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Debunking false ideas about Mara/Sents in PVP


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Marauders/Sents are very very very very powerful in PvP. Everyone knows that. And everyone means everyone. If anyone says are not, he´s lying.


But there is another point, they are very annoying class when is attacking you. A lot., too much. And thats not good for the game. Bioware seems that they re unable to see this. I got several classes and played tons of wzs and the less the marauders/sents in the fight, more fun is the warzone, much less messy.


We saw the imba Operatives at release. And was not fun. You didnt see coming and killed in a few secs with no choice. This is not the same and so op but seeing a guy leaping you, smashing you and when (if) you got a choice, they vanishes or put some strong shields is not funny either. If you put some maras together inside a wz, is a mess of leaps, sounds, animations, awful dps that makes the fight very annoying for the enemy.


Marauders are like a mosquito, not a tiny one but huge, too huge.

Edited by Nyaara
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Oh look, more lolrauders who think ravage can be interrupted. Yes, we believe that the reason you suck as a marauder is because the class isn't that good- not because you're a terrible player.


Now, can we get back to whining about how sorc bubbles add another 3 seconds to your kill streaks?

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Lol at the people calling this a QQ thread. All of you are just proving that you can't read.


Most Marauders in these forums are so scared to death about getting nerfed they can't even hold an intelligent conversation about their abilities. I put you in the same category as rednecks who blindly defend "Murica".


And back on topic:


Marauders are a very balanced class. I think the amount of thought that was put into each of the Marauders abilities should be put into the other classes as well. Too many other ACs are just clunky or severely lacking tools.

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Here is some more funny things i hear about Marauders/Sentinels.

- "Why do Marauders have tankish defensive cool downs".

- I hope you realize, cool downs don't just make a tank, a lot more makes a tank, spec, gear, etc NOT just cool downs.


- "A healer will just heal the Marauder/Sentinel why GBTF or UR is up.

- I lol when i hear this, the healer should always be one of your primary targets. He should of been long dead, :rolleyes: .

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Lol at the people calling this a QQ thread. All of you are just proving that you can't read.


Most Marauders in these forums are so scared to death about getting nerfed they can't even hold an intelligent conversation about their abilities.



LMAO how can anyone take what you say serious after this -



Up to 2 leaps available which are effectively two ranged interrupts. Also, those interrupts are true interrupts. The person being lept to is stunned the instant the marauder hits his ability...before his feet even leave the ground to leap to you.



2nd leap is specced into and is only 15m. Point taken.



It's 10m oh I see you edited that after getting schooled by MusicRider lol. Also you make it sound as if all 3 specs have a second leap, next time get a clue before you make a thread like this if you expect people not to laugh at your QQing. This guy has some nerve telling people they don't know their own class abilities, ROFL at least I had a good laugh at your QQ thread. THANKS!

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LMAO Also you make it sound as if all 3 specs have a second leap,


Really guy? What a moron. I specifically say you have to spec into the second leap. You are flat out lying.


Also the difference between a 15m leap and a 10m leap is miniscule. I wasn't playing my sentinel at the time and I don't have a perfect memory. Your argument falls short, and I would suggest that you go back to playing with your other marauder buddies that thing Ravage can be countered with an interrupt.

Edited by Phasersablaze
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Here is some more funny things i hear about Marauders/Sentinels.

- "Why do Marauders have tankish defensive cool downs".

- I hope you realize, cool downs don't just make a tank, a lot more makes a tank, spec, gear, etc NOT just cool downs.


Outside of pure tanks with tank gear, they are the hardest to kill. There's no arguing that.


- "A healer will just heal the Marauder/Sentinel why GBTF or UR is up.

- I lol when i hear this, the healer should always be one of your primary targets. He should of been long dead, :rolleyes: .


Actually VGs are the primary targets, along with any other easily killed high dps targets like snipers. The healers will usually just get CCed, or chain interrupted. You don't actually need to kill them, just make them ineffective.

Edited by Smashbrother
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Yet you make a thread like this? The world would be better off without donks like you, once again thanks for the laugh clown.


Ok since you act like a kindergartener I will repeat myself like I'm talking to the child that I probably am talking to: THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 10m/15m leap is MINISCULE.


