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Server Queues - Again but getting worse


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i wish i hade a free migration to be honest , my char is lvl 27...

Bought my speeder yesterday and i'm in queue 300+


And saying give server access to early access people only is flawed.

Imagine your RL friend wants to play with you , rushes to the shop today , only to find out he cant create a char on your server lol

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i wish i hade a free migration to be honest , my char is lvl 27...

Bought my speeder yesterday and i'm in queue 300+


And saying give server access to early access people only is flawed.

Imagine your RL friend wants to play with you , rushes to the shop today , only to find out he cant create a char on your server lol

Just happened to me and my pal.

Seriously, this is stupid.

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I wonder why Bioware didn't limit or even close servers that were allready full with pre-order players. There are so many servers that are light. This is more damaging to people like me that work, have little time to play the game and still have to wait in a queue. At the end of the day little or no game time because of lack of common sense. I'm loving the game, bioware did a good job making this one, but things like this realy isn't well thought out.
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I wonder why Bioware didn't limit or even close servers that were allready full with pre-order players. There are so many servers that are light. This is more damaging to people like me that work, have little time to play the game and still have to wait in a queue. At the end of the day little or no game time because of lack of common sense. I'm loving the game, bioware did a good job making this one, but things like this realy isn't well thought out.


Amen to that.

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I wonder why Bioware didn't limit or even close servers that were allready full with pre-order players. There are so many servers that are light. This is more damaging to people like me that work, have little time to play the game and still have to wait in a queue. At the end of the day little or no game time because of lack of common sense. I'm loving the game, bioware did a good job making this one, but things like this realy isn't well thought out.


++ I agrree but they disagreeeee .. BAH !!




Frostclaw server.. second time TODAY and is only noon (oh yeah BIOWARE care about me..with this way says to me plz eat something..LOL)...Dc from server with no reason and put me in QUEUE!!! AND DONT TELL that they do not deliberately. With no reason i'm in QUEUE no error nothing !!!!

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Absolute nonsense. Why werent the full servers at least blocked from having more new people roll on them? Yes I know new mmo's have teething problems, but not a single one has been this bad. A serious failure of a launch and a serious failure of customer service.


Subscription being cancelled the day it was started.

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given that i myself am more than frustrated about q's... error 9000s... 2005s... 1002s... 1003s... (yes amazing but they still exist)... or non responsive CS....


one part i dont get...


how come there are so many "professional" players out there who only played the "end product" state of the game for what? 1 week at most who claims themsevles eligible to call the new players as "noobs"?


what? you guys suddenly became SWToR Gurus in a week? if so... hats off to ye...



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I agree with most of you. I'm a CE-owner myself and got pre-access last friday. Rolled my char on Bloodworthy which was rumoured to house many Swedish players. At the time it had a heavy population but as of sunday it's more or less constantly full and impossible to get in to. 500+ queue on an early tuesday morning is just silly.


It really surprises me that BioWare didn't have a character transfer system in place for today. The ever-growing queues were bound to happen and something that should have been forseen. The only thing to alleviate them is to allow players to transfer their characters to less populated servers.


Also, why in Ajunta Pall's name is there no login/queue session timeout for let's say 10 minutes for logged in/queued accounts? Re-queing just because you lost connection while in-game or in queue is just ridiculous and makes you go angry german kid on your poor computer.


/end of rant


I so love this game, but right now it feels as if I got slapped right in the face for showing my loyalty and support by pre-ordering. Please BioWare, give us character transfers and better login/queue session timeouts ASAP.



A sad panda

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This is not fun at all. During the early game access I chose one of the least populated servers so I did not have to wait for a queue. Now with the official game release I have at least 30 minutes of queue to access my server and play with my character and guild mates. If that is the way is going to be they should allow free migration of characters, but still that sucks a bit since I already have a guild and some mates in my actual server. I don´t know why people that already have a character in a server have to wait for the queue :(
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Yeah, thing is. It's not really Bioware's fault.


There are actually more servers which have 'light' populations than there are full servers.


The fault lies with the new people who are -actively- choosing to make new characters on already heavily populated servers rather than using the lightly populated servers available.


