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quick question about min/maxing


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Hello fellow marauders/sentinels,


I have full WH gear now and I had a question about min/maxing. I have heard I should keep my expertise around 1200, my critical rating around 30%, my surge at 75%, and then just try to stack strength/power. Is all of this correct?


So now I'm kinda starting a puzzle game with item mods right? The thing is that I have no idea where to start, no idea switching out which mods will get me the beforementioned stats. I've heard one should take modifications out of WH vindicator gloves and put it in all equips. Is this true? Can anyone give me some tips?


Help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! :)


Edit: it might be worth mentioning that I'm carnage spec.

Edited by dinnaya
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Although this guide may not be completely up to date, I feel that it helps a lot in the min-maxing process, or at least in the understanding of it.


Also 1.6 will be coming out soon, if you are just starting to min-max, I think it would be wise to do it on the new Elite War Hero gear. Unless, of course, you don't mind min-maxing your current WH gear, and then start the min-max process all over again on your Elite WH gear in the future.

Edited by Prabhunath
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You would need the following:

Armourings from the WH Vindicators set.

The Mods From the WH Vindicators gloves.

The Enhancements from the WH Force Mystics Gloves.


Depending on your spec either str/end or power/end augments.


But this may change after next update and as mentioned above It is best to wait & min/max your Elite WH gear instead.

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But even then it's still worth min/maxing on WH right? I mean, I'll need those gloves anyway to get the EWH versions of them for the mods.. Or am I right now assuming way too much cus there's no guarantee the mods from the EWH gloves will be the best to min/max? (Maybe someone who has checked it on PTS could know this?)
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Yea pretty much that... i would assume the EWH gloves will have the mods needed... as it has been the same for BM & WH min/maxing... but you know what they say about assumptions being the mother of all f*ck ups :-P im just gonna make sure im at the RWZ & WZ comms cap for 1.6 release date and take it from there... But like you asked if anyone from PTS has any inside knowledge that would be great :-)
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You would need the following:

Armourings from the WH Vindicators set.

The Mods From the WH Vindicators gloves.

The Enhancements from the WH Force Mystics Gloves.


Depending on your spec either str/end or power/end augments.


But this may change after next update and as mentioned above It is best to wait & min/max your Elite WH gear instead.


Which specs would suit which augment??

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Well for example if Speccing Rage you should really stack power & surge so Pow/End augments are best.


For Carnage & Annihilation it would depend on your current crit rating weither you choose Power or Strength. i like to get all my power from mods and enhancments so i then stack up on Str/End augments.


Check out Noxxic.com its a very good site and will help you with all your needs :-)

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You would need the following:

Armourings from the WH Vindicators set.

The Mods From the WH Vindicators gloves.

The Enhancements from the WH Force Mystics Gloves.


Depending on your spec either str/end or power/end augments.


But this may change after next update and as mentioned above It is best to wait & min/max your Elite WH gear instead.




The choice of str vs power augments matter very little. its about 5 bonus damage vs 1% crit.

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Hey All:


Running as Annihilation/Watchman spec, I had two quick questions concerning PvP stat values I was hoping you might be able to address:


1) What Accuracy -- whether as a percentage or a numbered rating -- should I try to attain? I'm currently at 99.31% (263).


2) I'm currently at 1239 expertise and am unsure whether this is too high or too low. I've seen, in both this thread and elsewhere, that DPS should aim for ~1200 expertise. As such, should I keep the current number or look to replace one pvp mod with a pve mod?


Thanks, in advance, for any help or insight you might be able to provide.



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Expertise is related to your style of play. If you like to last longer, increase it. If you run with pocket heal you should keep it at 1100-1200 and go for maximum dmg.


Regarding Accuracy it is always on a scale with Surge. When you hit 100% accuracy just swap the mods in the way that the additional value you would get on a specific stat would be bigger. If getting +53 surge would give you 1.5% of additional dmg and 53 Accuracy would give you 2.5% additional chance to hit I would go for Accuracy.

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