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Reported for "griefing" your thoughts please.


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So a friend and I on the shadowlands(pve server) decided to raid the imp base on Ilum together. Ive noticed almost everyday since the merge that people are flagging more often. Hes a shadow so he went stealth pasted the turrets in the base and I leaped to him(I'm a guardian). From there we killed trash mobs in the base trying to get some attention and sure enough it did. Several imps 1 by 1 were flagging themselves. We survived quite a long time but eventually 20 imps(literally) all flagged at once and jumped us.


So we headed back and i knew that after so many people flagged that some of them had to be running to do their heroic(a 2 minute speeder right from their base.) Sure enough, 4 were there on the hill attacking some mobs, still flagged. We killed them then started to head back. One of the guys we killed was heading back on his speeder so we jumped him. From there we head back to the imp base and play around some more and got overwhelmed again. After i spawned back to the base, i get a whisper that I'm getting reported for "griefing." I asked the person. "How is it griefing? Care to explain this?" He said i was tricking people into flagging and that's harassment and I'm being reported.


I not once attacked the same mob(the flag bug) as he or any of the other imps did. In fact, besides a few little creatures outside their base, its impossible considering the mobs are either reb or imp. Then i told him this and put him on ignore. Then a friend of his chimed in: "you can ignore all you want idiot, your griefing and your going to be banned!."


I wont put any names because obviously these guys were confused and I wouldn't want them to be shunned upon for acting like this, but I feel i did nothing wrong. We had a blast and i know the imps did too.




What are your thoughts on raiding the opposite faction's base on a pve server? If they flag and attack you then attack mobs in a heroic still flagged that's not my fault right? Takes 5 minutes to unflag...

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Ganking and greifing are despisable ona pve or pvp server, only epople having fun with it are people to frustated in real pvp that need to faceroll undergeared..in less numbers...questing..oblivious poeple.


These same people are th eones that usualy complain about premades...because they are so terribad that they cant get into teams...


TLDR:dont do it, its retarded and pointless

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Ganking and greifing are despisable ona pve or pvp server, only epople having fun with it are people to frustated in real pvp that need to faceroll undergeared..in less numbers...questing..oblivious poeple.


These same people are th eones that usualy complain about premades...because they are so terribad that they cant get into teams...


TLDR:dont do it, its retarded and pointless


^^^ Probably not the response you wanted.

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Unless you were utilising some broken mechanics to get people to flag inadvertently then no harm, no foul.


Tbh, unless you were contacted by BW, I'm not sure why you started this thread however. Because someone said they reported you? People get reported all the time, often for stupid things.


Someone called me an ******e. Am I an ******e? /discuss.

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Unless you were utilising some broken mechanics to get people to flag inadvertently then no harm, no foul.


Tbh, unless you were contacted by BW, I'm not sure why you started this thread however. Because someone said they reported you? People get reported all the time, often for stupid things.


Someone called me an ******e. Am I an ******e? /discuss.


Just wanted some outside opinions. I felt i did nothing wrong but if you guys can remember, there was a big problem with this before. A few guys did this same exact thing on a pvp server. Thats right, a PVP SERVER. The exact same thing happend, and they got reported. A CSR actually told those people if they were to do it again, they were going to be banned or some other type of consequence.


This was posted on the forums with screenshots and all. A CSR on the forums after seeing the screenshots and proof that this happened, made sure the right action was taken. The CSR that contacted those guys most likely got a talking to or sometihng lol. This kind of action was taken on a pvp server, i wondering what will happen since i'm on a pve server.


Also, i never really get whispers or tells like that. Most of the time I only que for warzones but im really bored of the warzones and need world pvp. I didnt stop doing it either. We kept going back and still running in the base. If i could switch to a pvp server i would, but until paid transfers come im stuck waiting on someone to flag.

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So a friend and I on the shadowlands(pve server) decided to raid the imp base on Ilum together. Ive noticed almost everyday since the merge that people are flagging more often. Hes a shadow so he went stealth pasted the turrets in the base and I leaped to him(I'm a guardian). From there we killed trash mobs in the base trying to get some attention and sure enough it did. Several imps 1 by 1 were flagging themselves. We survived quite a long time but eventually 20 imps(literally) all flagged at once and jumped us.