The only new players I can't blame for not joining a 'light' population server are the ones who joined on the scarce RP servers. Since as said they are scarce, while the RP (interested) community for TOR is much larger than for most other modern MMO's. So the following doesn't apply to those:


Is Bioware partly to blame then? Yeah, for making it possible to create a character on a 'full' population server.


Is it entirely or even mostly Bioware's fault?

No the majority of the fault lies with the players for choosing to create characters on servers that are already over populated or that were in danger of being overpopulated.


Can Bioware do something to alleviate the problem?

Yes. Free character transfers to less populated servers for about a week or two, in order to equalise the load on the servers. And also doubling the amount of RP designated servers they have (this is not hard, just change the designation of one or two new non-RP servers to their RP equivalent).


Still, ultimately, it's the fault of the new players who make characters on full servers and the Early Access players who started characters on overloaded servers and expect their friends to join them there.

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Yeah, thing is. It's not really Bioware's fault.


There are actually more servers which have 'light' populations than there are full servers.


The fault lies with the new people who are -actively- choosing to make new characters on already heavily populated servers rather than using the lightly populated servers available.


The only new players I can't blame for not joining a 'light' population server are the ones who joined on the scarce RP servers. Since as said they are scarce, while the RP (interested) community for TOR is much larger than for most other modern MMO's. So the following doesn't apply to those:


Is Bioware partly to blame then? Yeah, for making it possible to create a character on a 'full' population server.


Is it entirely or even mostly Bioware's fault?

No the majority of the fault lies with the players for choosing to create characters on servers that are already over populated or that were in danger of being overpopulated.


Can Bioware do something to alleviate the problem?

Yes. Free character transfers to less populated servers for about a week or two, in order to equalise the load on the servers. And also doubling the amount of RP designated servers they have (this is not hard, just change the designation of one or two new non-RP servers to their RP equivalent).


Still, ultimately, it's the fault of the new players who make characters on full servers and the Early Access players who started characters on overloaded servers and expect their friends to join them there.


Actually it is entirely BioWare's fault and they are the only ones to blame for this mess. By allowing new players to join already full servers (not full as in current amount of online players as it seems to be right now, but full as in the amount of players having previously created a char on that server) and not having the character transfer system in place for launch.


Sure, not allowing new players to join their mates might be wrong to do, but at least it would still allow EVERYONE to play the game without queues, not just together with their mates who pre-ordered. However, their mates could transfer their chars on a later date or they could transfer their own chars to their mates servers when they become less populated. The good things surely out-weighs the bad.


If you think it's right to blame the new players for the increasing queue times you've got everything backwards...

Edited by mekwall
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Yeah, the queues are getting very frustrating.

I'm currently number 60 in a queue, not too bad, right? Except this queue only moves forward by 1 every 3-5 minutes. I started at 66 half an hour ago.

So if it continues like this I'll have to wait 3-5 hours just from position 60.


There's countless light servers on the list, but new players seem to have just joined the first, already overpopulated servers.

Edited by Dentarlon
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Yeah, thing is. It's not really Bioware's fault.


There are actually more servers which have 'light' populations than there are full servers.


The fault lies with the new people who are -actively- choosing to make new characters on already heavily populated servers rather than using the lightly populated servers available.


The only new players I can't blame for not joining a 'light' population server are the ones who joined on the scarce RP servers. Since as said they are scarce, while the RP (interested) community for TOR is much larger than for most other modern MMO's. So the following doesn't apply to those:


Is Bioware partly to blame then? Yeah, for making it possible to create a character on a 'full' population server.


Is it entirely or even mostly Bioware's fault?

No the majority of the fault lies with the players for choosing to create characters on servers that are already over populated or that were in danger of being overpopulated.


Can Bioware do something to alleviate the problem?

Yes. Free character transfers to less populated servers for about a week or two, in order to equalise the load on the servers. And also doubling the amount of RP designated servers they have (this is not hard, just change the designation of one or two new non-RP servers to their RP equivalent).


Still, ultimately, it's the fault of the new players who make characters on full servers and the Early Access players who started characters on overloaded servers and expect their friends to join them there.


What would you then say to the people who, through guild launch have been put on the heaviest servers becouse they were first through the early access. Are you blaming those people? The first ones in are people with guilds who were prepared for joining the game and where PUT on the servers available who at later time became overpopulated, are THEY to blame for choosing a server at early access who at the time was NOT overpopulated?


