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Min/Maxing Campaign/BH


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As Sent Combat am I correct in that I should be going after the Mods and the Enhancements out of Foestopper's boots for min/maxing my 61 rated gear?


Boots Mod:

+53 STR

+32 END

+41 PWR


Leggings Enhancement:

+27 END

+41 PWR

+57 SRG


Looking to do this as a stop gap while I'm collecting mats for 63 rated mods/ehancements. My armorings are already there.

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How much crit rating do you want, and are you already at 100% accuracy?


On min/maxed WH I have about 98% acc and don't miss any of my hits in Master Strike which is my biggest concern.


So I'm attempting to min/max my level 61 PvE gear in a similar fashion. I'll keep as many mods with acc as needed to keep from seeing any misses.


Crit is at 350. I've usually been happy with this as a combat sent. Usually I try to min/max with 350 crit and then max surge/power until I start missing.


What's your setup?

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As combat I only have 164 Crit, 114 accuracy about 79% surge (80 is the hard cap...) and a butt ton of power, like around 1040 fully buffed.


328 crit is fine for combat, much more than that the dr curve on crit starts to hurt its value. But for the most part, those are exactly the mods and enhancements I use. I think I have one crit mod instead of power to get my crit rating where I want it, but everything else Power and power/surge

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As combat I only have 164 Crit, 114 accuracy about 79% surge (80 is the hard cap...) and a butt ton of power, like around 1040 fully buffed.


328 crit is fine for combat, much more than that the dr curve on crit starts to hurt its value. But for the most part, those are exactly the mods and enhancements I use. I think I have one crit mod instead of power to get my crit rating where I want it, but everything else Power and power/surge


Heavy DRs on surge detected. Really, don't go over 75%

And for combat crit > power

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Heavy DRs on surge detected. Really, don't go over 75%

And for combat crit > power


Unfortunately it doesn't work like that. You can only exchange surge for accuracy. Accuracy is worthless past 100% (yes it will still increase your offhand accuracy but... really?) while surge still has some benefit at least even if it's in heavy DR.


Also, regarding crit rating and power, the testing simply doesn't support your position. Basically the only thing the actual testing and the mathematical theorycrafting support is that it doesn't matter 1 way or another as you're looking at a value of around 1% DPS difference.

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Unfortunately it doesn't work like that. You can only exchange surge for accuracy. Accuracy is worthless past 100% (yes it will still increase your offhand accuracy but... really?) while surge still has some benefit at least even if it's in heavy DR.


Also, regarding crit rating and power, the testing simply doesn't support your position. Basically the only thing the actual testing and the mathematical theorycrafting support is that it doesn't matter 1 way or another as you're looking at a value of around 1% DPS difference.


Higher chance to hit with offhand > 4% damage on crit


About theorycrafting, who cares, parses show that crit is better and the difference is more than 1%

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Heavy DRs on surge detected. Really, don't go over 75%

And for combat crit > power


Crit does nothing for combat. The only ability that "needs" to crit has a 95-100% up time for it to auto crit. Combat doesn't have anything that procs off crits. Neither does Watchmen.


Higher chance to hit with offhand > 4% damage on crit


About theorycrafting, who cares, parses show that crit is better and the difference is more than 1%


Artkip's 20 parses, 10 with 328 crit rating, 10 with 164 crit rating show that there is a less than 1% difference.


If you have extensive parsing that shows otherwise, please present it.


As for why I have 79% surge is because it was either surge or accuracy, and since I've modded my gear this way (dropped 5% accuracy, among the other changes to power/ crit) my dps has jumped by 250...

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Crit does nothing for combat. The only ability that "needs" to crit has a 95-100% up time for it to auto crit. Combat doesn't have anything that procs off crits. Neither does Watchmen.




Artkip's 20 parses, 10 with 328 crit rating, 10 with 164 crit rating show that there is a less than 1% difference.


If you have extensive parsing that shows otherwise, please present it.


As for why I have 79% surge is because it was either surge or accuracy, and since I've modded my gear this way (dropped 5% accuracy, among the other changes to power/ crit) my dps has jumped by 250...


