough I'm usually locked out and have to bring an ALT. Most of our Guildies have 1 or 2 toons per faction. Though myself have 7 lvl 50's just waiting on new species that doesn't sound the same over and over again.


No hm kp or ev sm?

How is that possible :rak_02:

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Yes, players are RIDICULOUSLY good at these games. I'd say on average someone who joins a PUG for TFB plays maybe 3 hours a day, 6 days a week. Doing the math, that means they've played around 1,000 hours already. Most people learn a thing or three in that time.


I always say the reason people "run out of content" is because we put so much more time into it than can realistically be developed for. A console game is only expected to entertain you 10 to 50 hours depending on Genre, but MMO's have to be built for the average person playing 1k hours a year? Or the super fan playing 2-3k a year?

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