Now go away little mad troll with a chip on your shoulder. Go back to your friends that think Ravage can be interrupted.

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Ok since you act like a kindergartener I will repeat myself like I'm talking to the child that I probably am talking to: THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 10m/15m leap is MINISCULE.


Now go away little mad troll with a chip on your shoulder. Go back to your friends that think Ravage can be interrupted.



Why so mad? Can't beat a Mara 1v1?

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Hello, My name is Erishumlol and I'm a crabby little troll. Here is my mode of operation.


1) Jealously defend any thread that mentions Marauders. I'm so freaking scared of being nerfed, so I better do all I can to spew filth and nonsense into anything that even mentions Marauders.


2) I will find insignificant mistakes and blow them out of proportion to try to discredit people.


3) I'm scared an insecure.


Edited by Phasersablaze
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Bahahahaha you typed all that out just for me? I get under your skin that bad over a video game?


Well I guess I know what your priorities in life are....video games. So sad.


There's a class section you know, you should get some advice from the Mara's there on how to beat them 1v1.

Edited by Erishumlol
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Just so you all realize - you can stop a ravage its called a Stun, a knockback, a mezz.... they all stop a ravage.


Can you interrupt the channel with your interrupt - no.


But it can be stopped. Its not like it gives Marauders CC immunity when its channeling.

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Just so you all realize - you can stop a ravage its called a Stun, a knockback, a mezz.... they all stop a ravage.


Can you interrupt the channel with your interrupt - no.


But it can be stopped. Its not like it gives Marauders CC immunity when its channeling.


Anyone who pvps and has half a brain knows that. Unfortunately, if you go a few pages back Exgrunt doesn't know. Most of his outrageous posts have been deleted, but you can still see him claiming that regular interrupts can stop Ravage. Worst thing is that his main is a marauder.


Just proof that people are just that bad...


As to what you said, you are partly true. What you left out is the part where the Marauder has full resolve. Or the part where the marauder has you rooted.

Edited by Phasersablaze
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I absolutely love... I mean love hearing maras talk about how balanced they are. It's like listening to Bill Gates and Donald Trump talk about how they really don't have anymore money than the rest of us.


Let me explain it in easy to understand terms, even for you dumb mara/sents, and I have one...(it's not my main though). Mara/sent ARE OP because they do close to the best pvp damage AND have the best defensive abilities IN THE GAME. When I pvp, BIS tank gear, tank spec, on my vanguard, I have less survivability than my sent in recruit BM gear. There is nothing.... Nothing.... At all you can say that makes that right. Saying I need those abilities to do damage is bullsh*t. I need those abilities to tank.., but I don't get them. Now... Add to that insane damage... WHY play another class. You cannot honestly say they are balanced. AND I PLAY ONE.... sometimes.


Seriously... How can you come on here and spew this we are balanced BS and expect people to take you seriously. Yes you need to be nerfed. Shoot give my vanguard 3... Count them 3 defensive cool downs vs my 1... As a tank. Give me a stealth. Double or triple my dps ability.... And then and only then can you say those two classes or equal. I haven't brought up commandos....


If you vigorously defend this class, hands down you are a pvp noob and terribad. You fear competition, and thrive on easy mode. Pathetic.

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I absolutely love... I mean love hearing maras talk about how balanced they are. It's like listening to Bill Gates and Donald Trump talk about how they really don't have anymore money than the rest of us.


Let me explain it in easy to understand terms, even for you dumb mara/sents, and I have one...(it's not my main though). Mara/sent ARE OP because they do close to the best pvp damage AND have the best defensive abilities IN THE GAME. When I pvp, BIS tank gear, tank spec, on my vanguard, I have less survivability than my sent in recruit BM gear. There is nothing.... Nothing.... At all you can say that makes that right. Saying I need those abilities to do damage is bullsh*t. I need those abilities to tank.., but I don't get them. Now... Add to that insane damage... WHY play another class. You cannot honestly say they are balanced. AND I PLAY ONE.... sometimes.


