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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

city's feel empty even with full servers


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There is no way the cap is 80k players. Maybe 80k different characters spread across everyones account but there is no way the servers can handle 80,000 players logged into one server.


I'm willing to bet the servers cant take more than 2,000. The cities, zones and everything else feels DEAD. There is hardly anyone around.


so im playing on jung ma and i see other people all the time granted i think jung ma is one of if not the most populated server, go hour long queues, and frankly my 40-50 man guild is not a 40th of the servers population.

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Agreed, this is the main issue I have with this game. I've been playing EGA religiously since Friday, but the lack of visible users coupled with the already lifeless worlds is really starting to irk me. Even my friend who is head over heels for SWTOR feels the same way. I feel like I'm playing a co-op RPG, with a few user players scattered around for good measure. I certainly don't feel like I'm in a persistent world. The shard system is the main culprit.


I realize having even more users fighting over the same mob spawn isn't ideal, but neither is walking through a ghost town (on a full server) in an MMORPG. I mean, what's the point of a cantina if they're always empty? I hate to bring SWG into the discussion as they're two different types of MMOs (and I've only played a few trials of SWG) but I loved the sense of immersion I felt when I would walk into a bustling Mos Eisley Cantina. The whole, being a small piece of a much bigger picture is severely lacking. It might as well be PSO where the Republic/Imperial Fleet is your main hub and everything else is instanced because that's how it feels at the moment. To codense my rant, I'm hoping for more MMO out of an MMORPG.


To be fair, the game only officially launched today. I'm sure a lot of people are trying to find their bearings, create their guild and catch up. It'll be interesting to see where the population will gravitate towards in terms of social areas. We'll see.

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they use phases, etc to keep it from being too overcrowded (meaning that people on your server can be right next to you, but you can't see them).


yes, it makes it seem more barren, but without it, you would not be able to complete any quests, anywhere, because people would be taking all your mobs.

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Doesn't mather where I go, i feel its very empty everywhere. Even when the server is full. They must increase the amount of people per area.


Even in the main area for republic fleet is very empty. ATleast increase the slots in cities or in republic fleet area etc etc, places where you cannot go around killing mobs. Those area should have significantly increase.

Edited by Poofighter
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they use phases, etc to keep it from being too overcrowded (meaning that people on your server can be right next to you, but you can't see them).


yes, it makes it seem more barren, but without it, you would not be able to complete any quests, anywhere, because people would be taking all your mobs.


Honestly...I'd rather compete for quest items than run around in this deserted crap...

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I've been a little confused by this too. I had a queue when I logged in this morning, but there were only 63 people in the Imperial Fleet, and I couldn't get a group together for Mandalorian Raiders before I got bored spamming and logged off. (Although if I wanted Hammer Station, that would have gone through, I guess I'm too high level?) Presumably there are thousands of people on the overloaded server, but where are they all?
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Honestly...I'd rather compete for quest items than run around in this deserted crap...


id rather be able to move without a slide show its in fact one of the problems I had with wow. I once actually had to log onto a character I had lost in a city with someone else's computer because my comp couldn't render all of the other *********** I don't care about that were just sitting in the city doing literally nothing. and from there on I couldn't go to the main city ever again. I quit shortly after that because it was a main questing hub in addition to a city everyone went to to just chill out. I do agree that at some points i wouldn't mind seeing more however i know i wont have that problem when I start RP sessions with my whole guild and all of our other groups and friends.

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I've been a little confused by this too. I had a queue when I logged in this morning, but there were only 63 people in the Imperial Fleet, and I couldn't get a group together for Mandalorian Raiders before I got bored spamming and logged off. (Although if I wanted Hammer Station, that would have gone through, I guess I'm too high level?) Presumably there are thousands of people on the overloaded server, but where are they all?


phased, different levels thus different planets, plus an inital low population cap on EGA servers. I expect to see more people as time goes on.


I'm on Mask of Nihilus, and I'm always seeing quite a few people. If it were any more crowded, i wouldnt be able to get any quests done.

