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Im back!!!!


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Played for the first time after 8 months. And Im lovin it. Seems like alot of the bugs has been fixit!!!! And theirs alot of people on the servers. Have had a great time playin and have decided to subscribe again.


Keep it up Austin!


ps. Hope p2w will never be implemented.

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i was gone for 5 months came back about a month ago to date and i'm loving it as well! i have 4 of my irl friends now playing with me and i'm having the time of my life... the game is great and i wont lie i play too much (sometimes WAY too much) but i cant get enough! glad to see im not the only one
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Wow Welcome Back guys... So nice to see Topics like this instead of the constant whining about F2P that has been running wild the last week or so from Self Entitled people who should be happy with what they have for FREE..


Glad too see some former subbers coming back and bringing new people in to the game as well!!


Hope you guys keep finding the game as fun as you do and as fun as i do as well :)

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I'm back too and I found that I wasted my money on a 60 day game card to get more cartel coins before the free to fail. I will not make that mistake again. I will give everything to the ONE guildie that still plays and I'm deleting my characters just to make sure I won't be tempted to play again.
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Welcome back - also just returned myself (time commitments forced me to quit in Feb). Just started a Sith Juggernaut and I think the devs did a great job in making their attacks feel truly... Visceral. Really well done. I still don't have as much time to play as I'd like, but I plan on enjoying this game for some time.
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I came back too, resubbed and having a great time. I had two 50's when I quit in February, working on my Inquisitor healer now up to 40. Dungeon finder is a godsend! Free respecs in the field make leveling a healer 10x better. Game still needs some optimizations, but not sure if that's even possible on this engine, oh well, having fun!
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