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Rate the TOP 5 AAA MMORPG's


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Remember AAA means high production value and does NOT indicate popularity. If AAA meant popularity then games like Wizards101, Second Life, Runescape, and WoW would lead the way. Here are my top 5 AAA MMORPG's. I play them all: (PLease list your Top-5 Current AAA titles)



2. Rift

3. Star Trek Online

4. The Secret World

5. Aion


How would you rate them?


1) World of Warcraft

2) Guild Wars 2

3) Guild Wars 1


Everything else is a crappy SOE knock off that caters to a small crowd.

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My Top 5


  1. Ultima Online (I've played 1999 - Present)
  2. SWTOR (2nd day of Early Access still Sub)
  3. LotR:O (Started with F2P still play occssionaly)
  4. Everquest (Still dabble with it's F2P option)
  5. DDO (No longer installed but not a bad game)


That's my order based on attachment to the game at the moment, as much as I hate to say it if it came to choosing between UO and SWTOR... SWTOR would probably lose. Not because UO is a better game, but because of the time investment involved.

Edited by Quantum
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1. WoW

Let's be honest the game had everything mmo needs. Still number one. Personaly i cant get back to WoW because i hate what they did to that game. It's so simple now like designed for 10 years old kids and besides pandas with chinese swords? Srsly?

2. DDO

I enjoyed that game a lot. Was more like constant dungeon runing but it was tons of fun

3. Knight Online

Don't know what happenen to that game but i have good memories


Story in MMO i actually enyojed, group convos and great looking graphics. Shame it has so many bugs, lags and other game breaking things i'm gonna leave it after i finish my consular story.

5. Warhammer online.

I'm a fan of warhammer for at least 14 years now. Enjoyed the game for a while but then it became so boring and broken i can't play it anymore. Only what i can expect is slow and painful death for that game.


Well if not for poor performance and lack of fixing the problems Warhammer and SWTOR would beat WoW imo

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1. WoW - I still play WoW and MoP is awesome, including some very nice graphics engine updates. Very smooth with lots to do outside of questing and Raiding.


2. SWTOR - Mostly for the leveling experience and potential. Missing a lot of little things that would make the worlds seem more dynamic and very little to do outside of raiding once you reach 50.


3. GW2 - I enjoy the game, but really haven't been playing enough to get the most out of it.


*** Those are the three I'm currently playing. So far as time I spend in each same order, about 80% WoW, and 20% split between SWTOR and GW2 ***

4. LoTRO - I don't play it any more but enjoyed it for a couple of years.

5. Rift - I may actually go back an try it again at some point.

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1. SWG (Pre CU) doesn't need any explenation.

2. EVE Online for obvious sandbox reasons and that it is too complicated for the normal idiot.

3. Age of Conan for the amazing graphics and gameplay. Still so much better than button mashing.

4. SW:TOR is still a bit boring gameplay wise as you just have the usual 1, 2, 1, 1, 4, 4 playstyle and nothing new.

5. Dark and Light was pretty awesome although it never could hold up itself but the world was amazing.

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1. SWG (Liked CU the most, then Pre-CU and tolerated NGE but was still fun. Only game that ever kept me hooked for years, even after the NGE, other than Neverwinter Nights.)


2. SWTOR (I hate that it feels so linear and corridored, but I love the combat and the classes.)


3. DDO (Great game that I still enjoy every once in awhile)


4. WoW (I didn't play it long cause I was burnt out of fantasy games be the time it came out. But it was still a great game.)

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