So we headed back and i knew that after so many people flagged that some of them had to be running to do their heroic(a 2 minute speeder right from their base.) Sure enough, 4 were there on the hill attacking some mobs, still flagged. We killed them then started to head back. One of the guys we killed was heading back on his speeder so we jumped him. From there we head back to the imp base and play around some more and got overwhelmed again. After i spawned back to the base, i get a whisper that I'm getting reported for "griefing." I asked the person. "How is it griefing? Care to explain this?" He said i was tricking people into flagging and that's harassment and I'm being reported.


I not once attacked the same mob(the flag bug) as he or any of the other imps did. In fact, besides a few little creatures outside their base, its impossible considering the mobs are either reb or imp. Then i told him this and put him on ignore. Then a friend of his chimed in: "you can ignore all you want idiot, your griefing and your going to be banned!."


I wont put any names because obviously these guys were confused and I wouldn't want them to be shunned upon for acting like this, but I feel i did nothing wrong. We had a blast and i know the imps did too.




What are your thoughts on raiding the opposite faction's base on a pve server? If they flag and attack you then attack mobs in a heroic still flagged that's not my fault right? Takes 5 minutes to unflag...


The should be suspended for reporting absurd claims.

Edited by Xenith
grammtical errors
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There's a guy on my server who is always whispering me and telling me that he reports me for pvp dmg hacks...(he's a merc) I believe he is reporting me, he's the server nut job, but I'm still around lol


Bads will always say the most rediculous and outrageous things just to make themselves feel better.

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Just wanted some outside opinions. I felt i did nothing wrong but if you guys can remember, there was a big problem with this before. A few guys did this same exact thing on a pvp server. Thats right, a PVP SERVER. The exact same thing happend, and they got reported. A CSR actually told those people if they were to do it again, they were going to be banned or some other type of consequence.


This was posted on the forums with screenshots and all. A CSR on the forums after seeing the screenshots and proof that this happened, made sure the right action was taken. The CSR that contacted those guys most likely got a talking to or sometihng lol. This kind of action was taken on a pvp server, i wondering what will happen since i'm on a pve server.


Also, i never really get whispers or tells like that. Most of the time I only que for warzones but im really bored of the warzones and need world pvp. I didnt stop doing it either. We kept going back and still running in the base. If i could switch to a pvp server i would, but until paid transfers come im stuck waiting on someone to flag.


IIRC that CSR got reprimanded/fired for threatening to ban people who weren't doing anything illegal.


I would personally never gank/grief anyone (unless they did it to me first) because I think it's cowardly and pointless, but there's nothing illegal or wrong about it.

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Just wanted some outside opinions. I felt i did nothing wrong but if you guys can remember, there was a big problem with this before. A few guys did this same exact thing on a pvp server. Thats right, a PVP SERVER. The exact same thing happend, and they got reported. A CSR actually told those people if they were to do it again, they were going to be banned or some other type of consequence.


This was posted on the forums with screenshots and all. A CSR on the forums after seeing the screenshots and proof that this happened, made sure the right action was taken. The CSR that contacted those guys most likely got a talking to or sometihng lol. This kind of action was taken on a pvp server, i wondering what will happen since i'm on a pve server.


Also, i never really get whispers or tells like that. Most of the time I only que for warzones but im really bored of the warzones and need world pvp. I didnt stop doing it either. We kept going back and still running in the base. If i could switch to a pvp server i would, but until paid transfers come im stuck waiting on someone to flag.


So you knew CSR had contacted people for doing the same thing on a PVP server and you thought it was a good idea to do this on a PVE server? If you like it or not Bioware desides what is in the rules and what is outside the rules. If you think it is a grey area or have read that someone had been contacted for the same action I would not suggest doing it.

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It's a very typical moral issue.


Technically, there's no set rule against ganking or griefing unless it is done in a manner that clearly violates the EULA, for example exploiting bugs or tricking/scamming people.