What im trying to point out is that people have what you can call limited options. This is a MMO, one tries to play with friends and guildies and ppl for the same state/cuntry/area, we know this to be true. Bioware introduces the Guild Launch that chooses servers for them. These people become in a way "locked down" on prechosen servers without options for group transfer or individual transfer. The problem lies with Bioware, who are aware of these facts even though they might say "oh really?", and continue to oversee comunity dynamics and peoples prefrance in a social setting, which i might add bioware support and encurage. In the last instance we got individuals who like to play on heavy servers or think that it might have an additional benefits in end game, after all, if one has the option of a heavy server and a light server, one might get the thought that low populated servers might be "deserted servers" with probably low comunity and end game availability.

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It's something one could have expected at launch day, especially for the English servers as everyone from Eastern Europe will try to get onto English EU Servers.

I had no queue for my German server which has had queues since start of Early Access.

There is no IP restriction so everyone can play but most people around the world speak English, not German or French.

Edited by Mc_TheRipper
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Same here....


I already dumped my chars once, to change from a "Full 2-Hour Queue" Server onto a Heavy one (talking about peek times) and it increased to Full over the last days, no problem with that at all. Than today came and the official launch:


Booooooom FULL Wait Time 1 hour at 10 o'clock in the morning (CET) Place in Queue 3XX ......


This is a joke right? Why in the world didn't BW block the already maxed server? Now you have 10 new Servers all light loaded, and all older ones are at max with queues beyond good believe.


If this situation doesn't clear up untill latest after christmas, I'm sure a load of people are goind to stop palying. Since you can't call it playing, its more waiting for 13 Bucks a month...

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Same here....


I already dumped my chars once, to change from a "Full 2-Hour Queue" Server onto a Heavy one (talking about peek times) and it increased to Full over the last days, no problem with that at all. Than today came and the official launch:


Booooooom FULL Wait Time 1 hour at 10 o'clock in the morning (CET) Place in Queue 3XX ......


This is a joke right? Why in the world didn't BW block the already maxed server? Now you have 10 new Servers all light loaded, and all older ones are at max with queues beyond good believe.


If this situation doesn't clear up untill latest after christmas, I'm sure a load of people are goind to stop palying. Since you can't call it playing, its more waiting for 13 Bucks a month...


I agree to the point that it is unacceptable, however i do not belive alot of people are going to drop the game, from what ive played it seems awsome and many if not all think more or less the same and will persist in playing it even though they say "they WILL cancel their subscription". The launch is a total failure in more ways than one, but on the other side the game itself is awsome. And yes game queueing is a hell and destroys alot of fun out of the game and that of peoples playtime, i do belive bioware had an idea of how to tacle the launch problematics it just seems it wasnt enugh and that they did oversee some factors which spun out of controll

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Funnily enough it seems impossible to cancel my subscription anyway. When i got the product code through, i put it in, i did the subscription stuff and it gave me an error that it had already been done.

Checked the subscription and sure enough it had worked regardless of the error. Now checking subscription section and there is nothing. Looks like they did it for me :)

People threatening (and doing) subscription cancellations are doing it for the same reason, we love this game, it's an amazing game when you can actually play it. I will use up my current 30 days and if there is improvement in that time then yeah I'll definately set the subscription up again, if not, then no I wont. It's clear logic.

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Yeah, the queues are getting very frustrating.

I'm currently number 60 in a queue, not too bad, right? Except this queue only moves forward by 1 every 3-5 minutes. I started at 66 half an hour ago.

So if it continues like this I'll have to wait 3-5 hours just from position 60.


There's countless light servers on the list, but new players seem to have just joined the first, already overpopulated servers.


don't worry, it'll be faster once more people get to Taris and get stuck in FPS drops and crash to desktop :D

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Absolute nonsense. Why werent the full servers at least blocked from having more new people roll on them? Yes I know new mmo's have teething problems, but not a single one has been this bad.


Either you have not been on many mmo launches, or you are trolling :)

I have seen FAR worse mmo launches.

In my entire early access my server has not crashed once.. ive not been disconnected once... my pc has not crashed once... the only annoyance really being the server queue and the fact my old friends are coming to join us and asking why we picked the most packed server... well it wasnt when we picked it :)

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