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city's feel empty even with full servers


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city's feel empty even with full servers, they should only have one instance in major city's to fill it out better


ya i kinda felt that too a bit i was on tattoine just now and was thinkign wow the cities here were always full of hustle and bustle and this place is just bare.

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I'm a little mystified at the full servers, everyplace feels empty, doing a /who on all instances of the starting areas does not pull up many people, beta had more, the pop seems down everywhere up to level 20 (didn't check planets above that) yet the queues are long. It felt more populated yesterday when the queue read light. This really doesn't feel like an MMO at all.


Please before replying: I checked all the instances in the starting areas, I know its instanced and I checked them, checked all instances. Now who wants to bet there is a legit response to this saying "the areas are instanced jackhole"

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Each planet has multiple phases to prevent overcrowding of mobs, occasionally you will join a party for a heroic quest and find that your team mates are in another version of that planet and you need to switch. Not sure if this is the case with the fleet though...


Emptiness in cities isnt helped much by the lack of music. Chilling out in Kaas city and i have lovely industrial/traffic ambience, no BGM whatsoever though. shame.

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I only sort of agree. I do think that social areas (think the main areas of Kaas City, Coruscant, and all their cantinas) should not be instanced... it's hard to meet new people when you can't even see most of them. I can see phasing being disastrous for finding RP.


On the other hand, overcrowding of quest areas would be a huge issue if not for the phasing. I don't even want to imagine some of these 3-minute respawn timer mobs on an unphased world. I think that phasing does smooth over the playing experience, controls competition for resources and it even adds to the feel that you're not doing the same thing 246136135 people are doing.


So yeah. Less phasing in cities, keep it as is in hostile areas.

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Why is this a problem for some people? Is it necessary to "see" other players running around? Or is it more important to chat with other players?


I believe the zone chats work across instances.


In order to add to the immersion of an MMO I often run around with nameplates turned off for other players. I would prefer to not see a bunch of people hanging out, but that's just me.

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This is due to the fact that all of the servers have a population cap of around 2,000-3,000. So naturally they will be empty.


Bioware needs to correct this issue.


Not long ago Bioware were saying their servers can handle 80k players.


Yet I'm sitting in a 2hr40min estimated queue still after 4hr30mins. A guildly did a /who and not all planets are even full.


The whole idea of getting new players to go on new servers failed miserably.

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Personally I would love to see more people running around.


This phasing blows.


The cities really do feel empty considering the server que's.


I could care less whether I have to wait a second for a spawn. It is a online game right?


Not much of a multiplayer game with no one around.

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Not long ago Bioware were saying their servers can handle 80k players.


Yet I'm sitting in a 2hr40min estimated queue still after 4hr30mins. A guildly did a /who and not all planets are even full.


The whole idea of getting new players to go on new servers failed miserably.


There is no way the cap is 80k players. Maybe 80k different characters spread across everyones account but there is no way the servers can handle 80,000 players logged into one server.


I'm willing to bet the servers cant take more than 2,000. The cities, zones and everything else feels DEAD. There is hardly anyone around.

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This game really dose feel like a ghost town. i just checked my server, after waiting in q to get in, the noob zone is pretty much dead and also i did a /who in the fleet and there was only 32 people!


I can go play a single player game with out the waiting line to get in, i play a supposed MMO so that I can play with a lot of other people.


If they have broken the servers up to the point the game is a ghost town and this is going to persist for good then there is not much reason to play this over a single player game.

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