However, excessive griefing and ganking (despite the difficulty of defining just how much is 'excessive') is counter-productive to the game in the fact that it discourages people from playing the game, and causes high tension and frustration in between the gamers, sometimes up to extreme levels.



Therefore, its one of those typical things that require a normal functioning, social mind.


For example, in real life, in most cases, people of healthy mind and social interaction usually don't need to be given a rule book in judging just how much pranks or banter is acceptable, and how much is 'crossing the line'. You don't need to make a rule about just how much is 'flirting', and how much is outright sexual harassment.


It's the same in MMOGs. Most people usually sense up to which point they can grief or gank others, and which is just simply going too much.


There can be no set rule about this. There can only be a case-by-case examination of individual incidents, and all of those require a moral judgement from the moderators or GMs.

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So you assume the IMPS had a blast and yet it was reported?


Like the others said not really appropriate for a PVE server.


I didnt assume. Not when you have to give consent for pvp. Flagging system is there for a reason. Who or what deems things to be "appropriate" for a pve server? Again, if you dont want to pvp then you don't flag yourself. It's that simple.



So you knew CSR had contacted people for doing the same thing on a PVP server and you thought it was a good idea to do this on a PVE server? If you like it or not Bioware desides what is in the rules and what is outside the rules. If you think it is a grey area or have read that someone had been contacted for the same action I would not suggest doing it.


Bioware can't do anything to these people. If your on a pvp server...then you pvp. If you join a pvp server then you should already know that this will happen. You don't have to like it, thats what you signed up for. Besides the fact, this goes in a different direction. I didn't twist these people's arms to turn their flag on. They gave me consent by flagging to attack them. I guess they didnt like that i was killing the imperial npcs in their base lol.



It's a very typical moral issue.


Technically, there's no set rule against ganking or griefing unless it is done in a manner that clearly violates the EULA, for example exploiting bugs or tricking/scamming people.


However, excessive griefing and ganking (despite the difficulty of defining just how much is 'excessive') is counter-productive to the game in the fact that it discourages people from playing the game, and causes high tension and frustration in between the gamers, sometimes up to extreme levels.



Therefore, its one of those typical things that require a normal functioning, social mind.


For example, in real life, in most cases, people of healthy mind and social interaction usually don't need to be given a rule book in judging just how much pranks or banter is acceptable, and how much is 'crossing the line'. You don't need to make a rule about just how much is 'flirting', and how much is outright sexual harassment.


It's the same in MMOGs. Most people usually sense up to which point they can grief or gank others, and which is just simply going too much.


There can be no set rule about this. There can only be a case-by-case examination of individual incidents, and all of those require a moral judgement from the moderators or GMs.


I agree to a degree. If this was a pvp server and i did this for hours not giving them a chance to do anything, then yes. This is pve server though. If they didnt want to pvp then they should not have put on their pvp flag. We weren't waiting for them to respawn and attack them immediately. They had plenty of time and opportunities to leave the area, unflag, then return. This is why it's complicated and i wanted opinions. Its not a pvp server where you have no choice but to attack or be attacked, thats why they invented pve servers with the flagging option. I shouldn't have to think its moral or not. They flagged because they wanted to pvp.

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Ya, it's a bit of a grey area.


For example, if you were killing something vital to them (Guardian Npc's, etc... I've never tried so I don't know if you can kill vendors or not) then they -had- to stop you, and then you were picking them off later after they were forced to flag.


If that's not the case, then they flag themselves cause you were there and looked easy. Stupid them, fair game till they unflag.


Either way, a pretty pointless outing for a PvE server.

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Ya, it's a bit of a grey area.


For example, if you were killing something vital to them (Guardian Npc's, etc... I've never tried so I don't know if you can kill vendors or not)...



Nope, sadly, you cannot kill Vendors, 'Speeder Droid' and Quest givers. You can only kill Guardians: Turrets and NPC defenders -.-.

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Just wanted some outside opinions. I felt i did nothing wrong but if you guys can remember, there was a big problem with this before. A few guys did this same exact thing on a pvp server. Thats right, a PVP SERVER. The exact same thing happend, and they got reported. A CSR actually told those people if they were to do it again, they were going to be banned or some other type of consequence."


