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Anybody else not gonna subscribe to the game if the queue problem isn't fixed?


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I'm going to head off to gamestation soon and pick up my CE and try to have faith in Bioware. Whatever faith I lack in BW at the moment is made up with EA's love affair with money and probably an obsession with imitating WoW's success. Simply put, EA will do everything possible to ensure this game doesn't fail and 4-6 hour server queues on a lot of servers is about the only way this game is going to fail.


HOWEVER.. if by the end of the month things stay the same I will most likely cancel my subscription and won't play again for a while. Queues I can accept.. they're a part of every mmo game launch but BW's handling of them, lack of communication and flat out ignorance to their player base's concern will ensure I won't want to be paying them any extra money any time soon. The biggest concerns I see outside of server queues:


People being able to afk macro


No Grace period for crashes and server disconnections


No mention of server transfers/cloning


No realm/server forums


All of these points are valid and deserve at least some form of response from BW. The big one for me is the grace period for crashes/disconnections.. waiting in a server queue for 3 hours is one thing but waiting in that queue for 2 hours then getting a server error message and being put back to the queue is unacceptable.


As long as it's BW's policy to ignore player's requests like this without even taking the time to acknowledge and post their thoughts, I can't see myself wanting to support BW for long. An MMO's success is based on the relationship between developer and community and so far I'm unsure whether BW truly understands this.

Edited by Senden
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There are tons of light and standard servers. My server for example is standard at peak hours, and at all other times light. I, and many other people, never have queues.


So yeah, suck it up and move.


My server is fine and max queue i had is 20min so i can live with that but i saw servers with 2h queues withc is really bad.

I don't have to suck it up because it's BW problem not mine.

I pay to play not wait 2-5h in queue because BW can't handle their servers.

If i can't play i won't pay subscription. Simple as that.

Today is release day and queues are understandable but if we'll have them in a week or so

that's gonna be really bad.

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These queue whinners, please just leave the game, so tired of hearing.. QUEUE omg. It's LAUNCH. And btw, if you did your research, they are on it, they are aware of the queue problems... so either STOP whinning, or just leave! Sounds more like haters to me. Warhammer had queues and crashes... SWTOR has the most smooth launch to date! Edited by Thodra
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Yes it is.


You're weighing the value of your guild versus the queue times. And each time you login you're deciding your guild is more important to you than any amount of wait time. That's your conscious choice.


If you truly hated the queues you would not stand for it and just move.


Not this.

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My server is fine and max queue i had is 20min so i can live with that but i saw servers with 2h queues withc is really bad.

I don't have to suck it up because it's BW problem not mine.

I pay to play not wait 2-5h in queue because BW can't handle their servers.

If i can't play i won't pay subscription. Simple as that.

Today is release day and queues are understandable but if we'll have them in a week or so

that's gonna be really bad.


I really cant understand the words you are typing here....all i can read out is


"boo hoo im impatient"


This happens in MMOs...apparently you have never been in an "major MMO release?" Rift queues were over 8 hours. deal with them, reroll, or quit :)

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400 in queue at 10 in the morning on Ahto City, this is not ok :/


Bioware, you know that people are paying to play this game right?


This is the server that you have assaigned for our guild, so dont come talking about rolling on a less populated server.

This is not even prime time, its morning damnit, and most people are at work...


Fix this NOW.

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There is only one English RP-PvP server and I refuse to play on normal servers as people keep making idiotic names, and I want the PvP aspect of the game so no normal RP server. So rerolling is not an option for me. But if I have to wait an hour ever day to get into the game then I can't see myself continue playing the game.


If they wanted a smooth launch they failed big time, why on earth did they not set up much better servers to deal with the obvious amount of people that want to play this game.

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400 in queue at 10 in the morning on Ahto City, this is not ok :/


Bioware, you know that people are paying to play this game right?


This is the server that you have assaigned for our guild, so dont come talking about rolling on a less populated server.

This is not even prime time, its morning damnit, and most people are at work...


Fix this NOW.


