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Character Names, not a trivial problem.


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Alright, I've resubscribed so I could post this. Be glad it's typed, because otherwise the profanity might melt your ears.


I have a story to tell.


I was a beta tester. I've been around since before the beginning of the game. When it was getting ready to launch, I preordered. It cost me over $100 to get the game early, the WHOLE POINT of which was to ensure I had access to the names of my characters. Some are EXTREMELY important to me.


When I tried to get online on launch day to get my names, I had an account issue that customer service took over a week to resolve. The result was that I didn't get all the names I wanted. However, I got the important ones, so I sucked it up.


Some time later, they decided to close the server I had been on. Now I had to get my characters onto another server, which cost me more of my characters' names, including two of the three most important ones. One, I was able to make work by respelling it, the other has never been played because I couldn't come up with a satisfactory name. I was angry, but I accepted it. Whoever had been on that server first had dibs. I could accept that.


Now, I come back to find all the rest of my names, including the most important one, Shein, had been handed to some incoming players, EVEN THOUGH I was there FIRST. This time, I had dibs, but again I was the one getting the shaft. This time, I can't suck it up. They say their policy was "fair," and I say BULL.


I lost my names at launch. I lost my names in the first round of server closures, and now they're taking my names away AGAIN? THREE TIMES. That is NOT fair.


I want to know EXACTLY what the "fair" criteria used were.



However, it doesn't end there. As I've been thinking about this, it seem to me that this is a SERIOUS problem in the making, and it is COSTING CUSTOMERS. The game is losing customers in THREE WAYS.


1. There are veterans like me who have been robbed of our names once again. Many of us are leaving and not coming back.

2. There are new players trying to make characters who can't get names, even using the random name generator. Many of these players are leaving and not coming back.

3. Perhaps most seriously, BOTH of these kinds of players are going to dissuade others from trying the game. Word of mouth is the most powerful form of advertising.


TOR is dying, and it cannot afford to lose customers over something like this, that could be EASILY corrected. The solution has been suggested many times already, but let me briefly restate it.


Have everyone choose a unique account "handle." When a character is created, it would combine the character's name with the account handle to create a unique character name. Thus, if my account handle was @Vego, then my character Shien would actually be Shien@Vego. Another player could then have a character named Shien, as his character would have a different handle, such as Shien@Bob. STO and Champions Online use this system and it works very well. Everyone can have the name they want.


Now, one of the complaints about this is that there's no uniqueness in names. That's kind of the point, but I do understand the complaint. I play a well-known character in Lord of the Rings Online, Skjald of Rohan. I am well known there for the music I write for players to download. It would indeed annoy me if someone else could have the name Skjald, as they could then claim to be me, and take credit for my work. However, I think the odds of that happening are small. Certainly, retaining customers is more important, I think.


Some have suggested using Legacy names, and that may work if Legacy names are made unique. The problem there is that legacy names aren't available until around L30+. For this to work, it has to be in place from the beginning.


This may seem a trivial issue, but I don't believe it is. The fact is, this is an important, even game-breaking concern to many of us. WHY doesn't matter, all that matters is that IT IS IMPORTANT TO US.


Bioware, you CANNOT let this slide. You MUST do something about it, and quickly. You cannot afford the damage this is doing to your game and your reputation.

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How can a name that is used in a video game be that important?


Also, define 'so important?'


Like from a scale from 1 to 10. 10 being that if you don't get your name you will be so depressed that you may do something completely regrettable to hurt everyone close to you, and 1 being that you just will stop here with this thread about a non-issue, and not argue with anyone that posts in here.

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You realize that this is, point for point, the same post that everyone who lost a name after the merge posts.


With the merges, nobody came to your server. All of the data on your server, as well as the data on the other origin servers, was moved to a new mega-server that was given the same name as your server. Someone else that had the name probably played that character for longer than you did, and was a current subscriber at the time of the merge.


Unfortunately, that naming convention couldn't be used during the transfers because the transfers were gradual. Imagine having to rename a number of characters over the course of a month and a half because someone who had the same name for longer transferred over after you. It would be a right mess.


