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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Rethink these Restrictions Bioware


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The problem you're missing here is that it's MUCH harder to get people to spend money by frustrating them. It's a lot easier to get them to spend money when they are having fun.


If you have to spend money just to make the game reasonably playable, then a HUGE chunk of your potential customer base will never get past that barrier. If the game is essentially as enjoyable as it can be with certain high-level content, gear and cosmetics restricted, then people that play it all the way up and enjoy it are more likely to spend money to access that newer content.


The point you're missing is: $3 is $3.


Either they are willing to buy cartel coins to improve their quality of life in-game, or they aren't. If they won't buy it for something they claim to NEED, why would they buy it for something they simply WANT?


You're creating an artificial "barrier" that doesn't exist except to former subscribers who somehow believe that previously paying to play the game now entitles them to that same game play for free.

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The point you're missing is: $3 is $3.


Either they are willing to buy cartel coins to improve their quality of life in-game, or they aren't. If they won't buy it for something they claim to NEED, why would they buy it for something they simply WANT?


You're creating an artificial "barrier" that doesn't exist except to former subscribers who somehow believe that previously paying to play the game now entitles them to that same game play for free.


Because only stupid people buy extras like that. This is like car dealerships in the 80's. They charged minimal amounts for extras that are now standard. Like cup holders.


Would you pay extra money to have access to cup holders in your car? If not, then why would you pay extra money for a standard item like UI hotbars? If you say yes to the first question, then god help us all.


Also it has been proven time and time again in the F2P market. People will spend more money on cosmetics if they enjoy a game, then they will unlocking parts of a game.

Edited by Retsopmi
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The point you're missing is: $3 is $3.


Either they are willing to buy cartel coins to improve their quality of life in-game, or they aren't. If they won't buy it for something they claim to NEED, why would they buy it for something they simply WANT?


You're creating an artificial "barrier" that doesn't exist except to former subscribers who somehow believe that previously paying to play the game now entitles them to that same game play for free.


If SWTOR was the only F2P option out there, then maybe you have a point. But why spend 3 bucks here for a basic UI element that almost nobody else would charge for, when I can go find a different game that lets me spend 3 bucks on something I want to spend 3 bucks on?


And your response will probably be "Don't let the door hit you on the way out", and that's fine for you. It's not so fine for BioWare/EA. If this new monetization plan doesn't succeed, the game will suffer. There could likely be more layoffs, fewer updates, more player loss, etc. And that's a potential problem for everybody, subscribers included.

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After reading many posts on this subject it becomes very clear that the main issue isn't even with the f2p members right now lol. The subscribers are torn in two by 2 very respectable opinions and I think it will be difficult for bioware to meet all of this.


On one side you've got subscribers that argue the entitlement side which is true. Why should f2p members get all the stuff that subscribers get. That wouldn't make sense at all and many subscribers would leave.


On the other side you have the subscribers that are hoping that this f2p option will bring hundreds of new members to actually play with but wont be able to because of the restrictions. Even if the population goes through the roof the game experience for subscribers will remain stale and will continue to suffer from a lack of subscribing players.


Either way you go you will get complaints and that's all there is to it. Personally I can see things from both sides but in the end it will come down to the very people we are arguing over...the f2p players. How many will buy extras to get more content, how many will just subscribe and how many will just remain f2p? I say give it some time and enjoy playing the way we have been for months. If it bothers you that much leaving is always an option but you can be a part of the solution or be a part of what kills this great game imho.

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If SWTOR was the only F2P option out there, then maybe you have a point. But why spend 3 bucks here for a basic UI element that almost nobody else would charge for, when I can go find a different game that lets me spend 3 bucks on something I want to spend 3 bucks on?


And your response will probably be "Don't let the door hit you on the way out", and that's fine for you. It's not so fine for BioWare/EA. If this new monetization plan doesn't succeed, the game will suffer. There could likely be more layoffs, fewer updates, more player loss, etc. And that's a potential problem for everybody, subscribers included.


i'm just curious why you think you need the 2 extra hotbars? i have 3 lvl 50's and not one of them has filled 4 hotbars i can't imagine trying to fill 6 of them...characters in this game just don't have that many skills, and with the lack of ability to create macros in this game i truly can't imagine you could find use for 4 hotbars.

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i'm just curious why you think you need the 2 extra hotbars? i have 3 lvl 50's and not one of them has filled 4 hotbars i can't imagine trying to fill 6 of them...characters in this game just don't have that many skills, and with the lack of ability to create macros in this game i truly can't imagine you could find use for 4 hotbars.