Or called in sick, cous it's launch day

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When I registered my game code i subscribed to 3 months, couldn't choose 6 coz of some bug. Now, i'm thinking canceling my subscription. Don't need it for 1st month. Gonna wait till tomorrow, if this server bullcrap still persist, i'm unsubscribing.
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Are the people defending the company affiliated with it or just fanboys?


Because when you roll on a server on early access which is not fully populated, and after leveling it is, you shouldn't be expected to start from scratch just because the company isn't prepared enough to avoid the massive queue problem.


Oh well, i guess its only the players' fault. Poor Bioware. What are they supposed to do about queues? Clearly it is not their problem. Damn irrational players, lining up in queues.

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400 in queue at 10 in the morning on Ahto City, this is not ok :/


Bioware, you know that people are paying to play this game right?


This is the server that you have assaigned for our guild, so dont come talking about rolling on a less populated server.

This is not even prime time, its morning damnit, and most people are at work...


Fix this NOW.


So you think just because you got "placed" by bioware on a server its their fault thet you are getting queues? This is a major MMO release about Star Wars. People are gonna flock to it and not everyone is gonna stay on the server they got assigned to. Blame the amount of people rolling on your server or blame yourself and your guild if you wanna point fingers at someone.



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I really cant understand the words you are typing here....all i can read out is


"boo hoo im impatient"


This happens in MMOs...apparently you have never been in an "major MMO release?" Rift queues were over 8 hours. deal with them, reroll, or quit :)


Apparently i had not queues on Rift release and i am at work now and not playing so your "boo hoo im impatient" is totally and absolutely idiotic sentence same as "deal with them, reroll, or quit"


Cheers :D

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Are the people defending the company affiliated with it or just fanboys?


Because when you roll on a server on early access which is not fully populated, and after leveling it is, you shouldn't be expected to start from scratch just because the company isn't prepared enough to avoid the massive queue problem.


Oh well, i guess its only the players' fault. Poor Bioware. What are they supposed to do about queues? Clearly it is not their problem. Damn irrational players, lining up in queues.


Not defending the company, just giving you whinners some logical sense

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So you think just because you got "placed" by bioware on a server its their fault thet you are getting queues? This is a major MMO release about Star Wars. People are gonna flock to it and not everyone is gonna stay on the server they got assigned to. Blame the amount of people rolling on your server or blame yourself and your guild if you wanna point fingers at someone.




Are you for real?

Ofc Im going to blame Bioware/EA, they are getting my money, and I am not paying for being in queue for an hour every day.


Stop being a fanboy.

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The only thing that should have been different is the number of servers open from the first day of Early Access. This AND the spread of premade guilds among the open servers would have meant less queues on the servers where people have their guilds, and their friends who got to start earlier.


Regardless, I will subscribe to this game as long as I have fun. If I have to queue to get on to my servers, I'm sure I can figure out something else to do while waiting - eating, showering, cleaning the apartment, wrapping christmas pressies and such.

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They should have marked all the servers which were full during early access so that the new people today (the 20) don't rush them. Adding a tag like "queue risk" would have done the job.


I've seen the EU server status at 6:30AM this morning (half an hour after launch time), some were already "heavy", among which ours of course. Of course, at 6AM launch time, the players from early access were mostly not online... so the servers appeared empty, and the new players rushed them... and since they may stay online all day, they won't see they choose a server with a queue until tomorrow at least.


I have a 250 person queue at 9:50am. Never happened before so early. Bioware BETTER have an ace up their sleeves. Some of my guild 30ish, no way we are going to reroll, it's not to us to fix this, it's Bioware's job. For instance, offer free transfers to the players who joined last.

Edited by Korrigan
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Are you for real?

Ofc Im going to blame Bioware/EA, they are getting my money, and I am not paying for being in queue for an hour every day.


Stop being a fanboy.


apparently you have never been in a major mmo launch cry more about queues please. I play on swiftsure the most populated server that ALWAYS has a queue. Do u? If not, then suck it up. :D

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apparently you have never been in a major mmo launch cry more about queues please. I play on swiftsure the most populated server that ALWAYS has a queue. Do u? If not, then suck it up. :D


lol? I have been in every major release since Anarchy Online, and this is the worst regarding queues.


Why are people defending Bioware? Really, I cant understand this.

Edited by daweee
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