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Robert Pattinson wants to take a role in EP VII, and he likes Jar Jar


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I can't hate on Patterson because he really really hates doing Twilight. In the first interview he ever did for the first twilight he talked about how it was some really stupid movie and he was glad it was done shooting.


As soon as the producers heard that they made sure he never did another interview for twilight again.


to be fair he is a good actor.

Edited by sstanks
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Twilight's Pattinson says "I actually like Jar-Jar. I don't understand what the big deal is" and he would love to do SW


While I admit he may be a good actor, his reputation and his look simply wouldn't fit into Star Wars. I would prefer unknown actors like in the original trilogy, mixed with experienced ones. So their won't be a 'hey its that guy from that' feeling when you see them.

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I've only seen him in the Harry Potter movie. I don't watch the Twilight stuff but I don't see a problem with him in the new movies. And Jar-Jar? I've never understood the hate. He's not an ideal character but he's not worth all the rage.
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Pattinson isn't actually a bad actor, his misfortune is the fact that he is only really known through his Twilight role.


Only other movie I've seen him in was Harry Potter, and I was never a fan of that or Twilight. He may be a good actor, but personally I believe he just doesn't fit into Star Wars. I entirely agree with Beniboybling.

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Pattinson is a decent actor. Check out Remember Me, the ending has a disturbingly odd twist, but overall, a decent flick and shows off some of his acting skills.


I agree with some of the posts here. Not sure if he would be a good fit in a Star Wars movie. After five Twilight flicks, he probably won't shake that vampire stigma for awhile.

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Its bad enough I have had to endure the Twilight Sage on my Anniversaries with My wife , and now I have to sit through another 2hrs plus of 2 people looking at eachother for the entire Movie on Nov19th (MyAnniversary) ....... OH GOD PLEASE DO NOT BRING HIM TO STARWARS ! It would seriously be on the level of Justin Beiber joining the cast of Ep7 !


Edited by mefit
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Pattinson isn't actually a bad actor, his misfortune is the fact that he is only really known through his Twilight role.


Ok, what makes you believe this? Agreed, Twilight has boring characters to begin with. But have you seen the other movies he was in?


Remember me : Awfull acting.


Harry Potter? Yeah he was ok... For what little of a role he had in it.


Cosmopolis : Best selling novel, amazing main character. No excuse here. Again, terrible acting.


The only time i didn't want to blow his head off was in Water for Elephants. Not a very hard role if you ask me. he was just playing pretty boy as usual.


The only Actor from twilight that i have hope for is Stewart. No ones remembers her performence is Runaways, and that she did a very good job there. Her little role in Into the wild was also very nice. Very lovable character. I see potential in her.


Pattison is all looks, little acting. Maybe he will get that one role to prove every body wrong, but has yet to happen.


Understand that Twilights criteria of success is the same as a boys band. Find some good looking boys, teach them how to sing decently and make them pose half naked. And you have a screaming crowd of girls. Do you honestly think that if Shia Labeouf was playing Edward instead that the movie would get the same impact on the targeted audience?


Pattison as it is now, is not a talented actor, he's the equivalent of a boys band group singer. Maybe some day he will be a Robbie Williams, but for now that's just what he is. A good looking guy on camera.


Plus he thinks Jar Jar is cool. Do we need to say more? :rolleyes:

Edited by sarazoul
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Ok, what makes you believe this? Agreed, Twilight has boring characters to begin with. But have you seen the other movies he was in?


Remember me : Awfull acting.


Harry Potter? Yeah he was ok... For what little of a role he had in it.


Cosmopolis : Best selling novel, amazing main character. No excuse here. Again, terrible acting.


The only time i didn't want to blow his head off was in Water for Elephants. Not a very hard role if you ask me. he was just playing pretty boy as usual.


The only Actor from twilight that i have hope for is Stewart. No ones remembers her performence is Runaways, and that she did a very good job there. Her little role in Into the wild was also very nice. Very lovable character. I see potential in her.


Pattison is all looks, little acting. Maybe he will get that one role to prove every body wrong, but has yet to happen.


Stwart's performance in Snowwhite and the Thor is better than Theron if we put away the scandal.

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