There's a difference between 6 and 4. Another meaningless input from a fanboy.

How do you play the game without 4 hotbars? I'm not even level 50 and cant fit all my abilities needed during combat in 2 hotbars. So much for having fun when you cant use all your abilities there. And there are other noncombat skills I need to use frequently. So I need at least 3 hotbars for combat, plus 4th for noncombat skills I use during the game.

Your lack of imagination shouldn't affect other players performance.

Edited by NerdyIO
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i'm just curious why you think you need the 2 extra hotbars? i have 3 lvl 50's and not one of them has filled 4 hotbars i can't imagine trying to fill 6 of them...characters in this game just don't have that many skills, and with the lack of ability to create macros in this game i truly can't imagine you could find use for 4 hotbars.


My level 31 trooper has 39 active abilities and 24 slots in quick bars at the moment (and I use every single one of those 24 abilities I have in my quick bars in solo-play with at least some frequency), and no room for Quick Travel, Heroic Moment, my legacy unlock, unity and others. I dread to think what my 50 Sage has. Yes, the game is playable, but the game has a noticeable dip in quality for me at a certain level because of this.


Honestly, 4 would be plenty, but I see no reason why this should even be an issue. Limiting UI functionality as a way to monetize something is pretty laughable in its own right.

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My level 31 trooper has 39 active abilities and 24 slots in quick bars at the moment (and I use every single one of those 24 abilities I have in my quick bars in solo-play with at least some frequency), and no room for Quick Travel, Heroic Moment, my legacy unlock, unity and others. I dread to think what my 50 Sage has. Yes, the game is playable, but the game has a noticeable dip in quality for me at a certain level because of this.


Honestly, 4 would be plenty, but I see no reason why this should even be an issue. Limiting UI functionality as a way to monetize something is pretty laughable in its own right.


first of all the post above this quote, that guy is a ***** and i will be ignoring the remainder of his comments.

sorry i didn't know you only have 2? i was misinformed i thought f2p had 4 sub had 6, if you only have 2 i agree 100% that is not enough and should be changed to 4 for f2p to make the game at least playable to lvl 50.

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first of all the post above this quote, that guy is a ***** and i will be ignoring the remainder of his comments.

sorry i didn't know you only have 2? i was misinformed i thought f2p had 4 sub had 6, if you only have 2 i agree 100% that is not enough and should be changed to 4 for f2p to make the game at least playable to lvl 50.


Oh great. I don't think he wants to talk to you either, since he doesn't wanna listen to your meaningless comments and childish insults.

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To be fair, it's not that easy to combine subscriber and F2P models in the same game. It has to be balanced enough for the subscribers to feel like they're getting their money's worth. If it had been F2P-only they would have been able to ease up on some things. That said, I still think that some of the restrictions are too much atm.
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How's that free fwith full access? There's a distinct difference between access to basic aspects of the game and full access.

So I'm going back to my initial post and restate what I said.. How are they going to keep customers by not allowing them minimum freedom.?

There should be some initiative for subscribers, but slapping others is not going to build a fan base.

All they did so far is annoy players and make a bad name for themselves.

There are ways to let people play for free and still profit from it. As I said, perhaps they should look around how it's done.

There is access to basic aspects of the game. They are just limited. That's the whole point. If they are annoying players by not giving away the farm then the players aren't really players ... they're welfare agents. Edited by GalacticKegger
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How are they going to keep customers by not allowing them minimum freedom.?.


There is a distinct mis-use of terminology throughout this thread that persists; it's the common element driving this argument page after page. Nobody is a customer until they have paid for a subscription or made purchases in the cash-stop. If you haven't done either, you aren't actually a customer.


Which makes any complaints about said service moot.


Many people have made it obvious they do not want to even make simple purchases in the cash-stop (i.e. quickbars for $3), yet make a lot of complaints about being mishandled customers.


I suggust playing with what's available for a short while and when you are ready to step up the experience, start cherry-picking what you need and don't need. And then you will be able to make suggestions to BioWare to better your experience going forward.

Edited by Leopagne
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I think it is pretty obvious they don't quite get the philosophical essence of free2play which is if you give freely and generously, players will in return pay freely and generously. GW2 is a model of this. If, instead, you are stingy and make players feel like they need to buy stuff in order to compete, every purchase they make feels dirty and insulting on some level, and angers them just so slighting that after enough purchases they've had enough. I'm saying this as a subscriber.