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The server's are not full people. They lowered the cap so the servers that normally have a queue don't get bombarded by new people. They are trying to funnel people onto the new servers they just opened. So instead of locking existing servers they just make it have a queue and the new people will go to the new servers.
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The server's are not full people. They lowered the cap so the servers that normally have a queue don't get bombarded by new people. They are trying to funnel people onto the new servers they just opened. So instead of locking existing servers they just make it have a queue and the new people will go to the new servers.


None the less, its still a ghost town in the cities and fleet. I'm A-Ok with instancing the outside world... now, What I'd suggest is making the towns and the fleet a non-instanced portion of the server and have everyone visible. It's perfectly doable and would fix this problem.

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None the less, its still a ghost town in the cities and fleet. I'm A-Ok with instancing the outside world... now, What I'd suggest is making the towns and the fleet a non-instanced portion of the server and have everyone visible. It's perfectly doable and would fix this problem.


this would ruin the game for those of us that can't actually manage to render all of the other players now if you want to see if you can make groups that always play in a certain instance like hey whenever you go to an area and you actually care to see people throw your selves in 1 that's where we will all be that would be cool ill be off in instance 3 where no one else is so that I can still play. your idea is in fact the complete opposite of what should happen.

Edited by ManOSteal
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oh also i am fairly sure the /who functionality isn't functioning properly it never once has found someone i was looking for even if i was looking directly at their toon


/who opens the interface, but /who doesn't take a command line argument (probably a bug). So if you type /who <whatever> it has the same results as just typing /who (which is to show you everyone in your current instance of your current zone).


You can type /who to open the interface, then in the edit box type the person you want to find and press enter and it will have the functionality you are looking for. Hopefully it will eventually be fixed.

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From my understanding BioWare does not plan on the conitnued use of instancing the areas. It is only being utilized right now so that people can progress through the game. (I wish WOW would have done this because when they released an expansion pack it was impossible to do anything because so many people were trying to do the same quest. I am talking about when they released Outlands, but things may have gotten better with their later releases.)


Be assured people that when the populations begin to normalize, instancing will wind down.

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/who opens the interface, but /who doesn't take a command line argument (probably a bug). So if you type /who <whatever> it has the same results as just typing /who (which is to show you everyone in your current instance of your current zone).


You can type /who to open the interface, then in the edit box type the person you want to find and press enter and it will have the functionality you are looking for. Hopefully it will eventually be fixed.


no i have had this not work like not only was i looking at his toon i was talking to him on the phone he was in the server and following the steps you outlined /who did not work also on at least one occaison so far i have opened my guild window and had it show me 1 member online until i change the ordering of the names and even that didn't show all of the players on in my guild. they have some issues with the social window which i am sure will get worked out soon. I am just saying that you shouldn't trust /who for population numbers. also i think it is properly capping the number of people you will get back from a /who query

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I get not wanting to have a ton of people fighting over the same spawns, which is already an issue since there are not a lot of mobs to begin with and they are spaced pretty far in most situations but chat goes across instances, call for a group, invite someone and chances are they are in a different instance than you and have to travel. The issue here is that either the cap on how many can be in an instance, server or zone is far too low, I'm not talking about people out questing, you can sit in general chat which covers almost entire planets and take your time reading, either people are extremely anti-social or there simply arent that many people in.

I get lowering the server caps to spread people out but it really feels like they lowered it a ridiculous amount.


I am not comparing this to WoW, I barely played that game but I have been playing MMOs since '98 and have never been in one that felt this empty.

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From my understanding BioWare does not plan on the conitnued use of instancing the areas. It is only being utilized right now so that people can progress through the game. (I wish WOW would have done this because when they released an expansion pack it was impossible to do anything because so many people were trying to do the same quest. I am talking about when they released Outlands, but things may have gotten better with their later releases.)


Be assured people that when the populations begin to normalize, instancing will wind down.


Do you have any quote to base that understanding on?

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Agreed, feels empty and dead. Republic fleet station have around 80 people at prime time and 24 currently... Weak. Almost impossible to get together 4 poeple for a instance run. Also did a run through all the planets during prime time and there was around 30-40 people on each planet and even less on a few. This is on chuundar and it is supposed to be full. Total gamebreaker for me.
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