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F2P Has Gone better than many were expecting


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The question is, do they?


When actually asking posters on mmorpg.com whether or not they play the game they're craptalking, roughly 90% answers by no. The topic opened by forum managements in the swtor category is a prime example of that.


Consequently, they're definitely not customers of SWTOR.


And beyond that, it greatly puts to question how many of them actually still play mmo's in general. Personally I feel the mmorpg.com community has become a haven of players who have been unsatisfied with the direction of mmo's for years, yet desperately keep trying to change things back to the way it used to be; something which is never going to happen anyway.


That sort of people aren't potential customers, that sort of people is like virmin which will do anything it can to destroy your crops.


EA is most likely looking for customers in a different breed of people. People who are more inclined to stick to their product and not rage trip over every decision, play MMO's for just a week or 2 before quitting again, etc.


Pretty good point. Some of them maybe never even tried ToR. There are trolls out there, Ill give you that. For the most part, I would say alot of them atleast tried it and paid for atleast 1 months sub. If you dont like something, then you dont like something. I personally think that ToR is an excellent base game. Very good start out of the gate IMO. I just dont like the direction that it has taken since... and I dont just mean F2P.


People know what they want out of an MMO. Alot of people are tired of dumping 60 bucks plus subscriptions, only to find the games are lacking and continue to go down a bad road. And lets face it... buying UI parts is a big fail in most peoples eyes. I dont care how you want to spin it.

Edited by Soluss
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Well, there's no doubt that cartel packs have been selling like hot cakes so the preferred and free players whining about having to buy a quickbar, etc. should be glad the rest of us are subsidizing the game for them so they can play for free now.
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You're implying F2P was a success even remotely. I don't know what the consensus here on the forums is, but most places consider SWTOR'S free to play model to be an absolute joke. Any given website is just thread after thread about how they were instantly turned away by the restrictions. The point of a free to play model should be to pull people in and make them want to buy stuff, this does the opposite.


Server population is already dropping back down and it's only been f2p for a week. In another month, maybe two, SWTOR will be right back where it was. Potentially worse, given the handful of threads i've seen about how F2P is "ruining the game" by buttmad subscribers who probably paid 80 dollars for the game at launch.


Ideally, they should probably of copied something more along the lines of STO's free to play model. Or...literally any other model what so ever.


7 istances of DK are a good input of new players..... Ahahahahah, you haters are so angry that f2p is being a succes!!! :D

Edited by NinjaApacHe
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Lol you people dont even know what you are talking about. Better than many were expecting? What does that mean?


Here's a clue... more people playing freebie accounts in the first week after f2p launch does not equal a successful conversion. Pushing live a large patch rife with bugs, incorrect descriptions of real money items, missing real money coins, double crediting, etc too many real money transactions to even list going wrong, and then TAKING THE WEEK OFF, while typical for bioware, is not better than expectations, unless people were expecting the game to explode and burn in a fire.


I realize that this is probably impossible for the fanbois to accept, but swtor has been indeed hurting for a long time now, and as we have ZERO data on what income post conversion is BECAUSE THERE IS NO DATA TO BE HAD YET, you cant call it a win or a fail.


Seriously, "oh it's going great I see more people on the fleet!" is a moronic reason to call this situation a success by any stretch of the imagination.

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New player sounding in. Came to SW:TOR because of F2P, I wanted to if it would run on my "back to school special" PC ( try before you buy) and it does. Liking what I've seen already I subscribed. Now I just have to find some room on the budget for a fourth MMO.


good job so far Bioware.

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7 istances of DK are a good input of new players..... Ahahahahah, you haters are so angry that f2p is being a succes!!! :D


Ahahaahaha, you remember launc with about 2 million people and having about 600k subscribers at the 6 month mark? Yeah, the first week of F2P is about the same indication as launch was.

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How can you even judge FTP transition to be "better than expected" after one week? What are metrics that you are seeing? Or are you doing it by the seat of your pants feel?




Read the OP that not what I was talking about. Was talking about the chicken littles saying the game would be chaos or unplayable for subscribers. (There would be too many newbies forcing you to wait minutes to log in, questing would be a giant traffic jam etc,)

Edited by Addaib
make it less hostile
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What I'm really happy about is that the game itself still feels like the game it used to be in the immersion department.


I mean, I played LOTRO since Beta, after release, and after the F2P option was implemented. And, while LOTRO's F2P option has something this game lacks (the possibility of earning T.Points via deeds/achievements of different kinds), I really appreciate the fact that SWTOR's Cartel Market is not nearly as intrusive as the LOTRO Store. I hated, hated, getting those messages related to the Store everytime. It just destroyed a lot of that feeling of immersion that game used to have, which is a shame because it was the best part of the game. Here, on the other hand, I've made several characters and leveled them up until level ~15 or so and it still mostly feels as "the SWTOR I used to know". I feel the game as immersive as before.


[Community aside, since most of the time I always play while hiding the General chat :p].


I hide General Chat most of the time as well so I don't have to deal with the existing or new F2P boneheads. I also have shrunk and dimmed the big yellow cartel store button as far as it will go and moved it out of sight. I haven't spent even one CC on the market, but did unlock some legacy spots instead of using a trillion billion credits.


So yeah, the game has stayed "about" the same for me too. Except I can't stay in fleet anymore with all them annoying boxes going off or *******s showing off their new Christmas toy.


I find the cartel store extremely annoying - I play computer games so that I can get away from enduring commercials on TV... and I haven't watched TV in over 15 years. I've learned from past experience that the general type of gamer who flocks to a game because it is free is usually a bonehead that lives in a sludge bucket. It is the reason that I choose OL games that require a sub - you still have boneheads, but less of them.


I still play this game because I enjoy the story lines and have made good guild friends. As soon as TES:OL comes out I aint even looking back once - and so will most of my guild friends. So much for the F2P fiasco... it has degraded the game in my view... as well as many I know in game... with only one direction left to go.

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Couldnt agree less. Every prediction i made about f2p has come true .. and its pushing me close to quiting.

There more players, all of which are immensely rude and demanding. General chat is highly abusive now. I have a tonne more players on ignore now than i ever had. CC system would encourage a gambling ethic within computer games. Liars, kill-stealers and griefers would muliply at a geometric rate. Lag would suffuse the game and make it nigh unplayable. Addons would proliferate and players would bring the WOW mindset of having 200 addons downloaded just so you can press 1 button to play the game. Money farming would become a high priority.

Ever single thing has indeed happened, every aspect that has come true has made the game that little bit more unpleasant to play. Which means, of the players who have returned .... they are begining to force the players that stayed and tried to make the game good to quit. I've already lost oneguy who was here since beta and im not a million miles away from leaving too.

So yes, BIO you have done a good job in alienating your existing player base and brought in new blood ... tainted, poisoned new blood.


so, all in all, i couldnt agree les with OP ... f2p has become what we all knew it would become. A temporary cash influx for EA.


Agree with you 100%. F2P has pushed me closer to quitting the game rather than make me a happier subscriber. And I'm one of the diehards who has kept telling the other 4 players in my family who have stopped playing that it is still a great game. Doing a good job alienating me? Yep.

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I can't say I enjoyed the 5 minutes I logged in as ftp, but at least all the hype has reminded the swtor exists. "Hey yeah, remember the star wars game you used to love? You were supposed to go back to that someday, you know." And then I replied to myself "oh my gosh I completely forgot!"


So I'm happily re-subscribed and in that way ftp worked out for me. Admittedly though, chat is pretty unpleasant. I quit trying to ignore and/or report players when I realized it was never ending and just shut the whole thing off.

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