There it is the issue with those punitive and even insulting restrictions.

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There is a distinct mis-use of terminology throughout this thread that persists; it's the common element driving this argument page after page. Nobody is a customer until they have paid for a subscription or made purchases in the cash-stop. If you haven't done either, you aren't actually a customer.


Which makes any complaints about said service moot.


Many people have made it obvious they do not want to even make simple purchases in the cash-stop (i.e. quickbars for $3), yet make a lot of complaints about being mishandled customers.


What about those who have paid the full 60 bucks for the game, when it was for sale, and invested on subs before it went F2P? Now we are just 'Preferred' players who can't even get our complimentary coins that would be spent on regaining the right to do silly things like hiding their headgears or unifying colours

Edited by Socialist
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What about those who have paid the full 60 bucks for the game, when it was for sale, and invested on subs before it went F2P? Now we are just 'Preferred' players who can't even get our complimentary coins that would be spent on regaining the right to do silly things like hiding their headgears or unifying colours


Dat username!


(I do find it funny that these threads tend to kinda mimic the political debates of this election cycle)

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OK, I only read the first 6 pages, but the arguments are starting to get redundant, and repetitive, so I will wade in.


I'm OK with you can play the basic game to 50 without restrictions. If you want to go further, pay. If you want to PvP at anything but a basic level, pay. If you want the cool stuff, pay. If you want the pretty frills, pay. The free to play game will let you experience the game. If all you want is to play the basic game, it will cost you nothing. If you want the cool or special stuff, it will cost extra. Just like any trial, try it, if you like it, pay.


Those who will play to 50 then demand more free stuff are only leeching off those who are paying. The goal of this, or any, game is profit. That means get people to give you money. Those who are never willing to pay are worthless to the company who produces and maintains it. If they are unwilling to pay anything, the company is better off if they do quit. If playing the basic game is not enough to encourage people to pay for the expanded game, they weren't gonna ever give up any cash anyway, so EA/BW are better off letting them quit.


Although, I think FTP players should have access to the first Flashpoint (Black Talon/Essels) and whatever the first available Warzone is (I don't do them, so don't know), just to give them a taste and entice them to want more. And, because the point of the FTP option is to give players a taste of the game and encourage them to switch to subscription or pay for some unlocks and upgrades.


The inconvenient truth is, EA/BW are for profit companies, and if they don't make their money, they won't keep the game running.


The game that introduced me to MMOs 7 years ago (City of Heroes) is shutting down in two weeks because NCsoft wasn't making enough money to justify keeping it running. Fortunately WoW isn't going anywhere soon. But, I would like to help keep this game running for quite a while to come, and understand only by enough customers giving them enough money is that going to happen.

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There are a few restrictions I believe shouldn't be there for Free To Play players. And this is me talking as a subscriber. This is just a list:


UI Needs to Be Fixed (Customization and more quickbars)

Unlimited access to all Operations, Flashpoints and Warzones (except on Section X DLCs and further content that can be paid for via Cartel Coins)

Sprint and Quick Travel need to be accessible


Other than that, I believe it is completely fair for both camps. The gear option from Ops needs to be purchased as it gives subscribers a little something, something. No Cartel Coins should be earned in game (also a little nod to subscribers). All caps on money and banks should exist, but have a way of buying your way out via Cartel Coins. I believe this is the fairest system the game should go with to continue to have players come in (or back) and make this game the best it can be.


Finally I can post, have been watching threads like this pop up since I started my free to 15 trail a few days before F2P.


Before I say anything, I need to thank you guys. This community, unlike most, has welcomed its new F2P players with open arms. You are already striving to make F2P better and your guilds are actively recruiting new players to help them out. I have played many games that went F2P after being P2P and have never seen a community welcome us like this.


I have not yet seen the restrictions they have on us F2P players or what changes when we go prefered vs sub, can you tell me where to find it?


Even though I don't know all that are inplace I have noticed some, mainly what we had as Free Trail players being taken away, the one that hurts most is sprint at lower lvls. I was able to sprint before F2P, now I can't sprint and the amount it slows you down is very noticable.


I was looking thourgh the CC shop yesterday aswell and saw no option for us to even buy more character slots, this is a must have for us. Correct me if I am worng but even Free Trail players had 12 slots.