You missed the point if you know this to be true on a PVP server than why would you expect it to be ok on a PVE server? However if you think this is just conjecture than don't post it.


I consider this the same as way back when people were farming chests on Ilum before they made 50. We all saw many reports of people getting warnings, and being told to stop. After the hammer came down on them, they were posting if it was not permitted than why can I do it. Our guild lost people to it, some that were running with us back when the first beta's started. You have not been warned correct? you have only done it ounce? They will most likely warn you of the action because it is a grey area so long as you are not forceing the people to flag. If you are told to stop I would do it, unless you liked being banned.


As for someone being banned for PVP action on a PVE server I only know of one cases for sure, a Rep Trooper that was healing the NPC's on one of the Imperial Missions on Ilum. He was there for little over a week at the same spot at the same time, so I am sure he racked up a lot of people reporting him.

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Ganking and greifing are despisable ona pve or pvp server, only epople having fun with it are people to frustated in real pvp that need to faceroll undergeared..in less numbers...questing..oblivious poeple.


These same people are th eones that usualy complain about premades...because they are so terribad that they cant get into teams...


TLDR:dont do it, its retarded and pointless


Ganking would imply the other players are lower level than yours which isn't the case since it's Ilum so everyone would be lv50...it's not greifing to do open world pvp even though it's a pve server. Those players had no issue at all flagging themselves for pvp when they wanted to kill the OP and his friend but when they hunt them down again when they aren't outnumbered 20 to 1 it's all of a sudden griefing? Get real. They were flagged for pvp, that makes them free game.

Edited by Darth-Rammstein
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Ya, it's a bit of a grey area.


For example, if you were killing something vital to them (Guardian Npc's, etc... I've never tried so I don't know if you can kill vendors or not) then they -had- to stop you, and then you were picking them off later after they were forced to flag.


If that's not the case, then they flag themselves cause you were there and looked easy. Stupid them, fair game till they unflag.


Either way, a pretty pointless outing for a PvE server.

i'm pretty sure you can reset your flag by resting a min or two in a cantina.

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i'm pretty sure you can reset your flag by resting a min or two in a cantina.


It's still bugged most of the time, you can sit in a faction controlled area if you un-flagged and it shoudl rest. But we have some people in guild that have been flagged for a long time 20-30 mins. One fix we found is doing a warzone when you come out the flag should be reset.

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do you automatically unflag after you leave ilum pvp area? it's been quite a while. I don't remember.


No you don't. You have to wait few minutes.

The question is: What were you doing in PVP area if you don't want to PVP? Why are you flagging yourself when you dont want to pvp?

Meh OP. Let them report you and bore BW CS droids out of their minds.

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So a friend and I on the shadowlands(pve server).


Why are you even on a PvE server if your main objective is open world PvP?


If they flagged, then it's a go on a PvE server, they consented to PvP.


Not necessarily, they could be accidently flagged by reviving someone or accidently attacking some idiot who decided to jump in the middle of a mob of npc's while you are AoEing them.

Edited by FlyinSpaghetti
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Why are you even on a PvE server if your main objective is open world PvP?

People still do PvP there...

Just because they don't want to deal with it sometimes(that's what PvP flag is used for) doesn't mean they never want to engage in open world PvP.

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Doesn't matter whether it's a PvP or PvE server. They flagged themselves as PvP, then they can be attacked, and can't complain.


If you don't want to be flagged for PvP, don't do things that will get you flagged, like attacking enemies who are PvP flagged or healing friends who are PvP flagged.


The game is designed with a short cooldown before you can switch from PvP to PvE flags (entirely reasonably, to stop people abusing "immunity" when fighting the other faction). If you flag for PvP you accept this and the fact that you might get attacked at times not of your choosing.


If you want to be immune to enemy players, don't give yourself a PvP flag. If you've got one but want to go do something else, then the wait to unflag is something you should consider before taking actions that get you a PvP flag.


TL;DR: They chose to travel around a mixed-faction zone with PvP flags on, therefore they were fair game.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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