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Bought an ultimage gaming rig, and game is still laggy!


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Just so you know I'm not lying, here are my specs. This was bought from Bestbuy and even setup by a Geeksquad computer expert:


- 24" Viewsonic flatscreen monitor

- Dell gaming mouse

- Windows Seven Ultimate

- Intel quadra processor

- Memory with 12 gigabytes of ram power

- One TERABYTE Hard Drive

- BluRay player

- Foxconn power supply with 400 wattage

- Sound Blaster sound card

- GE Force GT 520 video card


So after getting a $1500 gaming computer ($2100 after signing up for the extended warranty and 2 years of Geeksquad protection) the Star Wars game is STILL laggy! Not only that, but it can take up to 40 minutes just to log in if I do it after getting home from work.

I've verified with the Bestbuy salesperson that this computer should speed up my game, and if it's not then it's Star Wars' fault.

Nice job Star Wars, you fail at making an MMO.

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Sorry to tell you but as those above me said that graphic card is really really pathetic and that rig is MAYBE worth 500 euro and thats only cause of the harddrive crisis.


Never trust the salesmen go into a internet site and ask them what to buy or your sure to get cheated.


Return that pile of crap if you can, its never gonna be able to play any games at more than low.

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You have been trolled your rig is slower than my 3 year old laptop. Most of the information that you give are not relevant to the game performance. You do not even hit the minimum specs for this game.

E.g. your gfx card is an office card! To enjoy this game in its full "beauty" *sigh* you need at least a GTX 550 or higher.

Your high amounts of ram have no impact on the game performance. 4 GB would have been enough. Subsequently, you have one of the worst power supplies ever manufactured. I hope you have a good fire insurance. Spend some money for a good 450 -500 W PSU from Enermax, Silverstone or another good retailer. I think the power supply is not cappable to use a Geforce GTX 560 TI or higher. (Not the Watts are the problem.... it the quality).


But an update of your GFX card and your power supply could solve your issues with the game.

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You dont really give out any important details about your pc, ie processor etc but all i can say is, spending 1500 bucks to get a gaming computer with geforce 520 is a perfect example why one should know what to ask from a pc in gaming terms. I have just upgraded mine with an i5 2500k, asus p8z68 mobo, 8 gb of 1600 mhz ram and geforce gtx 560 and swtor runs rather well without setting me back an awful lot.


In the other hand, 40 minute loading times clearly indicates that something has gone horribly wrong with your pc.

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Im sorry to say mate i agree with the rest and i feel for ya. I got a computer that can run this game on maximum without even a hickup for days at a time for under that price almost a year ago. Bought online peice by peice and built it myself. If you can get a computer inclined friend to build one for ya thats the way to go.
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Not a epic rig at all. Best buy always does this with there prebuilt computers. You could of got way better for your dollar. Not trying to rubb it in as it has happened to me long time ago. I know build my own puter and im not elecrical savey and it was real easy and much cheaper which i in turn spent the saved money on better card, processor and 750 watts and more fans with fancy lights. Edited by nwtampaguy
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- Intel quadra processor

- Memory with 12 gigabytes of ram power

- GE Force GT 520 video card


this is the only information needed of what u posted about how "powerfull" your computer is, and well, 12G ram is nice, other than that, aint that good. the graphics card is one of the first in the series (500) that doesnt nesseceraly make it bad, not sure if you can play the game with everything maxed out tho, i got the 580 myself and i havent experienced any lagg or crashes in SWTOR.


The information you give about your CPU is pretty irellevant, did you mean the "Quadro" processor or just a Quad core Processor? and if you ment a quad core processor is it I7 or something lower?

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Just so you know I'm not lying, here are my specs. This was bought from Bestbuy and even setup by a Geeksquad computer expert:


- 24" Viewsonic flatscreen monitor

Has no actual impact on performance

- Dell gaming mouse

Has no actual impact on performance

- Windows Seven Ultimate

For what purpose do you need ultimate? is it at least 64 bit?

- Intel quadra processor

Is it an i5 or a core 2 quad core?

if the former, good. If the latter, the core 2 quad core architecture sucks for gaming.

- Memory with 12 gigabytes of ram power

Decent... could use more

- One TERABYTE Hard Drive

Has no actual impact on performance until HDD becomes close to full.

- BluRay player

Has no actual impact on performance

- Foxconn power supply with 400 wattage

That PSU sounds under powered...

- Sound Blaster sound card

Has no actual impact on performance

- GE Force GT 520 video card

Under powered for this game, most you can do is high quality textures.


So after getting a $1500 gaming computer ($2100 after signing up for the extended warranty and 2 years of Geeksquad protection) the Star Wars game is STILL laggy! Not only that, but it can take up to 40 minutes just to log in if I do it after getting home from work.

I've verified with the Bestbuy salesperson that this computer should speed up my game, and if it's not then it's Star Wars' fault.

Nice job Star Wars, you fail at making an MMO.

In short, you were ripped off and over charged for a POS tower, and why in the world did you trust best buy in telling you what to buy? they get paid to make sales, if the smell a sucker they'll ride you. (this is not true of all best buys)


PS: don't pay for geek squad protection, they can barely fix even the simplest computer and will overcharge every step of the way.

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Just so you know I'm not lying, here are my specs. This was bought from Bestbuy and even setup by a Geeksquad computer expert:


- 24" Viewsonic flatscreen monitor

- Dell gaming mouse

- Windows Seven Ultimate

- Intel quadra processor

- Memory with 12 gigabytes of ram power

- One TERABYTE Hard Drive

- BluRay player

- Foxconn power supply with 400 wattage

- Sound Blaster sound card

- GE Force GT 520 video card


So after getting a $1500 gaming computer ($2100 after signing up for the extended warranty and 2 years of Geeksquad protection) the Star Wars game is STILL laggy! Not only that, but it can take up to 40 minutes just to log in if I do it after getting home from work.

I've verified with the Bestbuy salesperson that this computer should speed up my game, and if it's not then it's Star Wars' fault.

Nice job Star Wars, you fail at making an MMO.


First, Star Wars didn't make the game - Bioware did..


Second, this computer is designed to play games, at best, on low-medium settings. You got ripped off, plain and simple. Next time shop around a bit more before throwing away your hard earned money and if you don't know what you're looking for, ask someone that does.


Third, the queue has absolutely nothing to do with the PC you're playing on. If you could log on with a phone you'd still be in the same 40 min queue.


Fourth, surely this is a troll?

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- 24" Viewsonic flatscreen monitor

has nothing to do with gaming performance

- Dell gaming mouse

has nothing to do with gaming performance

- Windows Seven Ultimate

has nothing to do with gaming performance

- Intel quadra processor

Which one? There are plenty of bad quadro processors and I got the feeling you got a bad one.

- Memory with 12 gigabytes of ram power

Big doesn't matter if their speed isn't fast enough. Besides anything over 6gb is wasted.

- One TERABYTE Hard Drive

has nothing to do with gaming performance

- BluRay player

has nothing to do with gaming performance

- Foxconn power supply with 400 wattage

has nothing to do with gaming performance

- Sound Blaster sound card

has nothing to do with gaming performance

- GE Force GT 520 video card

This is the most important component and it's very crap for a gaming pc.


You got scammed.

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