I know some people will say just sub. Those people have no idea why a F2P player is a F2P player. Soom simply don't have the money. Many others, myself inculded, have no problem spending money, we want to spend money and support the game. We will spend money and support the game. Most of us will not change to sub. The reason being most of us don't like feelling tied down to one game. When you have a sub you play that one game because if you don't your money goes to waste.


We like to play many games, I presonally have 3 games that I play alot now atm, Star Trek Online, League of Legends, and now Star Wars the Old Republic. If I sub here, I don't play the other 2 because it wastes the money I spend on the sub. I know people are about to ask why do we put money into the game but won't sub. The answer is simple. With cash shop purchases we can put money into games based on which one we are playing at the time and base how much we spend on how often we play. We might not play enough to want to spend 15 bucks a month on a sub and play just this game. But at the same time we could put 50 bucks into the cash shop, play our other games aswell, and not feel like our money goes to waste. Welcome to F2P logic 101. Sub bad, Cash shop good. We will put 50 bucks into the cash shop before we spend 15 on a one month sub. Did I mention we hate items that are timed, which inculds subs.


Honestly there will be some of us that put more money into the game in the next few months then any of the subs have since the game luanched. Those of us that do should have a expericne that rivals the subs. The subs need things just for them, but they should be extra things, not restricted things. Really instead of restricting new players they should be giving more to subs.


Once again thank you for welcoming us so nicely and thank you for fighting to get some restrictions removed.

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You realize why Guild Wars 2 has such a great service. Because it is NOT free to play. You pay for the disc set ($60) and that's all. Now, SWTOR has a FREE download and play method. Meaning they need to make profits. It is not in the same situation as GW2. Now, I believe Preferred Status players should get their Cartel Coins without the sub. Reward them for being beneficial to the game and having bought your product. Give them their Cartel Coins do they can buy those action bars, DLCs and the like. And then let them move on from there. They either sub or micro transact for the game. That would be the perfect system.
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Finally I can post, have been watching threads like this pop up since I started my free to 15 trail a few days before F2P.


Before I say anything, I need to thank you guys. This community, unlike most, has welcomed its new F2P players with open arms. You are already striving to make F2P better and your guilds are actively recruiting new players to help them out. I have played many games that went F2P after being P2P and have never seen a community welcome us like this.


I have not yet seen the restrictions they have on us F2P players or what changes when we go prefered vs sub, can you tell me where to find it?


Even though I don't know all that are inplace I have noticed some, mainly what we had as Free Trail players being taken away, the one that hurts most is sprint at lower lvls. I was able to sprint before F2P, now I can't sprint and the amount it slows you down is very noticable.


I was looking thourgh the CC shop yesterday aswell and saw no option for us to even buy more character slots, this is a must have for us. Correct me if I am worng but even Free Trail players had 12 slots.


I know some people will say just sub. Those people have no idea why a F2P player is a F2P player. Soom simply don't have the money. Many others, myself inculded, have no problem spending money, we want to spend money and support the game. We will spend money and support the game. Most of us will not change to sub. The reason being most of us don't like feelling tied down to one game. When you have a sub you play that one game because if you don't your money goes to waste.


We like to play many games, I presonally have 3 games that I play alot now atm, Star Trek Online, League of Legends, and now Star Wars the Old Republic. If I sub here, I don't play the other 2 because it wastes the money I spend on the sub. I know people are about to ask why do we put money into the game but won't sub. The answer is simple. With cash shop purchases we can put money into games based on which one we are playing at the time and base how much we spend on how often we play. We might not play enough to want to spend 15 bucks a month on a sub and play just this game. But at the same time we could put 50 bucks into the cash shop, play our other games aswell, and not feel like our money goes to waste. Welcome to F2P logic 101. Sub bad, Cash shop good. We will put 50 bucks into the cash shop before we spend 15 on a one month sub. Did I mention we hate items that are timed, which inculds subs.


Honestly there will be some of us that put more money into the game in the next few months then any of the subs have since the game luanched. Those of us that do should have a expericne that rivals the subs. The subs need things just for them, but they should be extra things, not restricted things. Really instead of restricting new players they should be giving more to subs.


Once again thank you for welcoming us so nicely and thank you for fighting to get some restrictions removed.


Definitely. I think we should have more slots available for purchase. I believe that those cosmetic things should be available as then they can be benificial to the game. We all just want this fame to succeed and those that don't, honestly, shouldn't be here. If this F2P community is willing to pay for things then those things should be added in ASAP. And, honestly, this is the best community of F2P players I've seen in any game. Proud to have people like you in the game now. Thank you.

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