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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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As it says... HOODTOGGLEHOOODTOGGLEHOODTOGGLE. Maybe if you just fill the forums up with these threads somebody of some importance may actually think that we are serious. Absolutely the biggest joke of the game when it comes to the Jedi Knight class. Even a bigger joke how not one of the Devs ever respond to something that could be fixed. So thanks for the false hope before the game came out and all those lovely scenes with Jedi's with THEIR HOOD DOWN were in action. Or .. how bout the armor at the player creation screen? How in GODS name could you not have that armor set IN GAME.
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Dude, stop! I can't... I need to... Whine about the lack of hood toggle!


HoodtogglehoodtogglehoodtoggleHoodtogglehoodtogglehoodtoggleHoodtogglehoodtogglehoodtoggle <zombie-mode>


(And if you'd to fill the forums up with it you'd get in trouble or have your threads removed at the very least.)

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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Dude, stop! I can't... I need to... Whine about the lack of hood toggle!


HoodtogglehoodtogglehoodtoggleHoodtogglehoodtogglehoodtoggleHoodtogglehoodtogglehoodtoggle <zombie-mode>


(And if you'd to fill the forums up with it you'd get in trouble or have your threads removed at the very least.)


People whine about pvp class balance issues all the time, and that is something that can never be fixed anyways because of how a game like this works. But I constantly see fixes or changes in that department which never removes the issue as people will complain and whine that some other class is more powerfull, then either that class gets nerfed or others gets buffed and the circle goes on and on.


People have been asking for a hood toggle since release, they show screenshots, trailer etc with Jedi Knights with the hood down all the time. But this is actually a feature that can be fixed, as when it is done, no more whining or complaining....

Edited by Merwanor
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I'm just saying .. I've never seen so many threads and posts about wanting something in game like I have with this. How many threads are out there about it? How many replies are on those threads with people wanting this option? More then enough for BioWare to get their crap together and do something about it. We were told we would get it .... where the heck is it? They show Jedi in cut-scenes and pics and videos and blah blah blah all with hoods down. And it's the model of armor we are wearing. Hood up is not the classic look. Taking the hood down, pulling out our lightsaber and then going into battle is what a Jedi is best known for. Why do we not have the models of armor made in the character selections screen? That is one WICKED Jedi Knight. I would kill/sellmysoul/givemyfirstborn for that set.
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I blame that developer who wants all the classes to retain their unique 'look' and for Jedi it means hoods up all the time


With all the orange gear the unique look for each class idea is gone... I wish they allowed me now to wield focus instead of a second sword as a marauder for the sake of the looks.

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There can be unique looks as long as there are enough many options. People like different things so uniqueness comes as a byproduct of that.


However, if everybody takes the same armor because it is the best...


ps. Example of uniqueness: my rakata/BH sorcerer is sporting Centurion's force-master headgear, which cannot be acquired anymore after the pvp revamp. That makes me rather unique. :)


pps. regardless, I would love to have a hood toggle.

Edited by Karkais
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I blame that developer who wants all the classes to retain their unique 'look' and for Jedi it means hoods up all the time


Except that now all the Jedi are in trooper armor and it makes it even less possible to see what they are.

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Except that now all the Jedi are in trooper armor and it makes it even less possible to see what they are.


Only the Guardians are in trooper armour - the Sentinels are in Republic Containment Officer armour:p

Edited by AshlaBoga
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Headbands that hid the hood before no longer do it in 1.5. On one hand you can now rock helmets under hoods. Yay for the Sith.




My Jedi is once again hairless and hooded.




Sorry to hear this. I hope that they'll put some armor on the cash shop launch that will have some nice hood-down robes :/ Like on the picture i posted up

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Headbands that hid the hood before no longer do it in 1.5. On one hand you can now rock helmets under hoods. Yay for the Sith.


Well its something at least.. although now I'm afraid for me jedi knight whose hair I want to be visible. Im worried that there aren't any non-hooded robes on Jedi side the same way there didn't use to be any hooded robes on Sith side. Just give us the hood toggle already...

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