The naming system you propose would be good, but would require a lot of work to implement. An easier system (I think) would be to allow more than one capital letter and have the _ key display a space when displaying a name. That way players could make more unique characters with "first" and "last" names if they wanted. It would just require players to remember to use _ when typing names in chat and mail. Granted, it wouldn't allow people to have the same single names, but it would allow the same "first" name.


For example, I have a Jedi Knight named "Jett-jenga". His name as I originally envisioned it was "Jett Jenga". If the system I mentioned above was used, I could name him Jett_Jenga, but whenever the system displayed the name (on nameplates or intro crawls, for example - not in text players type in chat), it would display as "Jett Jenga". If someone was whispering me, they would type: /say Jett_Jenga ... I don't think that would be too much of a coding problem, although I really don't know.

Edited by MadBlue
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The same happening to me and it sucks hardcore. I just sort of dealt with it but it's still a problem I have. I pre-ordered the game as well, my character was created during the headstart with his name and until the server migration from Lord Adraas to The Ebon Hawk I had the name, but someone on the Ebon Hawk had my name also so I had to switch it.


The name I had for my Sith Juggernaught was Mortalitas, this was a character I created way back for my Star Wars RPG group so this guy already has background lore and whatnot, so it's important to me. I switched it to Vectivas, another character that I have, and I was able to deal with it but to me Vectivas and Mortalitas are two completely separate characters. My Juggernaught is still refered to Mortalitas in lore and whatnot but only in game is he referred to as Vectivas and it bothers the crap out of me. Not only that, but I friended the Mortalitas on the Ebon Hawk server, just to see who "stole" my name, and never have I seen him/her online. So my character's name, which has already been established in the lore me and my friends have created in our take of the Star Wars universe, has been taken by someone who hasn't been on in months.


In the 1.5 patch notes, it states about guilds; "The names of guilds that are inactive (any guild that has had no members log in for 8 weeks) will now be released for use by new guilds." This would be great to have for characters and whatnot. I don't know how it'd work, but it'd be awesome to have a feature like this for character names if someone hasn't logged into that character, or that account in a while and has taken a name that you want. Obviously more details would have to be hashed out, but it's a neat concept, I think at least.

Edited by misterbeefy
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I want to know EXACTLY what the "fair" criteria used were.



Take some time and go back and see (the search function in the forum is there for your use), as they listed the key criteria they applied, but did not provide the exact algorythm. However you can rest assured that you being unsubscribed was one factor that was applied.


NOTE: on the last server consolidation (except for the AP servers) EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER was run through the algorythm to decide which character in a multi-character naming conflict got to keep a name and which ones forfeited and had to rename BEFORE moving every single character onto one of the new superservers (which reuse old server names). So we all got our characters moved and had to go through a mega-name_check.


As you said, you've sucked it up multiple times already and were down to one name. Well, welcome to the club, and it's a very large club and people worked through it and moved on. So, respectfully, my suggestion is: get over it, pick a new name, and move on. QQing about it in general forum won't help you, and if you have suggestions to present to Bioware... there is a suggestion forum for that.... which is probably where this thread will end up.

Edited by Andryah
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I understand that not everyone places the same importance on their character name. That doesn't mean it isn't important to some, even many players. That this is so means it has to be important to Bioware, because the game can't afford to lose any players for any reason.


The reason why it's important to me isn't at issue. That it IS important to me is all that matters. That I'm not the only one that feels this way is why it is important for Bioware to deal with.


That there have been many posts like mine should be ample evidence.


It's also the case that I'm not saying MY particular suffering is in any way worse than anyone else's. There may be other who are just as attached to my name as I am, for whatever reasons. That's why it's important that they implement a mechanism to allow us both to make use of the name, as I've suggested.


If this is not in the appropriate forum, then I have no issues with it being moved.

Edited by Vego_Mohenjo
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because the game can't afford to lose any players for any reason.


Game is doing fine... severs are busier then ever now.


