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Hello guys,


i come here to tell i really love this game, i dont understand why people talk so badly about it, of course im far from reach lvl 50, lv17 now.

The game is awesome and im not a fan of StarWars, start to be one now, gamers become too much no-brain, fanboyish is taking control of them.


Well, i come to stay, want to see you all in the game.

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I tried to play WoW, because I was curious about it (SWTOR is my first MMO), and I didn't like it. First off the difference in art design was really striking to me. WoW seems overly saturated with color, and it almost hurt my eyes. Also, I am spoiled in SWTOR by all the voice acting. I don't have to read a quest to receive it, and believe me, I can be really lazy when it comes to that in another MMO like WoW or LOTRO. I do enough reading for school. I don't feel like hurting my eyes by having to read things constantly on the screen. XD
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i dont mind reading a quest. What matters to me is that the quest is well writen. For those who played wow, the quest too get the key to onyxia´s lair back in classic. That was a great quest, one of the best in classic wow and i was a bit sad that is was removed when at release of cata.

A boring quest will be a boring quest no matter if it´s voiced or not. I´d much rather run a well written quest i have to read myself, that a dime a dozen go kill 10 droids voiced over boring quest.

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i dont mind reading a quest. What matters to me is that the quest is well writen. For those who played wow, the quest too get the key to onyxia´s lair back in classic. That was a great quest, one of the best in classic wow and i was a bit sad that is was removed when at release of cata.

A boring quest will be a boring quest no matter if it´s voiced or not. I´d much rather run a well written quest i have to read myself, that a dime a dozen go kill 10 droids voiced over boring quest.


WoW had some EPIC quest lines back in the day for sure. The Molten Core faction quest was AMAZING. Then it got all, "ZOMG1111, I want ma epicks NOWZERS". Booooorrrring.


Love this game and everything about it. There I said it.

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i dont mind reading a quest. What matters to me is that the quest is well writen. For those who played wow, the quest too get the key to onyxia´s lair back in classic. That was a great quest, one of the best in classic wow and i was a bit sad that is was removed when at release of cata.

A boring quest will be a boring quest no matter if it´s voiced or not. I´d much rather run a well written quest i have to read myself, that a dime a dozen go kill 10 droids voiced over boring quest.


Yeah the Onyxia attunement quest chain was epic. Doing Jailbreak in BRD was lots of fun.

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To the OP: I'm glad you're enjoying the game and hope you keep being entertained for a long time.


Please be aware that while the leveling is top-notch and really immersive, the endgame is completely identical to wow (PVP grind, PVE grind) and best enjoyed with friends and guildies.

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Sorry to derail this thread, but while I agree that the Onyxia key quest chain was epic, I did not like its design all that much.


Start the chain

Go to BRD to complete that part

Go back to quest giver in Stormwind or wherever (it's been a LONG time)

He sends you back into BRD for another piece

you get that piece

Go back the quest giver, he sends you to another person who sends you BACK into BRD

etc etc etc


And this was before LFG and before they broke up BRD, so you had to look for a group that was willing to do the piece that you needed. Some players were accomodating - "if we do piece A for me, I will do piece B for you." Most were not, "Oh OK we'll do pieces A and B." Do piece A, "Oh I'm sorry I have to go now." and then the group spends another 30 minutes only to find someone only willing to do part A again :(.


I did that quest chain ONCE and swore NEVER AGAIN!!!!


Getting back on topic. There is an axiom in retail sales that applies to gaming and forums...


Give a customer a postive experience you've gained one customer. Give a customer a negative experience and you've lost ten customers.


The point is that a customer who has a negative experience is going to tell all his/her friends about that bad experience and those individuals will simply take their friend's word for it. On the other hand, that customer who had a good experience will rarely pass the word.


In gaming and forums terms. The person who is having fun playing a given game is not very likely to extole the virtues of that game. But the person who is not having fun, will find every avenue to express his/her discontent.


Furthermore, casual gamers are less likely to come to forum site for the simple fact that they are casual gamers. And hardcore gamers tend to nit pick every detail.


So for the most part, forum posts should always be taken with a grain of salt for the fact that most of the time the player making the post is one who wants everything to be perfectly in line with what he/she expects and if this is not the case, they are going to rail against that game even when what they are complaining about is so insignificant that only a fraction of a percentage of the playerbase will ever see it let alone care about its perceived imperfection.

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I am also a WoW veteran, and I still help my guild with raiding from time to time.


WoW has a lot of great qualities. I believe it truly is a wonderful game, especially in its deeper infrastructure of programming.

Its systems are simple, yet complex and emergent. It is beautiful.


SWTOR on the other hand has a lot of heavy-handed coding and effects, and the system is far too deeply entangled with the animation system. The problems this causes far outweigh the benefits.



TOR's weaknesses are where it attempts to be like other MMOs yet is not close enough.

Its strengths, however, is where it attempts to be unique and succeeds. And it really, really succeeds.

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I guess I never understood that idea of it being too cartoony.......I guess because I love animation. WoW's art style may be be far from realistic, but they're well designed, and while their vanilla models are horribly outdated (still waiting on that revamp they keep promising) their newer ones are wonderfully detailed and very well animated. The sitting animation in TOR has always bugged me. You plop down in an entirely impossible way.
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Great postings here. I wanted to say that I came to SWTOR from Rift, WoW and GW2. I am really enjoying this game so far. During my time at Rift, there was a lot of negative comments on 50 chat and in the guild about this game, but honestly, I'm glad I tried it. I stopped playing Rift because there were way too many changes happening in such a short period of time that it became more about respec'ing than just playing. When I received the keys to my ship, I ran a space mission and I was blown away. It was awesome and I can't wait until they reset so I can run them again the next day.


Only some minor changes to SWTOR would make me personally really happy, even though I know it's not for the best of the whole. Mounts available at level 15 or 20 and a smaller aggro'able radius of enemy npc's. Being low to mid leveling, I'm constantly fighting my way in and fighting my way out on every quest, and I know the reason, but that's my personal play style.



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Only some minor changes to SWTOR would make me personally really happy, even though I know it's not for the best of the whole. Mounts available at level 15 or 20 and a smaller aggro'able radius of enemy npc's.

if you have your legacy unlocked, you can have your alts use speeders at level 10.

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if you have your legacy unlocked, you can have your alts use speeders at level 10.


I've been searching the interweb's about information on the legacy system. I'm not sure if what I found is correct, but correct me if I'm wrong, the legacy part of the game starts after you complete chapter 1 of your class quest, correct?

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The biggest difference between WoW and SWTOR is polish of the mechanics. From PvP to Raiding, the difference is night and day.


For as much crap as I've given Blizzard over the years, the fact is that WoW was usually very well balanced (in comparison with other games) with precise and responsive game mechanics. SWTOR, in comparison, is pretty much a flustercluck of mechanics thrown together with no rhyme or reason. If a class gets an optimal damage rotation, it's likely more by accident than design. And PvP... pfft. forget about it.


I like the story mode and there's a lot to do, but SWTOR is never going to have guilds known across the player base for having world first kills or PvP teams playing for money in pro-gaming circles.

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