In combat most of your damage comes from blade rush that has 30% more surge and no autocrit. Watchman has self healing and surge on dots, which arent autocrits all the time either, also merciless slash isn't an auto crit.


Artkip's 20 parses is something i don't care about, since on boss fights my dps is higher by about 300 in crit gear.

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In combat most of your damage comes from blade rush that has 30% more surge and no autocrit. Watchman has self healing and surge on dots, which arent autocrits all the time either, also merciless slash isn't an auto crit.


Artkip's 20 parses is something i don't care about, since on boss fights my dps is higher by about 300 in crit gear.


You just told someone to go parse on the dummy when they asked you to link parses that show crit > power, but when Blzn comes back that I actually HAVE and have SHOWN 4 hours worth of dummy parsing to support my position suddenly you don't care?


LagunaD also has a spreadsheet using the math the game itself operates on showing a crit rating of around 150 as optimal.


You are also absolutely wrong in saying that the additional offhand accuracy is of greater benefit than 4% more surge. What makes it even more odd is that you are against raising surge that high because of the DR, but in the mirror thread in the marauder forum suggest 350-400 crit rating which is well into the harsher DR on crit rating.



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dummy thata way ------------->


Thanks for being a jerk. You stated that parser results show that crit out damages power/surge builds. I just asked for a link to these parser results so that we could be see them and if legitimate all become better geared players based on your shared knowledge.


But as expected, you're just another person trolling the forums with supposed secret knowledge about a method based on "evidence" that you can't provide.

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You just told someone to go parse on the dummy when they asked you to link parses that show crit > power, but when Blzn comes back that I actually HAVE and have SHOWN 4 hours worth of dummy parsing to support my position suddenly you don't care?


LagunaD also has a spreadsheet using the math the game itself operates on showing a crit rating of around 150 as optimal.


You are also absolutely wrong in saying that the additional offhand accuracy is of greater benefit than 4% more surge. What makes it even more odd is that you are against raising surge that high because of the DR, but in the mirror thread in the marauder forum suggest 350-400 crit rating which is well into the harsher DR on crit rating.



additional offhand will give you more dps than 4% surge, especially if you have no crit.

surge at 250 gives you 75% crit multiplier, surge at 400 gives you ~79%

crit at 250 is 28% crit chance, crit at 400 is crit chance of ~38%


One bad thing about the parses is that they are usually 5 min or longer. Sure in that time the difference between high crit and high power might be small, but now go and do a 10 sec parse (time to kill bomber in nim ec) or a 30 sec one (burning down the walker)


Also, I don't give a single **** about parses from random people, since it's impossible to verify their rotation, build etc.

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Also, I don't give a single **** about parses from random people, since it's impossible to verify their rotation, build etc.


In that case, no one should give a single **** about what you say because you're not presenting any parses or data that prove anything that you're saying. All you're giving is anecdotal evidence.


On the subject of parses being 5 minutes or longer, all boss fights are five minutes or longer (Operator IX gets up to about 9 minutes, Kephass 7ish, TFB up to 14), many of which have an even split between burst and sustained phases, dependent on what your task is in each fight.


Back up your claims with demonstrable testing and proof or leave.

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Artkip's 20 parses is something i don't care about, since on boss fights my dps is higher by about 300 in crit gear.

There are no words for how much I laughed at this statement.


Three hundred more DPS from higher crit rating gear? That's just... hilarious. It's not even remotely possible on any level. 30 DPS would be a mind-blowing increase, but 300? LOL


Must be cherry-picking between 10-second parses, haha.

Edited by Aurojiin
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People are all kinds of crazy when it comes to combat sentinels. Hell you barely need any accuracy in your gear at all with the companion buff and the combat stance and talent you are already at 97% accuracy already.


Put one piece of accuracy in your gear and go insane with surge and power all day every day. running 30% crit chance is not a bad thing at all. Just mess with it honestly.


If this person can prove they did 300 more dps with crit gear than anything else I can guarantee every combat sentinel in the game will be switching to full crit.

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