TL;DR: the players moved through the last name check cycle and are playing the game instead of complaining about something nobody can do anything about. ;)

Edited by Andryah
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Game is doing fine... severs are busier then ever now.


TL;DR: the players moved through the last name check cycle and are playing the game instead of complaining about something nobody can do anything about. ;)


A dismissive attitude doesn't mean it's any less important.


The fact is, Bioware CAN do something about it, and they had better do so or they will continue to lose players for the reasons I described.

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A dismissive attitude doesn't mean it's any less important.


The fact is, Bioware CAN do something about it, and they had better do so or they will continue to lose players for the reasons I described.


Nothing dismissive about it. I'm just being pragmatic and stating the obvious. Maybe you want sympathy, but the fact is, there would be several hundred thousand people in line in front of you for sympathy over the naming thing. Except most people moved forward already on the issue. A few rage quit over it (at least they claimed to).


AND the game is gaining players, not losing them, right now. And the big flap over name losses... that was two months ago. People got over it, changed names when required, and moved forward.


You have three options as I see it. 1) suck it up and choose a new name 2) rage quit 3) continue to QQ in the forums about it.


Personally, I think it is in your best interest to go for option 1. But hey, I don't get to make the choice for you.. you have to decide.


I know it's not what you want to hear, but I'm just being forthright with you.

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The naming thing may have been two months ago, but I wasn't told about it. That's part of the problem. If they had INFORMED people about the upcoming merge, and told us an active subscription would allow name retention, many of us would have signed up to avoid losing our names. THAT would have been fair. THAT would have been courteous.
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The naming thing may have been two months ago, but I wasn't told about it. That's part of the problem. If they had INFORMED people about the upcoming merge, and told us an active subscription would allow name retention, many of us would have signed up to avoid losing our names. THAT would have been fair. THAT would have been courteous.


A) active sub was just one parameter, not THE parameter


B) it's not their fault you were uninformed. They told everyone about it here in the forums, and even though you could not post, you could read. If you cared enough about the state of the game as it progressed, you could have read the stickies in the forum at least once a week and kept yourself informed.

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A) active sub was just one parameter, not THE parameter


B) it's not their fault you were uninformed. They told everyone about it here in the forums, and even though you could not post, you could read. If you cared enough about the state of the game as it progressed, you could have read the stickies in the forum at least once a week and kept yourself informed.


I didn't say it was the only parameter, just that if it was going to be, we needed to be told about it. I've also said I want to know PRECISELY what the parameters were.


It IS their fault I was uninformed. I can't be expected to go searching the forums every day for every possible eventuality that might occur. Should I start checking for closure notification? Should I start looking for more server changes? Your argument on this point is very weak. As it happens, I do check the forums from time to time. I saw nothing about the server change, and even if I had I would have concluded I had dibs on my names, as my character was there first. Since they didn't provide information about the criteria for keeping your name, I had no way to know.

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So if TOR is dying like you proclaim it is then how come there are so many people playing it now to take these 'important' names?


I can't believe YOU (not the game makers) are letting YOURSELF destroy hundreds and hundreds of hours of enjoyment playing a game for something so small. YOU have nobody to blame but YOURSELF if YOU allow this to happen. YOU make the choice to not play this game ON YOUR OWN so stop blaming someone else for YOUR decisions.

Edited by PetFish
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So if TOR is dying like you proclaim it is then how come there are so many people playing it now to take these 'important' names?


There's more people around because they've all been jammed onto one server. However, it's also possible there are more players joining the game. That doesn't change the fact that there are also many players LEAVING the game. Certainly, this naming issue isn't the only reason, but I remain convinced it's more significant than some realize.

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So if TOR is dying like you proclaim it is then how come there are so many people playing it now to take these 'important' names?

Try to think about it. They merged servers.


Certainly, this naming issue isn't the only reason, but I remain convinced it's more significant than some realize.

Well, it certainly was not the only reason I left back when the merges happened, but it was what tipped me over to leave. Without the names my characters had no soul, and I had no attachment to them.

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