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REMOVE Resolve system and all the Stun abilities


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Like i said in another post remove Resolve system and let the bloodbath begin.


Kill till death or fight till death. The player that shooting, healing, defending better wins!!

Is exact what we don't have now. They invent the Resolve system and numerous Stun abilities to address the problem with the unbalance of Classes in pvp game play.

"This class is too powerfull - will have 1 Stun. This class is too weak - give him 4 Stuns".

The class balance start and stops to how many stuns with have each class.


The problem is not the way that Resolve/stun working, but that exist.


In old school/period of PvP Resolve and stun was not exist. Was a few slow movement abilities but that was all.

The PvP was pure fight or die. Was NOT who have the bigger/better stuns wins.


Some new players will not know what i mean. But is exact what pvp was in my time and was the best pvp ever - no matter what game you was playing.

Edited by Litros
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Lol, no ta. It would just make the game boring.


Well is your opinion and i respect it... But is not boring enough to see your char dieing without able to do nothing? The CC is actually fun? Well in my opinion not.

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While I agree OP, back in the day the pvp was awesome on other games...sadly that doesn't translate to THIS game. THIS GAME was built around stuns and apparently lots of CCs. And so removing them completely wouldn't work well in this game. As other classes and class abilities, talent trees, etc etc revolve around having multiple stuns and or CC breaks/avoidance.


Huttball without stuns (like someone said for example), would be horrible in this game. Especially with the leaps and what not. If they removed stuns entirely from this game, they would need to rework just about every classes abilities.


So for obvious reasons that will never happen.


However, they CAN and SHOULD fix the resolve system, as well as maybe reduce the amount of stuns some/all classes have.

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So wait. you are ok with those but not stuns?


I think the OP is against those as well.


Ok let me explain to you the logical fallacy you are committing. Just because I dissagree with someone who dissagrees with the OP doesn't mean I agree with the OP.


I was simply explaining to the dude I quoted that there are a whole lot more ways to stop a ball carrier than stun. In fact, please never stun the ball carrier unless he is walking over a fire pit thank you.

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What about making the CC's mean something? Double the cool down on all cc abilities and have our CC break reset on death. The timing would mean something and would cost you if you foolishly wasted it. Would seperate 1st rate from 2nd rate. This one thing would fix so much IMO
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To sum everyone thoughts negative or (if any) positive posts:


The resolve system is broken and too many stuns making the PvP game unplayable in some cases. Resolve/Stuns is not contribute to PvP game experience (have fun anyone after 3 stuns and death btw?) but more likely destroy it.


The problem is that Resolve/Stuns at the current state IS more like design accident.


The problem in my opinion is from start the very wrong design. They should never had bring/invent the Resolve and Stuns in the constant (by origin) PvP action.


Sometimes i am laughing when i read detailed threads about "how that ability works", "that hit is more powerful then other", "nerf that, nerf the other, nerf them all...", "raise overall damage on all classes", "lower damage on all classes" and many other such things.

All this things is a very small % of the actual PvP game. Somewhere in the road we lost the true meaning of what PvP is. Quick, bloody and brutal enough to make you feel that you actually making THE PvP and not PvP with PvE rules in PvP (designed) theaters:]

I was never strong fun with wz's, instances or whatever name it. The real fun in PvP is only Open World PvP (i am not talking about PvP servers - thats another story).

But the Open World PvP is the last problem that TOR have with the accident that THEY call PvP.


REMOVE Resolve and stuns totally and redesign (why not?) all the Classes for the PvP Environment.

Edited by Litros
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Ok let me explain to you the logical fallacy you are committing. Just because I dissagree with someone who dissagrees with the OP doesn't mean I agree with the OP.


I was simply explaining to the dude I quoted that there are a whole lot more ways to stop a ball carrier than stun. In fact, please never stun the ball carrier unless he is walking over a fire pit thank you.


But are we still on the premise of the topic? if not, I am not sure how I am supposed to figure out where you would be ok with removing the resolve system and stun but leave pulls and pushes with no resolve system.


Seems to heavily favor a few classes, TBH. Just like removing stun would be more detrimental to some classes than others.


There is something to be said that resolve is an issue with so many people and it does need a lot of work, but I do not think dumbing down the game is ever an answer.

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While we're at it, let's pull out classes and gear too, since those clearly make the game less fun for some people.


In fact, with the next patch let's just mod Star Wars skins onto CoD and call it a day.


The problem with the gear gap between advanced and newer players was always exist in any period of MMO's. But was never game breaker, simply because in time everyone have the chance to get a decent armor and enjoy a good game. I never had problem even if i had lower armor then other, simply because the actual PvP game was balanced enough, so able to ENJOY it.

The thing that a player cant change is the design mistakes like Resolve.

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But are we still on the premise of the topic? if not, I am not sure how I am supposed to figure out where you would be ok with removing the resolve system and stun but leave pulls and pushes with no resolve system.


Seems to heavily favor a few classes, TBH. Just like removing stun would be more detrimental to some classes than others.


There is something to be said that resolve is an issue with so many people and it does need a lot of work, but I do not think dumbing down the game is ever an answer.


I didn't address the OP because the topic is absurd. Removing stuns and resolve would throw the game even more completely out of whack. I mean seriously? A deception assassin for instance depends on stuns to be able to land Maul. Can you imagine playing an op without stuns? I agree that there are just way too many stuns in PVP. In fact its made PVP very unfun. Removing them completely, however, is an absurd idea.

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remove it would be really dumb but they need to change it back to how it was becouse this new resolve are so f***ing worthless its amazing.

They manage to add a problem to the game that wasnt a problem to start with......:confused:

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No! The dps concealment operative will be gimped even more, their opener is a stun, and they need their four second stun to survive.


That is a problem with all of this. Classes are designed to use these abilities. If resolve is to effective, those classes suffer. If less effective like it is now, those classes... well; they are still not great but they have utilities. Thats why I said in another thread that those classes need to be redesigned in order to gain more power overall.

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