Seriously... How can you come on here and spew this we are balanced BS and expect people to take you seriously. Yes you need to be nerfed. Shoot give my vanguard 3... Count them 3 defensive cool downs vs my 1... As a tank. Give me a stealth. Double or triple my dps ability.... And then and only then can you say those two classes or equal. I haven't brought up commandos....


If you vigorously defend this class, hands down you are a pvp noob and terribad. You fear competition, and thrive on easy mode. Pathetic.


I see the problem as other classes not having the tools they need rather than Maras being OP, but yes I agree with you. If Marauders "need" their defensive cooldowns to DPS, then the same can be said for ALL the dps classes. Snipers are doing pretty well in that area as well as Assasins. Sorcs have bubbles and force speed so that just leaves PTs and Mercs. PTs have the best burst in the game so being squishy isn't so blatantly obvious as it is on a Merc.


But yeah "I need my godmode abilities so I can take down 3 people at a time without dying" isn't a very good argument lol.

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I see the problem as other classes not having the tools they need rather than Maras being OP, but yes I agree with you. If Marauders "need" their defensive cooldowns to DPS, then the same can be said for ALL the dps classes. Snipers are doing pretty well in that area as well as Assasins. Sorcs have bubbles and force speed so that just leaves PTs and Mercs. PTs have the best burst in the game so being squishy isn't so blatantly obvious as it is on a Merc.


But yeah "I need my godmode abilities so I can take down 3 people at a time without dying" isn't a very good argument lol.


Well sorcs have bubble. Force speed I don't consider a defensive cooldown, but if you do then force camo is one as well and they have 4 defensive cool downs vs vanguards 1 and sorcs 2. Not sure about snipers. Either way its still ridiculous. And vanguard burst is only in one tree if you spec into it. Mara/sent def cooldowns are given standard to every tree. It's just silly. They have it all and sacrifice nothing. At least vanguard had to pick and choose. They just get it all!!!

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People seem to have a hard time grasping that marauders are melee, medium armour, in carnage/anni they only have one real gap closer (you can say force camo, but using it to initiate against anything save agents is stupid) so that basically implies that a knockback would **** up maras pretty badly.


People just need to learn how to use their abilities, it's not like undying rage gives CC immunity, and slows isn't affected by the resolve, neither is knockback.


I do agree that mara's force camo needs a 15-30 sec cooldown increase, as mentioned earlier.


But depriving maras of their survivability is just destroying the class as a whole. It's like removing cover from snipers.

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People seem to have a hard time grasping that marauders are melee, medium armour, in carnage/anni they only have one real gap closer (you can say force camo, but using it to initiate against anything save agents is stupid) so that basically implies that a knockback would **** up maras pretty badly.


People just need to learn how to use their abilities, it's not like undying rage gives CC immunity, and slows isn't affected by the resolve, neither is knockback.


I do agree that mara's force camo needs a 15-30 sec cooldown increase, as mentioned earlier.


But depriving maras of their survivability is just destroying the class as a whole. It's like removing cover from snipers.


1. Mars are NOT a *********** stealth class. They shouldn't have a *********** stealth skill to begin with especially when it exceeds the stealth integrity of a pure stealth class.


2. Mars defensive CD's are overpowered and have been for 6-8 months now. Keeping force camo is a ******** excuse for a class that isn't even a stealth class. Much less making it borderline impossible to force them out of it.

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People seem to have a hard time grasping that marauders are melee, medium armour, in carnage/anni they only have one real gap closer (you can say force camo, but using it to initiate against anything save agents is stupid) so that basically implies that a knockback would **** up maras pretty badly.


People just need to learn how to use their abilities, it's not like undying rage gives CC immunity, and slows isn't affected by the resolve, neither is knockback.


I do agree that mara's force camo needs a 15-30 sec cooldown increase, as mentioned earlier.


But depriving maras of their survivability is just destroying the class as a whole. It's like removing cover from snipers.



Dude!!! You have the best survivability in the game!!! You have more than tanks, in tank gear, in tank spec! You do t need it for survivability because your survivability is most of what makes you OP! Great I stun your one def cool down... So what you have 2 more and force camo...


