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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PvP: Gear or Skill?


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No it isn't. Once again, gear matters very little in under-50 warzones. The gear issue that is being discussed is for level 50 PVP. Having level 20 gear at level 39, you still get bolstered and can hit just as much as anyone else in that warzone. You also won't get hit for more just because you're gear is outdated. Bolster is an equalizer of stats. The main disadvantages in under-50 warzones is that you are limited at lower levels by having fewer abilities than those players with a higher level toon. There were people in under-50's on my old server who stripped naked for laughs and still got top damage. In level 50 warzones, it's completely different. How hard you hit and how much you can get hit for is determined by gear.


No that's not how the bolster works. How I was gearing myself gimps me far worse than any type of gear at 50. I have actually tested this theory so stop QQing about gear and actually learn some game mechanics and you might stop complaining about gear so much.


The same people who cry about gear in this game cry about fighter tiers in fighting games. The difference is a very minor factor. Some people are just better than you and it's a fact you have to accept so you can start working on your skill rather than crying all the time.

Edited by Juzzyx
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This thread is ludicrous.


Pick a team!


Team 1: 7 others in recruit gear who mark healers, call incs, fight on nodes, and generally have a clue


Team 2: 7 others in WH gear who chase to get kills away from nodes, duel 1v1 at random places on the map, generally ignore healers, stay to 5v1 that last straggler when your other node is coming under attack, doesn't call the inc until they realize they're going to lose the 1v1 if they call it at all, and generally don't have a clue


It is my opinion that if you choose Team 2 you deserve every curb-stomping you get.


I've never lost a WZ because my team was out-geared, but I've lost hundreds because my team was outplayed

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This thread is ludicrous.


Pick a team!


Team 1: 7 others in recruit gear who mark healers, call incs, fight on nodes, and generally have a clue


Team 2: 7 others in WH gear who chase to get kills away from nodes, duel 1v1 at random places on the map, generally ignore healers, stay to 5v1 that last straggler when your other node is coming under attack, doesn't call the inc until they realize they're going to lose the 1v1 if they call it at all, and generally don't have a clue


It is my opinion that if you choose Team 2 you deserve every curb-stomping you get.


I've never lost a WZ because my team was out-geared, but I've lost hundreds because my team was outplayed


It's sad that your average player would pick team 2 as the better team at a glance without considering anything you said but the gear difference. Pugs for life. MMO gaming has such a low pool of skilled players. With the exception of games that only have a handful of hardcore players still playing them (DAOC etc).

Edited by Juzzyx
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if PVP is about skill, why the huge amount of posts crying for nerfs. skill should cover that gap, no??

Why the WZ are full of 2 maybe 3 ACs when this game has 8 of then.

In this game PVP is all about gear and FOTM classes


If you don't do RWZ then you are just a crying nooblet if you go on about class balance. Same goes for almost any game ever that have no matchmaking system. Pug Vs Pug players have such a wide variety of skill levels that it really doesn't matter what class you play at all. If you don't see this then chances are you aren't a very good player. It's easy to tell the good from the bad if you are one of the good.

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If you don't do RWZ then you are just a crying nooblet if you go on about class balance. Same goes for almost any game ever that have no matchmaking system. Pug Vs Pug players have such a wide variety of skill levels that it really doesn't matter what class you play at all. If you don't see this then chances are you aren't a very good player. It's easy to tell the good from the bad if you are one of the good.


Ranked just uses all the most OP classes, and gear makes the biggest difference aside from class. Skill hardly comes into it when, for example, one person guarding a node gets rofl-stomped by a stealth class with equal gear just because that class got massive buffs in the patch previously.

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Ranked just uses all the most OP classes, and gear makes the biggest difference aside from class. Skill hardly comes into it when, for example, one person guarding a node gets rofl-stomped by a stealth class with equal gear just because that class got massive buffs in the patch previously.


Love how people pick up on stealthers. That's what they do... they stealth... people panic and die. or go afk a bit... let's look up facebook page and alt tab every 6 sec... stealth are ninja to defend or attack, that is their job...

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LOL, you can't be serious. I don't care how "skilled" you think you are, you are not going beat anyone in full augmented, and itemized WH when you're in recruit, or stock BM gear. It's not going to happen even against an average player, unless they're afk.


How hard you hit, and how hard you get hit is based upon your, and your opponent's gear. That is a fact, and it cannot be disputed.


Are there OP specs? Yes there are, and better gear only enhances that issue.


Not true. And in the end of the day warzones are about team play. You don't win wzs for number of 1v1 wins.

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It's hilarious that some people cry "skill" and claim to be under-geared, yet when you inspect them they have the best possible gear imaginable.


Gear has a lot to do with it. Critical, surge, expertise, etc.


Of course you do need skill, but to completely ignore gear like it's a non-factor is just pure arrogance.



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