No other class... Has that many def cooldowns... And they are free! Available to every spec! You sacrifice nothing to gain everything. That is OP. you want to keep your def cooldowns? Drop your dps 25%. That is fair. You want your insane dps, lose 2 def cooldowns. Right now... You have everything!!!


If you need those cooldowns to dps so do ops, mercs, dps sages, and EVERY tank class.

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Dude!!! You have the best survivability in the game!!! You have more than tanks, in tank gear, in tank spec! You do t need it for survivability because your survivability is most of what makes you OP! Great I stun your one def cool down... So what you have 2 more and force camo...


No other class... Has that many def cooldowns... And they are free! Available to every spec! You sacrifice nothing to gain everything. That is OP. you want to keep your def cooldowns? Drop your dps 25%. That is fair. You want your insane dps, lose 2 def cooldowns. Right now... You have everything!!!


If you need those cooldowns to dps so do ops, mercs, dps sages, and EVERY tank class.


I don't think you've heard of the concept of variety. Take sorcs/sages, why would they need as many defensive cooldowns? I mean, it's not like they are supposed to jump head first into the enemy team.


The reason marauders got the defensive cooldowns they do is because it's an initially squishy class, that depends on its defensive CDs to be viable at all. And I'd say a lot of their defensive cds can be countered. How hard is it to gain distance between you and a mara? That would be ideal to shut down cloak of pain & undying rage. SWTOR pvp is all about knowing WHEN to use WHAT. People are only noticing how badly prepared they are to fight marauders now recently because of the patch that made rage management so easy, which in turn led to mass rage spec.


Basically, I am all for nerfing force smash/sweep, and upping the CD on force camo. But you in turn gotta remember, that maras doesnt have any real stuns, only stun they got is a rather counterproductive one, seeing as they stun themselves as well.

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I don't think you've heard of the concept of variety. Take sorcs/sages, why would they need as many defensive cooldowns? I mean, it's not like they are supposed to jump head first into the enemy team.


The reason marauders got the defensive cooldowns they do is because it's an initially squishy class, that depends on its defensive CDs to be viable at all. And I'd say a lot of their defensive cds can be countered. How hard is it to gain distance between you and a mara? That would be ideal to shut down cloak of pain & undying rage. SWTOR pvp is all about knowing WHEN to use WHAT. People are only noticing how badly prepared they are to fight marauders now recently because of the patch that made rage management so easy, which in turn led to mass rage spec.


Basically, I am all for nerfing force smash/sweep, and upping the CD on force camo. But you in turn gotta remember, that maras doesnt have any real stuns, only stun they got is a rather counterproductive one, seeing as they stun themselves as well.


You don't need that many def cooldowns. I can keep saying this enough... You are more tanky and have greater survivability than tanks and do very high dps. And yes if Mara/sent need three cooldowns to be able to do viable dps because they are squishy... So do sorcs, ops, mercs, and all three trees of vanguard. You cannot have the best survivability and near best dps in the game and call that balanced... Ever. You do get a mez in awe, a channeled stun in stasis, a slow, and a gap closer with an immobilize for free! No talent points needed. More, abilities and improvements on the ones you already have with talents. That is unbalanced.


The counter to argument about sorcs is that they are supposed to be a ranged class and need those extra def cool down abilities to just survive melee to be able to do their damage. Tgat sounds ridiculous right? It's just as ridiculous as a Mara/sent saying it. I have one. I play it some times. Typically I pop my first cooldown continually push one button while I channel surf, after 10 seconds or so I pop the second... Push another button repeatedly, keep flipping channels... If other guy is still alive I hit guarded by the force, push my third button repeatedly and take a sip or three of water. If the guy is still alive and i havent found a channel i likeI med pak and force camo away. Then when I am hydrated and not channel surfing I go smash the war hero geared sorcs sages ops scoundrels mercs commandos in my BM gear... I avoid attacking the other classes because that would require me to pay less attention to my tv shows...

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And I hate to sound like a jerk but as long as sent/Mara have the best survivability... A gap closer.... And an escape mechanic AND still do very very very high dps... No one can really, with a straight face, and in all honesty, say that class is balanced when compared to troopers/bounty hunters smugglers/ops or sage/sorcs. Not so sure about assassin/shadows and jug/guardians.
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